

中文摘要 本計畫經費源自行政院環保署補助527萬6,635元,自籌款補助215萬5,245元,合計新台幣743萬1,880元,自履約日(106年1月25日)起至106年11月30日之整體計畫執行進度達100%,所完成之各工作項目進度成果,摘述重點如下: 一、地下水監測井定期監測 (一)15口場置性地下水監測井豐、枯水期檢測結果皆低於地下水管制標準,僅氨氮、鐵及錳有超過監測標準之情形,與歷年檢測結果差異不大,台肥基隆廠下游井C00007(導電度異常)、六堵污水處理廠C00011(測出二氯乙烯&二氯乙烷)及興業金屬C00004(pH值偏低,平均pH4)等問題,除持續監測外,亦應釐清其問題為何處,如經費限制,必要時可向環保署提專案計畫補助。 (二)六堵河濱運動公園(C00032),今年度三氯乙烯第2季0.0593mg/L、第3季0.0703mg/L超過管制標準(0.05 mg/L)、六堵河濱運動公園101(C00033)第3季0.0639mg/L超過管制標準(0.05mg/L)。 (三)由氧化還原電位、溶氧、三氯乙烯濃度變化及地下水測出二氯乙烯、資料評估,三氯乙烯確實有降解情形,沒有氯乙烯測值則可能係因鄰近基隆河,受基隆河水位影響關係所致。 (四)依據環保署調查中國電子結果,原電鍍區土壤重金屬鉻及地下水三氯乙烯超過管制標準,環保署依地下水水位高程評估地下水流向關係及早期電鍍脫脂製程使用含氯脫脂劑,且其鄰近七間工廠製程位有使用含氯有機溶劑等,研判六堵河濱公園2口地下水監測井三氯乙烯污染可能係為中國電子地下水污染影響,後續公告中國電子為土壤及地下水污染控制場址後,建議應擴大範圍調查,將C00032、C00033納入調查及改善範圍,並提醒中國電子如有C00032及C00033地下水監測井採樣需求,應先提前告知,並由環保局派員會同,且請該公司未來提出改善計畫時應針對三氯乙烯濃度變化和雨量、地下水位高低、流向、季節等關係進行分析及評估,藉以整體掌握該該區地下水流向及三氯乙烯變化趨勢。 二、地下水監測井維護管理 (一)完成監測井巡查維護作業及油漆粉刷工作,內部功能檢查結果並無任何異常。 (二)完成北都汽車及台肥基隆廠(上游井) 監測井維護更新及碇內國中井體設施修復;碇內國中、興業金屬股份有限公司、經濟部工業區大武崙兼瑞芳工業區服務中心及福基織造(污水設施旁)之井況評估;完成深美國小、中興國小、北都汽車股份有限公司、六堵科技園區管理中心及七堵區六堵河濱運動公園之異物排除工作。 (三)建議後續井況評估優先排序名單:場置性為七堵區六堵河濱運動公園101、七堵區百福公園管理站、大武崙工業區、台肥基隆上游井、六堵污水處理廠;區域性為深美國小、五堵國小。 (四)建議後續異物排除優先排序名單:場置性為福基織造(警衛室旁)、台肥下游井、七堵區六堵河濱運動公園101、六堵污水處理廠、明德加油站;區域性為五堵國小、建德國小。 三、場址監督及管理 (一)轄內列管污染控制場址包括泉益加油站、元璋玻璃股份有限公司五廠(原大宇鋼鐵股份有限公司大武崙廠,以下簡稱大宇鋼鐵),依土壤及地下水污染整治法第七條第五項規定採取應變必要措施場址為台莊基隆加油站,已進行48次巡查,大宇鋼鐵及台莊基隆加油站業於106年8月18日依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定解除列管。 (二)泉益加油站經10月24日召開「基隆市土壤及地下水污染場址改善推動小組」第2次會議,會議結論為修正後經委員書面覆核,原則同意通過,改善期程原則同意展延至109年10月19日止,106年12月8日經委員書面審核同意通過審查,待業者提送「泉益加油站土壤及地下水污染控制場址計畫書-第2次變更第2次(定稿本)」,期滿後不得再申請展延。 (三)環保局於函文北寧路加油站公告土壤及地下水污染場址前之陳述意見,該公司陳述內容不影響污染事實明確,業於106年11月16日公告為土壤及地下水污染控制場址。 (四)由於各縣市並無統一判定場址依土污法第七條第五項列管或第12條公告為控制場址之標準,目前中央亦無訂定標準,建議應先以法規依據為前提,兼顧情理法之面向,如為土壤污染案,因土壤較不易擴散移動,可召開研商會視場址實際污染情況及改善方式決定是否給予採取緊急應變措施,為避免改善不佳之情況,可增建查核點,隨時掌握進度予以因應,惟地下水流動變異性大,建議可直接公告為控制場址,以避免擴散之虞,藉此展現環保局對於推動土水業務之積極,以提升污染管控時效。 (五)轄區收受S代碼污染土壤的場址為BOO最終處置場,未來計畫可納入針對收受S代碼污染土壤之場址進行查核勾稽,了解並掌握收受土壤的數量,以利後續之管理,另環保署土基會已規劃收受S代碼污染土壤之場址納入8、9條為第3梯公告事業,未來可依相關規定進行監督及管理。  四、高污染潛勢調查及管理 (一)大型儲槽:經完成5處大型儲槽現勘評估篩選後,針對協和發電廠執行土壤採樣12點次,檢測結果發現採樣點廠內2(重油日用槽1號)TPH濃度為8,320mg/kg,達管制標準8倍(管制標準為1,000mg/kg),故由環保局提變更計畫新增場內既設7口地下水採樣,以釐清是否有地下水污染,分析結果地下水污染物無超過管制標準之情形,惟因協和發電廠土壤TPH污染事實明確,重油日用槽主要提供發電機使用,因該廠提供北部民生用電,若依法進行列管改善可能會影響民生問題,且該廠108年後將改以天然氣取代燃油發電,建議與環保署溝通討論本案後續行政管理措施。 (二)基隆市BOO最終處置場:完成豐、枯水期地下水8口次檢測,分析數據結果,地下水管制重金屬等項目並無超過管制標準,另該定期檢測近3年之數據,其氨氮、鐵及錳皆有超過地下水監測標準之情況,且皆有微量重金屬砷、鋅,並無超過管制標準之情況,惟導電度呈現略高,氯鹽、硫酸鹽及硝酸鹽數值偶時偏低之情形,與本計畫檢測數據差異不大,另測出氯乙烯及二氯甲烷之問題,因該場定期監測未包含(半)揮發性有機物故,建議環保局未來經費許可,可持續進行監測,並將該場提供定期監測數據彙整,以利了解其變化差異。 (三)河川底泥:完成大武崙溪溪畔5點位土壤XRF篩測及2點位底泥序列萃取,RAC風評評估屬無至低風險,僅鉛屬中風險,底泥重金屬超過底泥品質指標上限有關大武崙溪區域 (近興業金屬公司及大武崙工業區)上游已無工廠,初步排除廢水污染所致,且進行序列萃取為無風險或低風險,該區段非民眾休憩場所,無直接接觸底泥可能性,減低健康風險之虞,惟是否為工廠廢氣排放落塵或沖刷等原因造成污染,尚有待釐清;另瑪陵坑溪10點位底泥分析,其重金屬濃度與上中下游並未呈現正向關係,且位於下游採樣點鄰近向陽工業,再往上游並無其他工廠,勘查後未發現其他可能之污染來源,河川底泥之重金屬鎘、汞及鋅超過底泥品質下限值標初步可排除工廠排放廢水污染所致。因環保局監測底泥主要目的為建立背景資料,建議相關檢測資料如有必要可提供給河川管理機關參考,應依底泥品質指標之分類管理及用途限制辦法由相關機關本諸權責辦理。 五、地下儲槽查核及管理 (一)完成16家現場書面查核作業,建議持續針對其他未查核之加油站進行不定時查核作業,以掌握所有地下儲槽業者運作情形,藉以輔導加強內部料管控及確實申報資料。 (二)完成11站次檢測測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測(原計畫為7站次,因,因計畫中廢井及場址驗證工作項目不需執行,新增4站次測漏管功能測試及油氣故基隆市環保局提送變更計畫予署審核同意),採集5點次土壤氣體進行GC/FID分析,結果皆未偵測BTEX、MTBE與正癸烷,僅偵測甲烷。 (三)參考環保署加油站土壤及地下水調查計畫土壤GC判識及後續採取策略及依據環保署105年度土壤氣體污染潛勢分級原則,祥豐街加油站分類為B2級,需每3個月追蹤1次;碇內加油站分類為B1級,需每2個月追蹤1次;連續達3次異常,則執行土水調查;中正三路加油站、八堵加油站、成功一路加油站及全國七堵加油站分類為C級暫無污染之虞。 