

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程係自106年11月4日至107年11月3日止共計12個月,各項工作項目與執行摘要如下: 1. 統計至107年11月3日針對空品惡化應變查處本計畫共進行297件次查核,應變巡查結果的對象皆符合規定。 2. 計畫至107年11月3日,共需完成350件網路定檢審查,本計畫已完成定期檢測報告審查共358件,分別包含離島工業區網路定檢審查195件以及非離島工業區163件。 3. 計畫期間完成524件排放量審查,統計雲林縣106年第4季應申報排放量家數為133家,106年排放量為粒狀物1,324.846公噸、硫氧化物6,271.3472公噸、氮氧化物13,926.58公噸及揮發性有機物4,177.674公噸。 4.已設置並完成連線之連續自動監測設施煙道共8廠37根排放管道,並進行查核其中僅台化海豐芳香烴二廠,排放管道PP06,每日零點、全幅偏移測試(氧氣)評比分別為D級(需加強),經現場確認,該項校正作業為每日上午由當日值班人員進行操作,部份人員不熟悉該項設施操作且未注意其測試結果是否符合規定導致。 5. 106年度累計總申報金額2億1,409萬2,060元整,SOx申報排放量為6,399.71年/公噸、NOx申報排放量為1萬4,089.82公噸/年及VOCs申報排放量為4,629.94公噸/年,累計總核算金額2億1,617萬8,759元整,累計應補繳金額208萬6,699元整。 6. 106年度累計應申報家數為1,938家,其中有1,761家次於申報期間內完成申繳,177家次公私場所未於期限內辦理空污費申繳作業,經電話106年第1季至106年第3季催申繳率皆達成100%;106年第4季催申繳率達99.79%。 7. 為提升每季空污費申報到繳率及申報資料正確性,執行每季通知業者申報及提供現場網路申報諮詢作業等二項便民措施,經通知申報後106年第3季至107年第1季皆達成申報率100%,另經現場諮詢後每季現場諮詢人數已減少,顯見經現場諮詢後業者已可自行申報。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、有害空氣污染物、排放標準


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-106-065 經費年度 106 計畫經費 11480 千元
專案開始日期 2017/11/04 專案結束日期 2018/11/03 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖俊傑 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度固定污染源管制與查核計畫(期未定稿本).pdf 8MB

Project of Year 2017 for Control and Inspection of Stationary source

英文摘要 The implementation period of this project was 12 months from November 4, 2017 to November 3, 2018. The work items and work summaries are as follows: 1. As of November 3, 2018, a total of 297 inspections were conducted for the investigation of air quality deterioration, and all the targets of the investigation were in compliance with the regulations. 2. As of November 3, 2018, a total of 350 network inspections had been completed. 358, including 195 network inspections in the offshore industrial zones and 163 in non-offshore industrial zones. 3. During the project period, 524 emission reviews were completed. The number of firms in Yunlin County that should have declared their emission volumes in the fourth quarter of 2017 was 133. The emission volumes in 2017 were 1,324.846 metric tons of granules, 6,271.3472 metric tons of sulfur oxides, 13,926.58 metric tons of nitrogen oxides and 4,177.674 metric tons of volatile organic compounds. 4. 8 plants and 37 smoke discharge pipes have set up automatic continuous monitoring facility flues and completed connection. In the inspections, only the Haifeng Second Aromatics Plant of Formosa Chemicals’s PP06 discharge pipe was found that the daily zero/span offset test (oxygen) rating was D. After investigation on site, the reason was that the calibration operation was performed by the on-duty personnel in the morning, and some personnel were not familiar with the operation of the facility and did not pay attention to whether the test results met the requirements. 5. In 2017, the total declared amount was NT$214,092,060. The declared SOx emission was 6,399.71 metric tons/year, the declared NOx emission was 14,089.82 metric tons/year, and the declared VOCs emission was 4,629.94 metric tons/year. The cumulative total audited amount was NT$216,178,759, and the total amount of compensation should be NT$2,086,699. 6. In 2017, the total number of declaring firms should have been 1,938, of which 1,761 completed the declaration and payment within the declaration period, and 177 public and private premises did not make the air pollution fee declaration and payment within the time limit. From the first to the third quarter of 2017, a 100% declaration and payment rate was achieved after reminders by phone, and in the fourth quarter of 2017 the rate was 99.79%. 7. In order to improve the declaration rate of the air pollution fee and the accuracy of the declaration materials, the two convenience measures of quarterly notice to the firms and the provision of on-site consultation on Internet declaration were implemented. After the notification, the declaration rate achieved 100% from the third quarter of 2017 to the first quarter of 2018. According to the on-site survey, the number of on-site consultations in each quarter has reduced, and it is obvious that the firms are able to make declarations by themselves after on-site consultation.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Hazardous air pollutants, emission standards