
106年 毒性化學物質運送即時追蹤系統管制推動、營運管理及監控整合提升計畫

中文摘要 本計畫目的在於利用即時追蹤系統,掌握毒性化學物質流向,達到降低毒災發生後所造成人員傷亡及環境危害。依據計畫工作項目可分為以下5點:協助法制作業研析、審驗作業之執行與其行政作業、系統功能之維運與強化、勾稽稽查作業及精進、配合工作項目。由列管至今,本計畫已列管超過1,900輛運送車輛以及300家運送業者。除延續上一年度工作外,本計畫每月根據勾稽樣態進行分析以及名單彙整,移交疑似異常名單協請環保局查核,並依據長時間累積的勾稽經驗及各類勾稽案件分析,進而修正勾稽規則以及強化系統功能之正確性及可靠度。此外為有效展現目前所掌握的資訊,本計畫團隊今年度新增運送安全提示以及運送車輛資訊連結功能。此外,於行政作業上,本計畫相關會議共舉辦2場次業者說明會、2場教育訓練、2場現場抽查以及3場無預警攔查檢作業,藉由說明會與現場稽查之第一線作業人員的回饋資訊,更能協助防災應變體系建立,提高我國緊急應變機制的運作效率,以提升毒災發生時之應變處理能力。
中文關鍵字 即時追蹤系統、審驗流程、勾稽監控功能


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-HC01-02-A002 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3734 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/11 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 何平世
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 楊麗貞 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 結案報告(公開版)_V3.pdf 13MB

The installation, monitoring and maintenance of GPS real-time tracking system on toxic chemical substances transportation vehicles.

英文摘要 The aim of this project is to monitor toxic chemical substances from source to destination with real-time tracking systems Global Positioning System (GPS) on those transport vehicles. The project scope was divided into 5 categories: system update, examinations, operation and daily management, abnormal activities monitoring and validation processes. At present, there are approximately 1,900 vehicles with 300 transportation companies were under the supervision of GPS system. This project continued monitoring processes and submitted cases of suspicious vehicles on a daily basis during this year. In order to show the information that EPA can be hold, our team increase the classification icon of toxic chemical substances and the connection of vehicle information when transport. On the other hand, our team also finished the administrative tasks, 2 operating Instruction meeting, 2 training session, 2 on-site inspections and 3 no-alarm interceptions. According to the feedback from the operating instruction meeting and on-site inspection, it provided the improvement methods for the toxic disaster prevention system and promoted the efficiency of rescue and emergency operation system of toxic disaster. Therefore, we can make great efforts on the capability of emergency operation on toxic disaster, and intensified the public security efficiently.
英文關鍵字 Real-time Tracking Systems, Examination Process, Validation and Monitoring