

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為106年05月05日至107年05月04日,以下就執行成果進行簡要說明: 本計畫主要執行臺南市環境大氣中有害空氣污染物環境監測(分析項目包含揮發性有機物、醛酮化合物、多環芳香烴化合物、酸鹼氣體、戴奧辛及重金屬等)及固定污染源PM2.5排放特徵監測,俾利掌握轄區內環境大氣有害空氣污染物濃度資訊,並依管道採樣結果建立其排放指紋資料庫與排放係數,運用檢測數據提出臺南市空氣品質改善具體管制對象、建議管制策略及預期改善效益等。 環境大氣有害空氣污染物的部分,四季別監測結果檢驗值均低於嗅覺閾值,其中發現中山國中第四季測得甲醛(Formaldehyde)檢驗值略高於嗅覺閾值。空氣中揮發性有機物,以第一季(106年08月)之甲醇(Methanol)測得濃度為最高,於新營國小及中山國中分別測得22.4 ppb及28.2 ppb,檢驗值遠低於嗅覺閾值(3300 ppb);空氣中醛酮化合物,以第二季(106年11月)甲醛(Formaldehyde)測得濃度為最高,於中山國中測得2.91×10-2 ppm,檢驗值略高於嗅覺閾值(2.70×10-2 ppm)逾限約7.8 %;空氣中多環芳香烴化合物,以第四季(107年02月)之萘(Naphthalene)測得濃度為最高,於中山國中測得3.2×10-4 mg/m3,檢驗值低於嗅覺閾值(5.2 mg/m3);空氣中酸鹼氣體,以第四季(107年05月)之氨氣(NH3)測得濃度最高,於新營國小測得7.7×10-2 ppm,檢驗值仍低於嗅覺閾值(1.5 ppm)。 空氣中戴奧辛四處測站(北寮國小、嘉南藥理大學、新市國小)檢驗值檢驗值均介於歷年全國一般空品測站監測數值範圍內(0.001~0.255 pg I-TEQ/m3),且均低於日本環境戴奧辛空氣品質標準(0.6 pg I-TEQ/m3),其中各監測地點皆以第三季(107年02月)測得濃度為最高,以第一季(106年08月)測得濃度為最低,顯示濃度可能隨季節而有所變化,夏季大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度均低於冬季,此趨勢與國內外文獻之研究結果相當,其中第三季(107年02月)又以新市區新市國小測得濃度0.083 pg I-TEQ/m3為最高,而空氣中PCBs於北寮國小各季別監測結果均為0.001 pg-WHO-TEQ/m3。各監測地點之PCDD/Fs均以PCDFs所占比例較高,文獻指出,若PCDD/Fs經由PAHs生成時,則PCDFs佔優勢,且均以2,3,4,7,8-五氯呋喃(2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF)、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-七氯呋喃(1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF)、八氯呋喃(OCDF)、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-七氯戴奧辛(1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD)及八氯戴奧辛(OCDD)為主要特徵物種,文獻指出主要產生2,3,4,7,8-五氯呋喃(2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF)污染源及製程為燒結廠、電弧爐及鋁二級冶煉等,各測站PCDDs與PCDFs比值(PCDDs/PCDFs)均小於1,顯示戴奧辛物種主要來自De Novo機制生成。 空氣中重金屬監測結果單一測值均遠低於國內、世界衛生組織(WHO)及歐盟所制定之標準或基準值,測得元素主要為鋁(Al)、鋇(Ba)、錳(Mn)、鈷(Co)等常見之地殼元素,PM2.5中重金屬的部分,無明顯季節變化之趨勢,其中以第一季(106年11月)嘉南藥理大學所測得的鐵(Fe)濃度180 ng/m3為最高,而PM10中重金屬,以第一季(106年11月)隆田國小所測得的鋁(Al)濃度980 ng/m3為最高。 排放管道PM2.5檢測的部分,PM2.5(FPM+CPM)於全晉實業(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序-燃煤鍋爐)、欣瀛科技(其他非金屬礦物製品製造程序-污泥燒結機)、鼎寶巽(鋁二級冶煉程序-坩堝爐)及台灣糖業(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序-燃渣鍋爐)等4家次濃度為最高。本計畫所執行3家次燃煤鍋爐(包含有全晉實業、冠華染織、孟益企業)當中,其PM2.5中FPM所占比例差距甚鉅,範圍介於31 %至93 %之間,其中全晉實業FPM所占比例93 %最高,推測亦為廠內設備操作異常所致;各廠址PM2.5中FPM仍以全晉實業(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序-燃煤鍋爐)、鼎寶巽(鋁二級冶煉程序-坩堝爐)及台灣糖業(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序-燃渣鍋爐)等3家次所占比例較高,範圍介於64 %至93 %,其次為威致鋼鐵及榮剛材料(電弧爐煉鋼製造程序-電弧爐)PM2.5中FPM所占比例分別為62 %及68 %;而PM2.5中CPM的部分,發現孟益企業(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序-燃煤鍋爐)所占比例69 %為最高,其次為森霸電力(渦輪發電程序-開放型氣渦輪機)、欣瀛科技(其他非金屬礦物製品製造程序-污泥燒結機)、宏遠興業及永康焚化廠(廢棄物焚化處理程序-機械式焚化爐)CPM所佔比例範圍介於44 %至69 %之間。由採樣結果顯示,FPM濃度差異甚大,推測原因為各採樣點製程操作條件與後端污染物控制設備不同致檢測結果產生差異,CPM濃度則會隨著污染源之控制設備、排氣溫度與其他條件之影響,使凝結性PM2.5濃度產生差異。 FPM化學成份分析的部分,水溶性離子濃度最高為全晉實業,該水溶性離子總濃度為22118 μg/Nm3,約佔FPM的37.7 %,其中又以鈉離子含量最高佔水溶性離子總濃度的76.8 %;金屬元素濃度最高為鼎寶巽,該金屬元素總濃度為9448 μg/Nm3,約佔FPM的32.9 %,其中又以鋁含量為最高佔金屬元素總濃度的42 %;碳成份濃度最高為全晉實業,該碳成分總濃度為4223 μg/Nm3,約佔FPM的7.2 %,其中以有機碳(OC)含量最高佔碳成分總濃度的69.2 %,而有機碳與元素炭比值(OC/EC)大於2.0,分別為全晉實業、宏遠興業、冠樺染織、鼎寶巽及威致鋼鐵,而有機碳與總炭之比值(OC/TC)大於0.67,分別為永康焚化廠、孟益企業及森霸電力(#1)等,文獻指出,OC/EC 比值大於2.0或OC/TC 比值大於0.67時,即可明顯認定有二次氣膠懸浮微粒形成。 目前背景數據調查分析,仍不足以有效判別轄區內空氣中PM2.5化學成份來源,有鑑於此,建議可先將有效資源運用於本市環境背景調查作業上,增加空氣中PM2.5化學成份環境監測位置密度及頻率,確實評估空氣中PM2.5化學成份其來源,再依其分析結果,妥善分配資源,調查地區可能之固定污染源,針對特定污染源加以輔導及管制,但仍可先其針對已知污染排放源加強管制,如燃油及燃煤鍋爐。短期而言,應持續於輔導或獎勵業者以燃氣鍋爐替代燃油或燃煤鍋爐,或建議中央先期訂定燃煤鍋爐FPM管道排放標準,日後再依污染改善情況加嚴標準進行管制。中期則應要求具高排放量之廠址進行整廠排放總量管制,要求廠址訂定整廠減量的分年目標數,逐年減少其排放量;而CPM排放是使用化石燃料(煤、油、氣)鍋爐共通的難題,建議未來在管制固定源PM2.5排放上,不應只著重於燃油及燃煤鍋爐改燒天然氣,因燃燒天然氣雖能立即降低FPM,對於CPM減量幫助不大,且對CPM管制應從速規劃研擬。