六、影響食安之高風險環境區域辨識 (一)焚化廠周界土壤之PCDDs/Fs含量皆屬低值(遠低於管制標準),唯10個土壤樣品中有3土壤樣品(106-07-S-6、106-07-S-8、106-07-S-9)之PCDDs/Fs與焚化廠之飛灰略有相關,但因統計上數據數量並不足,有無關聯性尚難判定。 (二)焚化廠周界土壤樣品中重金屬與一般土質差異不大,且皆符合土污相關管制標準,就目前資料所知土壤中重金屬指紋圖譜與焚化廠之鍋爐灰及反應生成灰應無關。 (三)建議未來經費許可情況下,可持進行增加檢測數量,藉以釐清其關聯性。 七、法規宣導說明會 (一)完成加油站及地下儲槽法規宣導說明會1場次土壤及地下水污染整治法第8、9條法規宣導說明會1場次、相關業務人員教育訓練1場次、跨縣市交流1場次及校園巡迴宣導3場次,合計參與總人次達414人。 (二)透過法規宣導說明會問卷回收可得知,業者對於辦理宣導說明會給予肯定,未來除了持續對於法規面,可考量業者實際需求,建議增加預防及管理、實務技術及土壤評估調查及檢測資料應注意重點等,可提供業者強化管理端之參考;業務人員教育訓練及跨縣市交流對於業務管理面具有實際效益,建議後續可持續依環保局實際需求辦理;校園宣導活動以簡單易懂、活潑有趣的方式與學童進行互動,通常能獲得較好的宣導成效,建議持續辦理,建立學童對於土壤及地下水的認識及保護的概念。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、監測井


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 7431.88 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 宋盈璋
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 楊晉雄 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB

106 annual Keelung soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work program

英文摘要 The project is funded by a total of 5.27 million yuan (6,635 yuan) from the EPD of the Executive Yuan and a total of 2.15 million yuan (5,245 yuan) from the fund-raising subsidy, totaling NT $ 7,430,880, starting from the compliance date (January 25, 106) until November 2006 The overall progress of the implementation of the project on the 30th reached 100%, the progress of the work done by each project, the highlights are summarized as follows: First, the regular monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells (I) The abundance and groundwater monitoring results of 15 field groundwater monitoring wells are all below the groundwater control standards, and only ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese exceed the monitoring standards. There is no significant difference with the monitoring results over the years. C00007 (Conductive Anomalies), Six Wastewater Treatment Plant C00011 (Dichloroethene & Dichloroethane) and Societe Generale C00004 (Low pH, Average pH4) and other issues, in addition to continuous monitoring, should also clarify its Where the problem is, such as funding constraints, if necessary, submit a proposal to the EPD for grants. (II) Liudu Riverside Sports Park (C00032) This year Trichlorethylene was 0.0593mg / L in the second season and 0.0703mg / L in the third season was over the control standard (0.05 mg / L). Six Cliff Riverside Park 101 (C00033) The third quarter of 0.0639mg / L exceeds the regulatory standards (0.05mg / L). (C) from the redox potential, dissolved oxygen, the concentration of trichlorethylene and groundwater measured changes in dichloroethene, data assessment, trichlorethylene does have degradation, no measurement of vinyl chloride may be due to the proximity of Keelung, Keelung by River water level affect the relationship. (D) According to the findings of the China Electronics Corporation (EPD) on the results of the survey conducted by the EPD, chromium and groundwater Trichlorethylene in the original plating area exceeded the regulatory standards. The EPA assessed the relationship between groundwater flow according to the elevation of groundwater level and the use of chlorine-containing degreasing agents in the early electroplating degreasing process. The use of chlorine-containing organic solvents in the process of seven factories