

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的係盤點我國化學品跨境管理之實務缺口,以及研析針對管理缺口可行之跨部會合作機制。本計畫報告第一章「緒論」說明計畫背景、計畫工作目標與內容。第二章「國際化學物質跨境風險管控制度」蒐集多邊、區域、雙邊化學物質跨境管理之制度。第三章「各國化學物質邊境管理制度研析」分別進行歐盟、美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、中國大陸以及馬來西亞之化學物質邊境管理制度,並進行比較分析。第四章「我國化學物質跨境管理之跨部會合作具體機制研析與規劃」釐清我國化學物質輸入分流規定與現況,進行跨部會跨境管理實務問題分析,並提出跨部會合作機制之分析建議。第五章則為本計畫成果之結論與建議。 本研究認為,化學品跨境管理措施應涵蓋化學物質登錄制度、許可制度以及國際通報制度。目前國內進口許可制度仍有部分輸入代號需要檢討修正,避免造成化學物質跨境管理漏洞;化學品登錄制度除比照國際通用作法外,尚宜考量國際貿易規範,以避免未來貿易之可能爭端;跨部會資訊平台建置有其急迫性,可供各部會實施後市場稽查之用;我國針對WTO-TBT協定的國際通報義務須建立常態性跨部會合作與回應機制,而我國因無法參與聯合國鹿特丹公約下的事先知情同意(PIC)通報機制,應轉而尋求與我友好國家建立雙邊通報合作機制,以進一步完善我國化學物質跨境管理制度。
中文關鍵字 跨境管理、化學品管理、跨部會機制


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-CP01-02-A012 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1910 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/29 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 溫麗琪
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 黃慧芬 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 化學局跨境期末報告fulltext.pdf 4MB

The Research of the Management of Chemical Substance Cross -Border in Taiwan

英文摘要 The project aims to analyse Taiwan's border management policy on chemical substances, and how the mechanism of cooperation among different governmental authorities can be improved. It starts from the introduction of the project in chapter 1. Chapter 2 analyses the border management mechinism of certain multilateral, regional and bilateral norms to know how chemicals is delivered at international level. Chapter 3 explores the border management mechanism in the EU, United States, Australia, New Zealand, China and Malyasia. Chapter 4 turns to analyse the border management mechanism in Taiwan and to see how chemicals can be properly managed among different authorities concerned. Chapter 5 concludes that the border management measures of chemicals should includes registration, arrpoval and international notification systems. In the case of Taiwan, the approval system of chemicals needs to be thoroughly reviewed by the authorities concerned to avoid the possible management loopholes; the registration system should be consistant to the international usage, considering the norms of international trade with a view to preventing from trade disputes; the information platforms in different authorities concerned should be integrated more deeply to trace the flow of chemicals on the after-market stage; on the issue of international notification, the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau(TCSB) of the EPA should establish a formal cross-agency mechanism to make notification and respond the comments under the WTO-TBT agreement; and on the issue of PIC procedure, due to the fact that Taiwan cannot participate in the UN system but has strong need to cooperate with other countries, TCSB should turn to streghten the bilateral cooperation mechanism with countries which occupy a major market share of imports and exports of chemical with Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 border management, chemicals management, interagency mechanism