

中文摘要 根據臺灣疾病管制署的統計資料,民國104年本土登革熱確診病例共有43,419例,主要集中於高雄市(19,723例)及臺南市(22,760例),總死亡人數達214人,較往年增加。雖民國105年登革熱確診病例已有下降,但本計畫希望藉由登革熱病媒蚊之監控、戶外孳生源之清除,並配合環境教育提升民眾的防治知識、態度及行為,期能持續提供民眾登革熱防治之正確導向。   延續105年之誘蚊產卵監控,本計畫完成嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣登革熱高風險區24里之每週定期戶外病媒蚊誘蚊產卵監控外,並配合本年度病例之發生,共增加10個監控里。本年度計畫中的里別,每里設置10個誘蚊產卵器,24里共設置240處;其中正覺里10處的監控佈點,皆有1個BG Trap同步監控。配合病例發生而進行監控之10個里則設置5~10處,共增80處。   完成嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣戶外病媒蚊誘蚊產卵監控調查及清除共496處,以防病媒蚊孳生;調查結果發現戶外之孳生源種類,以堆積雜物如廢輪胎、雨後未加強整理之戶外堆放物品以及隨手堆棄之飲料杯容器較多。   已對嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣登革熱過去常發生之區域,進行鄰里長、社區志工、一般民眾及學生之孳生源清除環境教育,包含孳清實作或示範,共完成辦理4場,參與人數合計408人,並發動社區民眾自我檢查登革熱病媒蚊孳生源,利用社區觀念的共識,一起清除孳生源,包含學童、上班族和志工;環境教育以有獎徵答加深民眾對孳清益處之印象。   並於臺南市、高雄市和屏東市辦理6個登革熱防治示範里營造,同時配合進行問卷之前、後測調查,以了解民眾於營造前後對登革熱防治之警覺性、態度及行為。6里共計回收3,600份有效問卷,結果民眾對登革熱防治之警覺性有提升,高雄市和屏東縣4里示範里民眾的行為改變,由一個月的孳清頻率增加到每個禮拜一次。藉由本計畫監控和示範里營造之執行,鼓勵民眾持續落實雨後孳生源清除和平日避免孳生源產生之工作,以防登革熱之發生。
中文關鍵字 登革熱、病媒蚊、誘蚊產卵指數、環境教育、孳生源清除


專案計畫編號 EPA-01-J106-02-A307 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3650 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/03 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 黃紹毅
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 郭權展 執行單位 國立中興大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-01-J106-02-A307 106年嘉南高屏地區戶外登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除監控計畫期末工作報告書.pdf 7MB 106年嘉南高屏地區戶外登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除監控計畫

Reduction campaign and surveillance program of outdoor dengue vector breeding sources in Chiayi county, Tainan city, Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county, 2017

英文摘要 According to statistics of Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C.(Taiwan), there were 43,419 confirmed cases of local dengue fever in 2015. The cases were mainly in Kaohsiung city (19,723cases) and Tainan city (22,760cases), and the death toll stood in 2014 which was more than the years before. Hence, the purpose of this project was to provide accurate and foresee guidance of dengue control through dengue vector surveillance, outdoor breeding sources reduction, environmental education, improving the public’s knowledge of prevention and control, attitude and behavior for the community. The implementation of outdoor weekly investigations on the index of dengue vector mosquitoes on a regular basis within 24 boroughs of high dengue fever risk areas among Chiayi county, Tainan city, Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county were completed. Because of the bursting cases this year, the surveillance areas were increased to 10 more boroughs. There were 10 ovitrap breeding traps in every borough, hence, totally 240 traps were set within 24 boroughs. Besides, the results of ovitrap were uploaded on pointed official website, and provided related suggestions on breeding sources reduction of dengue vector. The campaign of breeding sources reduction was held by local environmental protection agencies, this record was able to lower the risk of case occurring. 496 sites of outdoor breeding sources investigation and elimination were completed in Chiayi county, Tainan city, Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county, in order to prevent dengue vectors. The results showed that outdoor breeding sources containers were mainly disposable plastic food containers, accumulated big-size recycles like broken furniture and also tires. In Tainan city, Chiayi county, Kaohsiung city and Pingtung city, 4 environmental education campaigns of breeding sources reduction were held at the spot, before when dengue fever season occurred, to educate heads of boroughs and neighborhoods, community volunteers, students and the public. In sum, there were 408 participants attended campaigns. Meanwhile, promoting dengue vector self-checks and arising awareness of dengue sources reduction through the building connections inside of communities and utilizing the society common view to eliminate dengue vectors were expected to influence thousands people in Tainan city, Kaoshiung city and Pintung county. Such structural approach evaluation based on the boroughs unit is performed with survey analysis of two stages, which are before and after the structural. There were 3,600 completed questionnaires gathered from Tainan city, Kaoshuing city and Pintung city, 6 boroughs in total, the result of the survey showed a definite improvement in the knowledge, attitude and behavior of dengue fever control was obvious after environmental education in unit of boroughs (p <0.05). Therefore, the continuous effort of promoting and conducting breeding sources reduction among the public would be essential to prevent dengue fever in the future.
英文關鍵字 dengue fever, dengue vector mosquitoes, ovitrap index, environmental education, breeding sources reduction