中文關鍵字 環境監測、有害空氣污染物、細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-106-AN-30323 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5195 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/05 專案結束日期 2018/05/04 專案主持人 王怡敦
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣沛 執行單位 南台灣環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告_定稿本(全).pdf 17MB 「106年度臺南市環境有害空氣污染物及固定污染源PM2.5排放特徵監測計畫」期末報告

Monitoring plan for environmentally harmful air pollutants and fixed pollution sources PM2.5 emission characteristics in Tainan City

英文摘要 The project is directed by the Tainan Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), from May 5, 2017 to May 4, 2018, to do environmental monitoring of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in the ambient atmosphere. The analytical items include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes and ketones, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs), acid-base gases, dioxin and heavy metals, and monitoring of PM2.5 emissions from stationary sources. The purpose of this project is to collect the concentration information of HAPs in Tainan City, and to establish PM2.5 emission fingerprint database and its emission coefficient according to the pipeline sampling results. This project uses the test data to propose specific control targets, recommended control strategies and expected improvement benefits for air quality improvement in Tainan City. The results of the four seasons monitoring of HAPs are shown as the following. The VOCs in the air, the highest concentration measured in the first season (March 2017) of methanol, measured separately in Xinying elementary school (XYES) and Zhongshan middle school (ZSMS), 22.4 ppb and 28.2 ppb, the test value is much lower than the olfactory threshold (3300 ppb). The aldehyde and ketone compounds in the air measured the highest concentration in the second season (November 2017) of formaldehyde (0.0291 ppm) in ZSMS. The test value was slightly higher than the olfactory threshold (2.70×10-2 ppm). The PAHs in the air measured the highest concentration (3.2×10-4 mg/m3) of Naphthalene in the fourth quarter (February 2018) at the ZSMS. The test value is lower than the olfactory threshold (5.2 mg/m3). The acid-base gas in the air measured the highest concentration of ammonia (0.077 ppm) in the fourth quarter (May 2018) in XYES. The test value is still lower than the olfactory threshold (1.5 ppm). The monitoring of ambient Dioxin showed the highest concentration occurred in the third quarter (February 2018), and the lowest in the first season (August 2017), and the displayed concentration may vary with the season. The concentration of PCDD/Fs in the atmosphere in summer is lower than that in winter, which is the same with the research results in literatures. The measured highest concentration of 0.083 pg I-TEQ/m3 occurred in the third quarter (February, 2018) at Xinshi elementary school. All the test values were all within the monitoring range of the national air quality monitoring station 0.001~0.255 pg