

中文摘要 本計畫朝實際落實各作業程序之方向進行,如支援環保局執行公害事件處理過程必需之現勘、損害賠償計算、蒐證等工作。另公害糾紛處理資訊系統已建置必要鑑定資訊供使用者參考,強化資訊系統中應常態化建置之內容,且訂定制度供環保局依循。完成項目如下說明,為強化公害糾紛處理資訊系統網站之安全性,並配合資安檢測及系統修正,本計畫已完成重新改編公害糾紛處理資訊系統網站民眾版及開發手機版,修正及擴充公害糾紛處理資訊系統網站之使用功能,並定期更新系統網站資訊;同時為加強各縣市承辦人員公害糾紛處理能力及提供實務案例建議,已完成地方環保局公害糾紛處理宣導說明會12場次、案例分析建議15件、損害賠償金額估算建議1件及現場訪視現勘會議2件、完成中英文版宣導摺頁印製、培訓教材、公害糾紛事件緊急紓處應變流程標準作業程序修正,公害糾紛處理案例參考手冊,並完成6場次公害糾紛處理系統操作及教育訓練及2場次全國公害糾紛處理工作檢討會;另本計畫亦已完成蒐集國內外司法案例51件,包含分析案件法律上之爭點、賠償金額斟酌之理由、法院採認之證據及法律見解等、公害糾紛案件發生始末之專案報告5件及綜整95年~107年紓處、調處及裁決案件資料,提供環保署供參。
中文關鍵字 公害、公害糾紛、公害鑑定


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-K104-02-A220 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3865 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/12 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 許嘉珍
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳坤寧 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「106-107 年公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務專案工作計畫」期末報告(公開版).pdf 49MB

The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology (2 Year Plan of 2017-2018)

英文摘要 The project towards the direction of various operational procedures to execute the security of public nuisance dispute handling process, included necessary inspection of areas, estimation of damage and collection of evidences. Therefore, the public nuisance dispute information management system had provided necessary appraised information for public user and regularly strengthen the public nuisance handling information or rules for the Enviromental Protection Burea (EPB) to follow. The project of operational methods was devising the public nuisance dispute information management system for public and function of cell phone, that updated the information regularly. The project had finished 12 publicity conferences for public nuisance dispute to the EPB in Taiwan, the results produce 15 case analysis suggestions, a damage of estimation, the publication of Chinese and English versions of brochures, training materials, public nuisance dispute incident emergency contingency response process standard operating procedure amendment, public nuisance dispute handling case reference manual. It also finished 6 pubic nuisance dispute handling system operations and education training and 2 nationwide seminar for public nuisance dispute handling during 2017 to 2018. Finally, the project had collected 51 case for public nuisance dispute widely, included dispute of law, reasons of compensation, the evidences recognized, 5 public nuisance dispute case occurrence reports. This project also provided the case of civil mediation, emergency management, mediation, arbitration for the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) referred during 2006 to 2018.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance , Public Nuisance Disputes, Public Nuisance Appraising