

中文摘要 我國對於底渣之管理,長期以來皆以拓展去化管道及推動再利用為主要策略,故環保署自91年即開始規範底渣再利用之相關作為,迄今已歷經多次修正,而本計畫主要則係配合今(106)年底渣再利用管理規定修正內容及管制需求,協助重新規劃「焚化再生粒料流向管理系統(Recycled-Aggregate Management System,簡稱RAMS)」,建置公開資訊、申請作業、審查核發、定期申報、聯單申報、帳號管理及系統維護等7類功能,供各管制對象可於明(107)年順利依法進行申報作業。 基於RAMS之定位為掌握焚化再生粒料流向,故今年度工作重點首重於開發完整之遞送聯單申報功能,使焚化再生粒料於清運前、清運中及完成清運後等各階段資訊,均可於遞送聯單中揭露,使環保署落實焚化再生粒料流向管理作業。此外,為確保明(107)年再生粒料申報作業可順利執行,本計畫除已協助環保署辦理宣導說明會與編撰講義手冊,使各對象可在最短時間內熟悉法令規定及系統功能外,亦已初步規劃7項申報資料勾稽查詢及統計報表功能,提供環保署作為後續計畫執行之參考。
中文關鍵字 再生粒料、底渣、流向管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-H102-02-A262 經費年度 106 計畫經費 980 千元
專案開始日期 2017/09/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 江伯全
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 尹心婕 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

2017 Project of Strengthening the Management of the Flow of Recycled-Aggregate

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been working on the management of bottom ash for years. Developing handling approaches and promoting reuses have been the key strategies to regulate bottom ash. The EPA has started the regulations on the handling of bottom ash since 2002, and numerous amendments have been proposed and executed over the years. This year, in response to the latest amendments on the regulations of bottom ash reuses, this project has re-established the Recycled-Aggregate Management System (RAMS), and 7 functions have been modified. Restricted sectors under the regulation can file reports via the 7 functions starting in 2018. The new functions are as follows: Public Information, Registration for Work Permits, Examinations and Issuance, Regular Reporting, Manifest Reporting, Account Management, and System Maintenance. Since the purpose of the RAMS is to track and position the flow of recycled-aggregate, this year’s project was mostly aimed at developing the function for filing manifests. This has allowed users to precisely track the flow of recycled-aggregates before, during, and after transporting and cleaning. In addition, the EPA can fully implement the regulations on the flow of recycled aggregate. Moreover, in order to introduce the newest reporting procedure to the private and public sectors, the project has helped EPA to hold seminars and make promotional materials. This has helped the sectors to get familiar with the latest law revisions and system functions in the shortest time possible. Additionally, a draft on developing 7 new functions, which focuses on auditing and exporting statistical reports, have been proposed to the EPA as a reference for next year’s project implementation.
英文關鍵字 Recycled-aggregate,bottom ash,flowing management