

中文摘要 本計畫【露天燃燒及餐飲業臭異味污染管制】主要工作內容括:針對易遭露天燃燒之地點及農忙收穫期間加強收割重點區域巡查作業、稻草捆紮及回收再利用作業、辦理媒體宣導、露天燃燒地點資料庫建檔、廟宇祭祀污染減量輔導、中元節紙錢減量協談會議及集中燒代收活動、臭異味官能測定、建立餐飲業及畜牧業臭異味污染源基本資料庫、餐飲業資料清查、彙整/研擬餐飲業空氣污染物可行防制措施並建立查核手冊、辦理餐飲業者污染減量輔導、油煙污染防制設備補助及減量成效評估等。【逸散污染源管制】主要工作內容括:列管裸露地複查及更新資料庫、蘭陽溪流域(出海口至牛鬥橋)及和平溪流域(宜蘭縣境內出海口至大濁水橋上游3公里處)河灘地調查、輔導裸露地設置相關防制措施、建立河川揚塵通報及預警資訊管道、辦理河川裸露地揚塵防制措施試驗、許可深度查核、砂石場巡查、疏濬工程巡查、港區巡查、礦區巡查、砂石車攔檢及跟拍、路邊攝影砂石車、道路認養推動、道路污染巡查、辦理逸散污染防制座談會。同時配合環保署考核事項等相關作業內容,以提昇逸散污染管制效率。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒及餐飲業臭異味;逸散污染源管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 9190 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/08 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 吳文雄
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林修毅 執行單位 日揚環境工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106期末定稿合併檔.pdf 28MB

year 2017 Yilan County open burning and restaurant odor and fugitive emission pollutant reduction and improvement control program

英文摘要 For “open burning”, in addition to the auditing of complaints, plan open burning hot zone, take initiative to schedule inspections, use inspections to deter repetitive offenders to carry out open burning activities. For “farmland straw burning”, through carrying out ban open burning advocacy activities and coordinating meetings with farmers association and management units, jointly advocate and study straw open burning prevention practices, coordination with strengthened inspection operation of key areas during harvesting season, to improve farmers' open burning of waste and straw practice, thus reducing air pollution and the public complaints ratios arising from open burning. For “temple worship”, during folk festival period (such as Ching Ming Festival, temple puja, and Zhongyuan Purdue, etc.), carry out centralized paper money burning activities and during normal days strengthen advocacy temple altars air pollution improvement ideas, promote environmentally friendly altar concept, and centralized paper money burning etc. reduction measures, to reduce air pollution generated from folk festival activities, safeguard the public health and environmental quality of life. For “restaurant and livestock odor control”, in addition to frequent auditing, register repeat offenders, supplemented by advocacy, counseling and administrative means to promote industry to implement pollution improvement, maintaining people's living environment and reduce complaints cases from general public. The expectation is to reduce temple of paper money reduction, improve ratio of proper straw disposal, reduce illegal open burning, improvement of restaurant and livestock odors, reduce pollution emission, and improve environmental quality and thus reach the goal of improved environment quality. For “fugitive emission source control”, in addition to conformity to "fugitive particulate pollutants from stationary sources of air pollution control facilities management procedure" in addition to carry out routine inspections for the areas including gravel storage sites, dredging, earth transport roads, earth piling field, port, mining etc. sources of pollution, also utilizes access gate license plate recognition systems, road side video recording evidence, and sentry etc. active actions to control material transport vehicles (such as gravel trucks, etc.) pollution activities. For “bare exposed land control”, utilize blanket inspection, for private bare exposed land utilizes official letter and onsite consultation methods to promote improvement, for large area of river bottomland, in addition to coordinating with river management unit to carry out planting in heavily dusted areas, and set up dust event response processing procedure, utilizes use change scenarios, regularly draw Lan Yang creek and Heping Xi creek river beaches, while the EPB has developed " Lanyang creek dust control measures and early warning work plan" to enhance the response abilities, and expect to reduce the impact of dusts.
英文關鍵字 Open burning and odor control, Control and improvement of fugitive emission source reduction