was found. It is estimated that the contamination of trichlorethylene in two groundwater monitoring wells in Liudu Riverside Park may be the impact of China's electronic groundwater pollution. Following the announcement of China Electronics's site for soil and groundwater pollution control , It is recommended that an expanded survey should be conducted to include C00032 and C00033 in the investigation and improvement and to remind CNEOC that if sampling needs of C00032 and C00033 groundwater monitoring wells are requested, they should be informed ahead of time and sent by the EPB for the future The improvement plan should be based on the analysis and assessment of changes in the concentration of trichlorethylene and rainfall, groundwater level, flow direction, season, etc., in order to grasp the trend of groundwater flow and trichlorethylene in the area as a whole. Second, groundwater monitoring wells to maintain management (A) to complete the monitoring well inspection and maintenance work and paint painting work, the internal function test results without any exception. (2) Completion of the maintenance of the monitoring wells of the Beidou Motor and Taiwan Fertilizer Base Keelung (upstream wells) and the rehabilitation of the medium wellbore facilities in the PRC; 中 Zhongwu Industrial Metal Co., Ltd., Dawulun and Ruifang Industrial Zone, Ministry of Economic Affairs Center and Fuji Weaving (next to sewage facilities); Completed the exclusion of foreign bodies from Shenzhen American Elementary School, ZTE Elementary School, Beidou Automobile Co., Ltd., Liuci Technology Park Management Center and Liuzuo Riverside Sports Park in Qixian District . (III) List of Priority Ranking for Follow-up Well Condition Assessment Suggested: Field Settlement Qiliu Riverside Sports Park 101, Baifu Park Management Station in Qilu District, Dawulun Industrial Zone, Upstream Well of Keelung in Taiwan Fertilizer Station, Six Wastewater Treatment plant; regional American deep small, five plug small. (D) Recommended list of priority foreign matter excluded follow-up: field set for the Fuji weaving (next to the guard room), wells downstream wells, 7 plug block Six plug Riverside Park 101, 6 sewage treatment plants, gas station in Mingde ; Five for a small regional culture, build a small German. Third, site supervision and management (I) The sites for pollution control under the jurisdiction include the Quanyi Gas Station, the Fifth Factory of Yuanzhang Glass Co., Ltd. (formerly the Dawulun Steel Plant of Daewoo Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as Daewoo Iron & Steel), and according to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Law Article 5 of the 7th Measures for Strain Remedies The site is Taichung Keelung gas station and 48 inspections have been conducted. On August 18, 106, the work of Daewoo Steel and Taichung Keelung gas station was carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law Discharge management. (2) The 2nd meeting of "Spring Promotion Station for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Sites Improvement in Keelung" was held on October 24 in Quanyi Gas Station. The conclusion of the meeting was reviewed and approved by the members in writing. The agreement was approved in principle to improve the principles of the schedule Agreed to