

中文摘要 固定污染源產生之PM2.5為空氣污染主要來源之一,而其排放量大、濃度高以及毒性高之特性,使得政府必須加以管控,避免其造成公害。為降低PM2.5對民眾健康、環境衛生以及經濟層面之影響,本研究目標為驗證PM2.5採樣與量測方法、掌握國內外PM2.5排放狀況、排放標準建立以及評估收費制度之可行性。 研究方法分為四個部分進行,分別為方法探討、現況調查、標準建立以及收費評估。研究結果顯示PM2.5分徑器方法會因微粒負載而低估採樣結果,CPM2.5方法會受到氮氣迫淨、採樣時間、樣品分析方法以及系統設計造成結果的誤差。而使用較高位數的天秤可以有效降低方法偵測極限,在迫淨時應更換CPM濾紙避免濃度低估。國內資料庫分析結果顯示,FPM2.5與CPM2.5的濃度與比例會受到產業、製程、控制設備以及排放管道溫度的影響而有極大的差異。使用AP-42推估之FPM2.5/TSP或CPM2.5/TSP的比例與實際量測值也有相當的差異。 自動連續監測儀的選擇需要考慮管道直徑、微粒特性以及排氣特性。而FPM2.5粒狀物控制設備以袋式集塵器最為有效,或者是可使用複合式之控制設備,CPM2.5的防制方是主要為降低排氣溫度與排氣中SOx濃度。在建立台灣排放管道PM2.5標準與收費制度前,建議先增加PM2.5採樣分析方法之可靠性與排放清單,釐清本土化污染特性及貢獻來源後再行建立標準與收費制度。
中文關鍵字 超細微粒 、固定污染源排放量 、可凝結性微粒、粒狀物連續監測設備


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA12-03-A296 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4850 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/12 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 黃盛修
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 江勝偉 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)排放管道檢測方法驗證、檢測及管制策略研訂計畫期末報告初稿完稿版.pdf 12MB 期末報告完稿版

Study of Measurement Method and Control Strategy of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources

英文摘要 PM2.5 emitted from stationary emission sources is the important source of air pollutions. It is characterized by high emission, concentration and toxicity, and the government should develop strategies to control the emission. For the purposes of decreasing the impacts of PM2.5 on healthy, environment, and economics, this study focus on the evaluation of sampling method, PM2.5 emission situation, establishing regulations and charging system. This project is composed of four parts (sampling method examination, situation inspection, regulation development and charging system evaluation). The results shows that the particle loading in the selective inlet will the underestimate the mass concentration. CPM2.5 will be affected by sampling time, nitrogen purgeing, analysis method and the the filter holder design. Using high resolution balance can lower the method detection limit. The FPM2.5 and CPM2.5 concentration will affected by the industries, processes, control devices and flue gas temperature. The ratio of FPM2.5/TSP or CPM2.5/TSP have a discrepancy between the model and our results. The duct diameter, particle characteristics and water content are main factors to consider when choosing the PM CEMS。The bag house is most effective control device for collecting FPM2.5 and the hybrid control device is also an option for FPM2.5 control. Decreasing temperature and SOx concentration in the flue gase are the ways to decrease the CPM2.5 concentration. There are some requirements before developing the PM2.5 standard and emission fee. The suggestions such as increasing the reliability of the sampling method, developing the localization emission inventory, and clarifying the characteristics of the sources are nessary for determining the emission inventory.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Statinary emission, condensable particular matter, PM CEMS