

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理;(2)重金屬檢測作業;(3) 原物料VOCs含量確認;(4) 排放管道指紋建置;(5) 輔導業者使用乾淨燃料;(6) 不明異味陳情案件調查;(7) 其他工作項目。 本計畫執行期程為106年7月28日起至107年7月27日止,各章節工作成果統計分析,各項工作結果說明如下: 一、特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理 計畫期間內規劃南部科學工業園區內4測站進行2次平行比對,並進行採樣流程及文件查核,比對流程及結果方面並無發現明顯缺失。 二、重金屬檢測作業 本年度計畫執行9根次24項重金屬稽查檢測,計畫期間內已完成檢測及分析,結果均符合排放標準,工作團隊另針對重金屬空污費係數進行比對,結果發現焚化爐及廢棄物焚化處理程序檢測係數與空污費係數相差甚大,建議未來針對差異因素進行調查及分析。 三、原物料VOCs含量確認 本年度計畫針對追補繳金額較高之廠家進行原物料抽測共15點次,其中13點次與業者申報內容不符,抽測不符率達87%,已由臺南市環境保護局發文要求業者追補繳空污費,追補繳金額為949,242元,建議未來辦理相關說明會針對不符原因加強宣導。 四、排放管道指紋建置 本年度計畫執行10根次南部科學工業園區管道VOCs指紋檢測,並將結果彙整鍵入資料庫,未來建議可再進行相同工業區或相同製程之管道指紋建置,並依此建立相關製程之排放係數。 五、輔導業者使用乾淨燃料 本項作業主要係依據「改造或汰換鍋爐補助辦法」執行現場法規宣導及申請文件審查,計畫期間內工作團隊協助環保局受理31家56座燃油鍋爐申請汰換改造,已完工18座,總改善金費為39‚469‚499元整,申請補助金額則為18‚437‚034元整,佔總改善費用達46.7%,建議未來配合鍋爐法規宣導及推動地方特性方案。 六、不明異味陳情案件調查 計畫期間內針對虎尾寮社區、太乙工業區及佳里工業區進行不明異味分析及巡查,虎尾寮社區經本計畫期程分析工廠製程異味陳情比例已大幅下降,餐飲異味及金紙燃燒異味陳情比例則增加,太乙工業區及佳里工業區方面,針對巡查時臭異味之工廠進場輔導,要求現場改善以減少異味逸散,共有3家陳情數較多的工廠完成改善。未來可配合FTIR等科學儀器協助釐清不明異味來源。 七、空品惡化應變相關措施 計畫期間內完成空品預警惡化簡訊通報作業、執行空品不良現場查核及空品不良公私場所回報資料整理、空品不良減排合理性及正確性審核及空氣品質惡化防制計畫書查核,查核結果不符率偏高,主因為防制計畫書未與製程共同異動,建議未來應要求製程異動時同步針對空氣污染防制計畫書內容進行修正,亦或將空氣污染防制計畫書納入空氣污染源操作許可證。 八、其他工作項目 (一)配合空品惡化期間工廠現場巡查及輔導。 (二)配合環保署及本市SIP計畫,製作各類管制報表及資料整合工作,並於規定時間內提交本計畫各類工作進度及成果報表。 (三)發布兩篇新聞稿。
中文關鍵字 重金屬、異味、商用鍋爐、特殊性工業區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 7764.5 千元
專案開始日期 2017/07/28 專案結束日期 2018/07/27 專案主持人 黃玉枚
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧姻彣 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年臺南市特殊性工業區暨特定污染源深度稽巡查計畫.pdf 17MB 106年臺南市特殊性工業區計畫期末定稿本


英文摘要 This plan includes work items as follows: (1) External audit on air quality monitoring facilities installed in the buffer zone of the special industrial area; (2) Examining chemical species of heavy metals for stationary source stack flu gas; (3) Checking Chemical composition of VOCs on industrial raw materials; (4)Establishing VOCs fingerprints database of stationary sources stack flu gas; (5)Promoting Clean fuels and reviewing subsidies applications for commercial oil boilers; (6)Unknown odor sources characterization and investigation for industrial area; (7) Other work items. This project, started from 28th July 2017 till 27th July 2018, is empowered by a contract which issued by Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government. Summaries of work items are as follows: 1. External audit on air quality monitoring facilities installed in the buffer zone of the special industrial area Four performance audits were executed on air quality monitoring facilities installed by Southern Taiwan Science Park. The audits include relatively accuracy measurement and review of both instruments and documents. Performance audits were perform every six month and a total of 8 audits were performed for this project. 2. Examining chemical species of heavy metals for stationary source stack flu gas 24 Chemical species of heavy metals for 9 stationary sources stack flu gas were measured. All testing results were compliant with emissions standards. The results were also compared to the emission factors of stationary source air pollution fee. 3. Checking chemical composition of VOCs on industrial raw materials For the factory that is expected to recover the higher payment amount, the original material sampling test has been completed. At present, 15 points have been completed, 13 of which are inconsistent with the applicant's declaration content. The Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau will issue a document requesting the operator to fill in the air pollution fee. It was calculated that the company should pay NT 421920 dollars much more than they already paid. 4. Establishing VOCs fingerprints database of stationary sources stack flu gas This year's project is expected to implement 10 times of pipeline VOCs fingerprint construction, and has completed 10 times. 5. Cleaning fuels promotion and subsidy for commercial oil boilers According to the “Commercial Oil-boiler Replacement Subsidy Regulation”, 31 agents (56 boilers) sent their application for subsidy. 18 boilers had modified. A total of NT 39‚469‚499 dollars was spent on the improvement, and a subsidy amount of 18‚437‚034 dollars was spent, an average of 46.7% for total cost. 6. Unknown odor sources characterization and investigation An investigation of unknown odor sources was conducted in HuWeiLiao community, TaiYi industrial area and ChaLi industrial area. The main complains of unknown odor source turned into cooking of restaurants and burning of joss paper compared to factories odor which used to be the main complain sources. For TaiYi industrial area and ChaLi industrial area, 3 factories had improved or install air pollution control devices, and the complaints decreased. 7. Air quality deterioration related actions Texts notices, patrols and contingency plan execution results collections during air quality deterioration were performed. Contingency plans of factories were reviewed and the inconsistent with permit were found. To improve this problem, a simultaneous change of the contingency plan should be done when permit change. 8. Other work items (1)Patrolling on factories during air quality deterioration period. (2)Submitting progress and performance reports periodically. (3)Releasing 2 news related to clean fuel promotion and air pollution fee audit for stationary sources.
英文關鍵字 heavy metals, odor, special industrial area