be postponed till October 19, 2009 and December 8, 106. The written examination and approval by the members agreed to pass the examination and the unemployed submitted the "Plan for Controlling the Site for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control at Quanyi Gas Station - 2 times (final version) ", after the expiration of the application can not be extended. (C) Environmental Protection Bureau at North Beilun Road gas station notice of soil and groundwater pollution site before the statement of opinion, the company statement does not affect the pollution facts are clear, industry in November 16, 106 announcement of soil and groundwater pollution control field site. (4) Since there is no uniform standard for determining the site in each counties and cities according to Article 7 (5) of the Soil Pollution Law or the 12th announcement as the control site, at present, there is no standard set by the Central Government. Therefore, Basis for the premise, taking into account the principles of the law, such as soil pollution case, because the soil is more difficult to spread movement, can be held in the Chamber of Commerce view site actual pollution and improve the way to decide whether to give emergency measures to be taken to avoid the poor to improve the situation , Check points can be added to keep abreast of the progress to be met, but groundwater flow variability is large, the proposed direct announcement can be used as a control site to avoid the risk of proliferation, to demonstrate the Environmental Protection Agency for the promotion of soil and water business in order to enhance Pollution control aging. (E) the area subject to S code contaminated soil site for the BOO final disposal site, the future plan can be incorporated into the S code code for contaminated soil sites to check, learn and grasp the amount of soil received for the follow-up management, In addition, the EPD's Land Foundation has planned to accept S code code of contaminated soils to include sites 8 and 9 for the announcement of the 3rd ladder business. The future may be supervised and managed in accordance with the relevant provisions. The company is located in: Fourth, high pollution potential investigation and management (I) Large Storage Tanks: After the completion of five large-scale storage tanks, the existing soil samples were collected and evaluated for 12 times. The results showed that the concentration of TPH in the sampling site 2 (No.1 heavy oil daily tank) was 8,320mg / kg up to the standard of 8 times (control standard is 1,000mg / kg), so it is proposed by EPB to add new projects. 7 groundwater samples are collected to clarify whether there is any groundwater pollution or not. Results of analysis Groundwater pollutants No exceeding the regulatory standards. However, due to the fact that the TPH pollution of Xiehe Power Plant soil is clear, the daily use of heavy oil tanks mainly provides generators. As the plant provides electricity for people's livelihoods in the northern part of the country, improvements in management according to the law may affect people's livelihood and After 108 years, the plant will replace natural gas with fuel to generate electricity. It is suggested that the plant should communicate with the EPD to discuss follow-up administrative measures in