

中文摘要 化學物質的製造與研發是帶動世界各國經濟發展與社會進步的關鍵因素。在化學物質大量製造的同時,因為化學物質之管理在法制及執行上的不完備,衍生許多重大社會事件,因此,建立完整的化學物質管理制度更顯重要。 為對應SAICM的全球化行動,本計畫已蒐集國際化學物質管理推動策略(SAICM)及管理架構相關資料及國內化學物質管理現況,並參照SAICM的全球行動計畫5大目標,整合國內各部會職掌中化學物質掌管法規與政策,透過召開專家諮詢會議、部會諮詢會議及跨部會研商會議等完成國家化學物質管理政策綱領,總計有23項推動策略,另盤點國內各部會之工作職掌及化學物質相關執行計畫,並對應SAICM各工作領域行動計畫,依據政策綱領內容研擬化學物質管理行動方案內容,總計有287項行動方案。 以各部會工作成果報告格式及彙整機制現況,據以研擬國家化學物質管理行動方案之成果報告格式及彙整機制,作為各級政府未來4年之具體工作指引,俾利有效強化化學物質安全管理,保護人體健康與環境不受化學物質使用所產生的風險威脅,實現與國際接軌,並且增進國際化學物質安全貿易的競爭力,推動永續發展。
中文關鍵字 化學物質,政策綱領,行動方案


專案計畫編號 TCSB–CP01-02-A011 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3490 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/06 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 駱尚廉
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 黃慧芬 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年國家化學物質管理政策研析(正式報告).pdf 12MB

Study and Analysis on National Policy of Chemicals Management

英文摘要 The manufacture and R&D of chemical substances are one of the key factors driving the economic development and social progress of many countries in the world. As multiple mass-casualty incidents are related to the mass production of chemical substances due to inadequate regulatory scheme and poor implementation of chemicals management measures, people are increasingly aware of the importance of establishing an integrated scheme for management of chemical substances. In line with the global efforts related to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), this project has collected overseas and domestic information regarding the current status of chemicals management, and compiled and analyzed the chemicals management policies and laws implemented by the competent authorities of the ROC government of relevance to achieving the five objectives of the SAICM. Through organizing expert meetings, ministerial consultation meetings and inter-ministerial meetings, and gathering comments and inputs from these events, this project also developed the Policy Framework for National Chemicals Management which includes 23 promotional strategies. An action plan involving 287 action items corresponding to the work areas and activities outlined in the SAICM Global Plan of Action has also been developed based on the guidance of the Policy Framework for National Chemicals Management, as well as the responsibilities and implementation status of chemical management plans by the relevant competent authorities. In addition, a progress reporting format and performance tracking mechanism for implementing the chemicals management actions was developed by this project based on the current work progress reporting and performance evaluation scheme of these agencies. The outcomes of this project are expected to serve as the guidance for the government on chemicals management for the next four years. They should also enable the strengthening of safe and sound management of chemicals in Taiwan which can protect the health of humans and the environment from the risks of using chemicals, as well as conforming to the international efforts related to chemicals management, increasing competitiveness in chemicals trading and promoting global sustainable development.
英文關鍵字 Chemical Material, Policy Framework, Action Plan