I-TEQ/m3). The PCDD/Fs of each monitoring site accounted for a high proportion of PCDFs. The literature pointed out that if PCDD/Fs is generated by PAHs, PCDFs are dominant, and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorofuran (2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF) is the main characteristic species, which the sources were sintering plant, electric arc furnace and aluminum secondary smelting, etc., The ratio of PCDDs to PCDFs (PCDDs/PCDFs) of each station was less than 1, indicating that the Dioxin species mainly derived from the De Novo mechanism. The results of heavy metal monitoring in the air showed that the elements are mainly aluminum (Al), barium (Ba), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co) and other common crust elements. The concentration of heavy metal in PM2.5 showed no obvious seasonal change. Among them, the iron (Fe) concentration of 180 ng/m3 measured by Jianan University of Pharmacy in the first season (November 2017) was the highest. The highest concentration of heavy metal in PM10 was 980 ng/m3 aluminum (Al), measured at Longtian elementary school in the first season (November 2017). The results of other measurement of heavy metals of PM were far below the regulatory standards established by the domestic, world health organization (WHO) and the European Union. The monitoring of the PM2.5 (FPM + CPM) in the discharge pipe found the concentration of four pipes were more than 20,000 μg/Nm3, which the industrial manufactory processes were Quanjin Industrial (boiler steam generation program - coal-fired boiler), Xinyi Technology (other non-metallic mineral products manufacturing procedures - sludge sintering machine), Dingbaozhen (aluminum secondary smelting process - furnace) and Taiwan sugar industry (boiler steam generation program - slag boiler). Among them, three pipes (Quanjin Industrial, Dingbaozhen and Taiwan Sugar) measured exceeded the limit of particulate pollutants (TSP) in the discharge pipeline during the test period, which is presumed to be the main cause of higher concentration of PM2.5 (FPM+CPM). Among the three coal-fired boilers (including Quanjin Industry, Guanhua Dyeing and Mengyi Enterprises), the proportion of FPM in PM2.5 was varied, ranging from 31% to 93%. Among them, Quanjin Industrial FPM accounted for the highest proportion of 93%, which was assumedly due to abnormal operation of equipment in the plant. The relatively high proportion of FPM in PM2.5 of each site found at Quanjin Industry (boiler steam generation program - coal-fired boiler), Dingbaozhen (Aluminum secondary smelting process - furnace) and Taiwan's sugar industry (boiler steam generation program - slag boiler), ranging from 64% to 93%. The proportion of CPM in PM2.5 was also varied. It was found that Mengyi Enterprise (boiler steam generation program - coal-fired boiler) accounted for 69% of the highest, followed by Senba Power (turbine power generation program - open gas turbine), Xinyi Technology (Other non-metallic mineral products manufacturing procedures - sludge sintering machine), Hongyuan industrial Co. and Yongkang incineration plants (waste incineration process - mechanical incinerator), ranging from 44% to 69%. The differences in FPM concentration were due