this case. (B) The final disposal site of Keelung BOO: Completion of 8 tests of groundwater in abundance and dry season, analysis of data results, groundwater control heavy metals and other projects did not exceed the regulatory standards, and the regular test of nearly 3 years of data, the ammonia nitrogen, iron and Manganese has exceeded the groundwater monitoring standards, and there are traces of heavy metals arsenic, zinc, did not exceed the regulatory standards, but the conductivity showed a slightly higher chloride salt, sulfate and nitrate values ​​occasionally low, There is not much difference between the test data and the test data, and the problem of vinyl chloride and methylene chloride is also detected. Since the site regularly monitors the absence of (semi-) volatile organic compounds, it is recommended that the EPA should allow for future funding and monitor it continuously. The site provides regular monitoring data collection, to facilitate the understanding of changes in their differences. (III) River Sediment: The XRF sieve and the 2-point sediment extraction at the 5 o'clock position of the Great Wulixi Creek were completed. The evaluation of the RAC wind was of no low risk. Only the lead was at risk, and the sediment heavy metal exceeded the sediment QUALITY INDICATORS LIMITATIONS Upstream of Dawulunxi area (near Xingye Metals Company and Dawulun Industrial Zone), there is no factory to initially eliminate the waste water pollution and there is no risk or low risk for sequence extraction. The non-public recreational areas, No direct contact with the possibility of sediment to reduce the risk of health risks, but whether for the factory exhaust emissions caused by dust or erosion and other causes of pollution, remains to be clarified; another Ma Lingkeng 10 points sediment analysis, the heavy metal concentrations and the medium The downstream did not show a positive relationship, and located in the downstream sampling point near the sun industry, and then no other upstream plant, no other possible sources of pollution after the survey found that river sediment of heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and zinc over sediment quality Limit standard preliminary ruled out factory waste water pollution caused. Because the main purpose of monitoring sediment by the Environmental Protection Bureau is to establish background information, it is suggested that the relevant testing data be provided to the river management authority for reference if necessary. Such measures shall be handled by the relevant authorities in accordance with the classified management and usage restrictions of the sediment quality indicators. Fifth, underground storage tank inspection and management (A) To complete 16 on-site written inspection operations and to advise against continuing inspections of other non-verified gas stations to keep track of the operation of all underground storage tank operators so as to provide guidance on the strengthening of internal material control and the actual reporting of information. (B) to complete the 11 test leak test tube function test and oil and gas testing (originally planned for 7 stations, due to planning waste wells and site validation project does not require the implementation of the new 4 times the leak test Tube function test