

中文摘要 本計畫以PM2.5檢測調查工作為主,範圍包括周界、公車站、機車道、固定污染源排放口、營建工程及裸露地逸散等。周界PM2.5化學分析特徵顯示,硫酸鹽平均占比25~27%,有機碳18~30%,硝酸鹽3~5%,元素碳4~7%,金屬元素4~7%。本市欲有效降低大氣中PM2.5污染,以此特徵建議有效的策略應是優先管制具有高硫酸鹽、高有機碳、高SO2和高VOC排放的污染源。 綜合今年與歷年固定污染源檢測結果,數據顯示燃油鍋爐排放高濃度過濾性微粒(FPM)及凝結性微粒(CPM),進一步分析FPM組成發現硫酸鹽占比最高,此與燃油鍋爐使用含硫分高的重油以及無裝設排煙脫硫設備有關。鑒於本市電弧爐排放管道FPM濃度僅次於燃油鍋爐,建議臺中市在繼燃煤及燃油鍋爐管制後,下階段可優先管制電弧爐。 燃氣鍋爐實測結果FPM低,但仍有高CPM。CPM排放減量是使用化石燃料(煤、油、氣)鍋爐共通的難題。建議主管機關在管制固定源PM2.5排放,不能只著重將燃油及燃煤鍋爐改燒天然氣,因燃燒天然氣會改善FPM,但無助於CPM減量,因此建議主管機關應從速規劃並研擬CPM管制。 對於硫穩定同位素技術應用在PM2.5的污染溯源研究上,此次檢測到台中電廠FPM ẟ34S值3.85‰、SO2 ẟ34S值0.43‰,稀釋腔採集總PM2.5(FPM+CPM) ẟ34S值為0.4‰,可說明台中電廠由管末釋放到大氣中的總PM2.5過濾性PM2.5的占比低,而以轉化自SO2的凝結性PM2.5為主。透過質量平衡原理推估臺中市大里PM2.5中硫酸鹽貢獻源,春季案例中7%硫酸鹽自台中電廠貢獻,93%為上風處傳輸貢獻;夏季案例中5%硫酸鹽自台中電廠貢獻,95%為上風處傳輸貢獻。 以繫留探空儀搭配光學粒子計數器實測方式,由結果推估營建工地排放係數為1.34 MT/ha/yr,裸露地PM2.5排放係數為0.97 MT/ha/yr,皆大於TEDS9.0排放係數,可進一步推知本市逸散源實際排放量高於TEDS9.0推估量;相對地,本市在營建工地與裸露地逸散揚塵管制上加強,對改善PM2.5效益可能比預期更大。 中部科學園區有害空氣污染物濃度檢測,無論是揮發性有機物、醛類或是酸性氣體,台中園區略高於后里園區,但污染濃度皆遠低於管制標準。顯示園區空氣污染管制工作並無懈怠。 調查顯示公車站PM2.5是大氣測站的1.3~4.0倍,機車道PM2.5是大氣測站約2~3倍。公車站及機車道PM2.5不僅受交通量影響,區域環境空氣品質也是重要影響因子之一。
中文關鍵字 PM2.5化學成分、管道過濾性微粒、管道凝結性微粒、有害空氣污染物、硫同位素、光學粒子計數器、繫留探空儀


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 15700 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/14 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 程萬里
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧毓婷 執行單位 台灣綠碁科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年臺中市細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)採樣分析計畫_期末定稿.pdf 12MB 期末報告定稿

Sampling Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) of Taichung City in 2017

英文摘要 This study provides a survey of PM2.5 in Taichung, based on sampling analysis. Sampling locations include environmental conditions, bus stations, motorways, in-stacks, construction sites and bare-land sites, which are responsible for fugitive emissions. Chemical analysis showed that PM2.5 is composed of 25% to 27% sulfate, 18% to 30% organic carbon, 3% to 5% nitrate, 4% to 7% elemental carbon, and 4% to 7% metal components. Active emission control of sulfates, organic carbon, and their precursors SO2 and VOC would be the most effective strategy for achieving PM2.5 air quality targets. Data indicate that oil-burning boilers emit high levels of FPM and CPM. Further analysis shows that sulfate is the most significant component of FPM. This finding corresponds with the use of sulfur-containing heavy oil and the lack of desulfurization equipment. FPM emissions from electric arc furnaces are second only to FPM emissions from oil-burning boilers in Taichung. Therefore, after regulating coal-burning boilers and oil-burning boilers, the next sensible target would be electric arc furnaces. Actual measurements of gas boiler emissions show that while FPM is low, CPM is high. Emission reduction of CPM is a challenge for all fossil-fuel-burning (coal, oil, and gas) boilers. To reduce emissions from boilers, switching from oil and coal to gas is insufficient because while burning gas improves FPM emissions, CPM emissions remain an issue. We suggest regulatory agencies to develop emission control strategies for CPM. As for stable isotope tracer technique used in traceability study of sulfur in PM2.5 pollution, the FPM ẟ34S-value from the Taichung Power Plant was 3.85‰, the SO2 ẟ34S-value was 0.43‰ and the diluted total PM2.5 (FPM+CPM) ẟ34S-value was 0.4‰, indicating that the proportion of total filterable particulate matters in PM2.5 was rather low and it was primarily dominated by condensable particulate matters of converted SO2. We estimated relative contributions of sulfate in PM2.5 in Dali, Taichung, based on mass balance principle. In the spring scenario, 7% of sulfate was attributed to Taichung Power Plant, while 93% of sulfate was assigned to transport from the upwind area. In the summer scenario, 5% of sulfate was caused by Taichung Power Plant, while 95% was due to transport from the upwind area. Using a tethersonde and an optical particle counter, we estimated the construction site emission factor to be 1.34 MT/ha/yr and the fugitive PM2.5 emission factor to be 0.97 MT/ha/yr, both of which were higher than the corresponding TEDS 9.0 emission coefficients. These findings suggest that the "actual" emissions would also be higher than values from TEDS 9.0. As a result, strengthening the control of construction sites and fugitive dust may yield more air quality improvements than what one might otherwise expect. Results of hazardous air pollutant monitoring in Central Taiwan Science Park showed while concentrations of VOCs, aldehydes, and acidic gases at the Taichung site were slightly higher than measured values at the Houli site, levels of all controlled pollutants were much lower than regulatory standards. This finding suggests that air pollution control efforts at the Central Taiwan Science Park are effective. The PM2.5 concentration at a bus station was 1.3 ~ 4.0 times higher than values at the general air quality station. The PM2.5 level at a motorway was about 2~3 times higher than measurements at the general air quality station. These findings indicate that PM2.5 is affected by traffic and that regional air quality is also an important determinant.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5 Chemical Composition,Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM),Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM),Hazardous Air Pollutants,Sulfur Isotope,Optical Particle Counter (OPC),Tethersonde