to the different operating conditions of each sampling point, and the condition of those of the back-end pollutant control equipment. The differences in CPM concentration were due to the concentration of condensed PM2.5 as a function of the pollutant control equipment, and exhaust temperature and moisture conditions. The results of chemical component analysis of FPM are showed as the following. The highest concentration of water-soluble ions was found at Quanjin Industry, the total concentration of water-soluble ions is 22,118 μg/Nm3, accounting for 37.7% of FPM, and the highest sodium ion content accounts for the total concentration of water-soluble ions. 76.8 %. The highest concentration of metal elements was found at Dingbaozhen, the total concentration of the metal elements is 9,448 μg/Nm3, accounting for about 32.9% of FPM, and the aluminum content is the highest at 42% of the total concentration of metal elements. The highest concentration of carbon was found at Quanjin Industry. The total concentration of carbon components is 4,223 μg/Nm3, accounting for 7.2% of FPM. The highest organic carbon (OC) content accounts for 69.2% of the total carbon concentration. The results showed the ratio of organic carbon to elemental carbon (OC/EC) greater than 2.0 was found at Quanjin Industrial, Hongyuan industrial Co., Guanhua Dyeing, Dingbaoyu and Weizhi Steel; and the ratio of organic carbon to total carbon (OC/TC) greater than 0.67, was found at Yongkang Incineration Plant, Mengyi Enterprise and Senba Power, which likely secondary aerosol aerosols can be formed. According the results of this research, several suggestions are proposed as the following. First, it is recommended that the effective resources be applied to the environmental background investigation of the city, increase the number and frequency of PM2.5 chemical composition monitoring station, and accurately determine the source of PM2.5 chemical components in the air. And then, based on the results of the analysis, the Tainan EPB can properly allocate resources, investigate possible fixed sources of pollution in the area, and provide guidance and control for specific sources of pollution. In the short term, it should continue to urge plant-owners to replace fuel oil or coal-fired boilers with gas-fired boilers, or to recommend that the central government set the emission standards for coal-fired boilers for FPM pipelines in advance, and then control them according to the tightening standards for pollution improvement. In the medium term, the site with high emission should be required to carry out the total discharge control of the whole plant. The site is required to set the annual target of the reduction of the whole plant, and reduce its emissions year by year. The CPM emission is a common problem in the use of fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas) boilers. It is recommended that in the future, the regulation of fixed source PM2.5 emissions should not only focus on fuel oil and coal-fired boilers to change natural gas, although burning natural gas can Immediately reduce FPM, which is not helpful for CPM reduction, and the CPM regulation should be planned as soon as possible.
英文關鍵字 Environmental monitoring,hazardous air pollutants,PM2.5