and the change of oil and gas from the Bureau of Environmental Protection of Keelung to the Department of Environmental Science and Technology for approval), 5-point soil gas was collected for GC / FID analysis. No BTEX, MTBE and n-decane were detected. Only methane . (C) Refer to the EPD Soil and Groundwater Investigation Program at Petrol Filling Station Soil GC Identification and Follow-up Tactics and According to the EPA's 105 Soil Gas Pollution Potential Grading Rules, Cheung Fung Street Gas Stations are classified as Grade B2 with 3 Monthly tracking 1; 碇 within the gas station classification B1 level, to be tracked once every 2 months; up to 3 consecutive anomalies, the implementation of soil and water investigations; Zhongzheng three gas stations, eight gas stations, all the way gas stations And seven national gas stations classified as C-level pollution-free danger. Sixth, the impact of food safety risk area identification (1) The PCDDs / Fs content in soils around the incineration plant is low (much lower than the regulatory standard), and the soil samples from 10 soil samples (106-07-S-6 and 106-07-S- 8,106-07-S-9) PCDDs / Fs are slightly related to the fly ash of the incineration plant. However, it is difficult to determine whether the number of PCDDs / Fs is statistically significant or not. (2) There is no significant difference between the heavy metals in the perimeter of the incineration plant and the general soil quality, and they are in line with the relevant pollution control standards. So far, the fingerprints of heavy metals in soils are irrelevant to the boiler ash and the reaction ash in the incineration plant. (C) Proposes to increase the number of tests to be ascertained with a view to clarifying the relevance of future tests if permitted. Seven, regulatory advocacy briefings (I) Completion of the Gas Station and Underground Storage Tanks Regulations and Advice Briefing Session 1 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Laws and Regulations 8 and 9 Regulatory Briefing Session 1 Education and Training Session for Relevant Professionals 1 Exchanges Across Counties and Cities And campus tour propaganda 3 games, a total of 414 people participated in the total. (B) It can be learned from the questionnaire recovery through the Regulatory Announcement that the industry practitioners will give affirmations for the declaration of the declaration. In the future, in addition to continuing to regulate the real estate market, we can consider the actual needs of the industry and recommend the addition of prevention and management, practical techniques and soil assessment surveys And test data should pay attention to the key points, which can provide the operator with reference to strengthen the management side; business education and training of staff and cross-county exchanges have practical benefits for the management of the business. Recommendations follow-up sustainable development according to the actual needs of the Environmental Protection Agency; Easy-to-understand, lively and fun way to interact with school children, they usually get good propaganda effectiveness. We suggest that they should be handled continuously to establish the concept of children's awareness and protection of soil and groundwater.
英文關鍵字 soil, groundwater, Monitoring wells