

中文摘要 1.完備大署土壤及地下水相關資料庫:透過土壤、地下水採樣檢測,掌握其品質狀況與長期變化趨勢,作為防治和管制土壤及地下水污染之依據,以備及時適當處置及降低風險。 2.發揮地下水監測系統之預警功能:藉由定期監測地下水品質狀況及研判可能污染來源之評估工作,以發揮預警功能並作為訂定管制措施、防止地下水污染之參考。 3.落實地下儲槽系統網路申報管制精神及相關指定公告事業申報管制制度:配合相關法令公告實施,加強網站資料及書面資料之審查外,並配合現場查核作業及法令、行政方針說明會,掌握現今地下儲槽業者及公告事業營運之最新動態,且宣導法規之要求面予業者,避免其因未黯法令而誤觸規定,另針對公告事業,加強把關土檢資料及現場稽查,以避免土地變更或轉移時發生污染情事。 4.列管場址之持續查核及管控:落實土污法管制措施,並加強場址巡查及現場作業督導及後續驗證工作,並藉由已成立場址改善推動小組,強化推動及監督污染場址之改善。 5.擴大民眾、業者之教育宣導,增進國民對土壤及地下水之認知:藉由辦理各項活動使民眾及業者增進土壤及地下水環境相關之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,促使國民重視環境,採取行動,避免污染發生,以達土壤及地下水永續利用。 6.維護人民健康及生活環境安全無虞:迅速處理民眾陳情案件,期使污染者無所遁形,有效阻絕污染擴大情形,並降低風險,保障民眾及環境安全。 7.配合大署績效考評制度,強化本局土壤及地下水污染業務管理績效。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、污染調查、查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1435 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/16 專案結束日期 2017/11/15 專案主持人 范康登
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳必祥 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年新北市土壤及地下水計畫期末定稿.pdf 28MB

Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project

英文摘要 This project continues work in “Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project” of New Taipei district. Work contents include regular groundwater monitoring wells monitoring, patrol and maintenance work, gas station online declaration and on-site inspection, update the health risk assessment of polluted site, investigate sites with chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater, make use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) monitoring site, soil and groundwater pollution site supervision, verification and inspection, management of soil and groundwater database, advocacy and administrative work. A total of 78 field monitoring wells were sampled for 97 times groundwater samples, with work achievement of 100 % in groundwater sampling work category in project contract. A total of 302 monitoring wells have carried out monitoring well internal functions and external appearance patrol and maintenance. The project maintained 10 groundwater monitoring wells external appearance, repaired 5 monitoring wells, maintained 19 monitoring wells internal functions, shifted 1 monitoring wells, and abolished 46 monitoring wells, etc.. On regular declared and modified monitoring document of gas station, 725 documents were examined, with work achievement of 100 % in gas station online declaration and on-site inspection. A total of 9 illustration meeting have carried out describing the regulations, underground storage tanks declaration, environmental advocacy, and underground storage tank liability insurance. A total of 53 polluted sites were patrolled for 499 times with set up the relevant inspection form, and also 57 various related planning documents were reviewed. Pollution improvement, 14 sites in New Taipei district have been completed. Among them, 10 sites have been verified.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, pollution investigation, verification