

中文摘要 本年度各工作項目執行主要成果如下: 一、維持原系統正常運作 完成使用者的反應問題與需求工作項目、配合各節慶進行首頁網頁美工風格更新作業、系統功能完成「傳繳通知超商繳款」功能開發、「交通工具排放空氣污染物罰鍰標準配套」功能開發及「重大污染管制複查績效功能-環保機關績效考評表」統計模組開發。 二、持續推動與強化各系統介接工作 本年度已完成飲用水系統 新增自來水水源檢驗、簡易自來水水源檢驗 欄位、環訓所環保專業訓練管理資訊系統介接並研析與司法院裁判書管理系統介接欄位。 三、系統改版工作 本年度完成系統輸入介面改版、新增刑事案件輸入介面、查詢修改刑事案件輸入介面、檢警環資訊統計查詢輸出介面。另完成開發資料管理與輔助決策支援各式模組。 四、制定各作業程序逾期標準與因應機制 本年度已完成各階段作業逾期區間程序項目,並依訪談縣市建議定期由系統產製相關案件資料後,以電子郵件、擴充系統待處理作業區或以公文提醒及督導。 五、統輔導與推廣 本年度辦理完成1場次縣市意見交流座談暨業務檢討會及6場次教育訓練,另配合其他業務單位需求提供教育訓練課程說明,以提升作業效率及正確性。 上述各項工作的執行除了依合約要求來辦理之外,本計畫更秉持著好要更好的服務精神,盡量在各工作項目上滿足各方要求,讓使用者與管理者都能享受到系統所帶來的便利。
中文關鍵字 稽查、裁處、催繳、罰款、環保業務


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-Z101-02-101 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5270 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/07 專案結束日期 2018/04/06 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 范喻翔 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年EEMS期末成果報告-上傳.pdf 129MB 106年EEMS期末成果報告

2017 Management for Environmental Protection Cases and Establishment of a Decision Support System , and for Implementing Maintenance Promotion with Functional Upgrades to the Environmental Enforcement

英文摘要 The main achievements of the Project this year include: 1.Ensured the current system is operating smoothly Problems and needs reported by users were attended. The homepage design was updated according to different festivals. Several functions of the system were developed, including the function of creating the “statement form for payments made at convenience stores” and calculating the “penalty fares according to the emission standards of transportation-related air pollution”. In addition, a statistics module was developed, namely “the performance of reexamining major pollution control: the performance appraisal form of environmental protection bureaus”. 2.Continued to promote and enhance the interfaces of different systems Regarding the drinking water system, the fields of the tap water’s origin inspection and the simple tap water’s origin inspection were established. The interface of the Environmental Professional Training System provided by the Environmental Professionals Training Institute (EPTI) was established. An analysis was performed on the interface fields of Judicial Yuan’s judgment management system. 3.Updated the system The tasks completed this year include updating the input interface of the system. The criminal cases’ input interface was newly added, followed by updating the input interface for searching and editing the cases. Also, the output interface of searching tripartite data statistics was updated. The data statistics include that of the prosecutors and courts, police forces, and environmental protection bureaus. 4. Notifying users project deadlines and creating a response mechanism This year, an alert function that notifies users the submission deadlines of different working phases was established. As suggested by the interviewed users, the alert function was added to the system to estimate the time required for each working phase to complete, and to provide users the information they need by sending emails or official documents. The to-do list function of the system has also been expanded to enhance work efficiency. 5.Training workshops and promotions This year, one performance review was held and six training workshops were organized. For the performance review, users from different cities and counties joined together to share their experiences on utilizing the system. Additional training workshops requested by other organizations were held to improve the system’s overall performance, efficiency, and data accuracy. The abovementioned tasks are completed according to the signed contract. This project upholds the vision to provide better services to our users and has always strived to create a user-friendly and easy-to-use system that can satisfy all our users’ needs.
英文關鍵字 inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty, environmental businesses