

中文摘要 大氣中粒狀污染物之來源分為原生性污染物及衍生性污染物,原生性粒狀污染物之來源則分為管道排放及逸散性排放兩部分,根據台灣地區空氣污染物排放資料庫資料(TEDS 9.0,基準年102年)顯示,各縣市排放量分布上,PM10及PM2.5主要分布區域為高雄市、臺中市、桃園市、臺南市及新北市等五都,其中又以高雄市占最多,其次為臺中市,全國原生性污染物排放量(PM10)為16.7萬公噸/年,其中屬逸散性污染源部份,車行揚塵佔20.1%、營建工程佔16.2%、工業製程逸散佔17.3%,合計佔約53.6%,逸散性粒狀污染源為我國粒狀污染物的管制重點對象。 本計畫主要協助環保署推動逸散性粒狀污染物管制、研擬相關管制策略,並督導地方環保機關落實並提升管制成效,本計畫執行目標包含: 一、檢討修正逸散性粒狀污染物管制之相關法令,納入源頭管制做法 二、掌握污染源防制及管制資訊,落實各項污染管制工作 三、協助提升地方執行逸散性粒狀污染物管制工作之成效,並提供必要之協助 本年度協助研擬「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」修正草案,本次修正考量污染防制區現況,納入三級防制區粒狀物優先減量規範,並補強污染源之協力義務及舉證責任;另配合縣市環保機關管制與執法需求修正部分污染防制設備規範。 在污染源查核方面,營建工地法規符合度查核完成104處,符合管理辦法規範者計64處,查合符合率61.54%。營建工程以外之粒狀物逸散源部分,查核104處其中符合逸散源管理辦法規範者計51處,查合符合率49.04%,均於後續請地方環保機關督導業者完成改善;裸露地空拍方面,共計拍攝59處次並通報各縣市環保局進行後續改善回傳作業,有效掌握各縣市裸露地污染之管控;道路髒污巡查本年度共計通報175件道路污染案件,各縣市皆已改善完成;另針對行駛車輛貨廂覆蓋情形進行調查,共調查1,220輛次,計777輛次符合覆網規範,符合率為63.7%。 本年度並透過公共工程空氣污染防制設施評鑑作業,提供公共工程興辦單位空氣污染防制管理及改善建議或意見,提升公共工程施工品質,並達到空氣品質改善之目標。另藉由污染源查核、裸露地空拍、道路巡查及行駛車輛貨廂覆蓋調查等工作,掌握染源防制及管制資訊,落實各項污染管制工作。
中文關鍵字 逸散性粒狀污染物、營建工程、排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA12-03-A122 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8375 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/13 專案結束日期 2018/03/31 專案主持人 黃超群
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 劉俐君 執行單位 新紀顧問工程有限公司


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期末報告 00.期末報告定稿版-All.pdf 21MB 期末報告定稿本

Survey and Regulatory Poligy For Fugitive Particulate Emissions

英文摘要 Particulate pollutants found in atmosphere, depending on their sources, are recognized as primary pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary particulate pollutants, depending on their sources, fall into two categories – exhaust emissions and fugitive. According to the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS 9.0 with 2013 as the benchmark year), the top 5 readings of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions by county/city are Kaohsiung City, Taichung City, Taoyuan City, Tainan City, and New Taipei City, where Kaohsiung City ranks first and Taichung City the second. Nationwide primary pollutant emission (PM10) by volume is 167,000 tons per year, 53.6% of which is fugitive pollutants comprising from vehicle-based road dust (20.1%), construction projects (16.2%), industrial production (17.3). Fugitive particulate pollutants are the primary concern for our country’s particulate pollutant control effort. This Project aims to assist the Environment Protection Administration with its initiatives of fugitive particulate pollutant control, policy formulation, and supervisions on local-level environment protection agencies’ performance and regulatory efficacy. The implementation objectives of this Project are described in below: 1. Review and amend the laws governing fugitive particulate pollutant control and introduce pollutant source control; 2. Fully utilize information of pollutant sources and their respective prevention and regulation and materialize all pollution control tasks; and 3. Help to enhance performance of fugitive particulate pollutant control tasks at local-level and provide necessary assistance. This Project has contributed in this fiscal year to the amendment of the Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities by revising the considerations of the status quo at pollution control areas, adopting prioritized particulate matter reduction rules in 3-tier control areas and raising standards for obligatory assistance and burden of proof pertaining to pollutant source control. In addition, this Project has partially revised rules for pollution prevention and control facilities according to county- and city-level environment protection authorities’ regulatory and enforcement needs. In terms of pollution source inspection, this Project has completed compliance inspections at 104 construction sites, of which 64 are determined as compliant, with a total compliance rate of 61.54%. Among the sources of fugitive particulate matters other than construction sites, 104 sites have been inspected, of which 51 are determined as compliant, with a total compliance rate of 49.04%. Follow-up requests of satisfactory improvement have been made to local environment protection authorities. 59 missions of aerial photography on bare land have been made, and the results have been relayed to the respective county- and city-level environment protection authorities for follow-up improvement reports, effectively keeping pollutions at bare land under watch. In terms of dirty and dusty road inspections, total 175 road pollution cases have been reported in this fiscal year; all of which have been rectified by the respective counties and cities. In addition, total 1,220 inspections on loading compartment covering of vehicles in operation have been made; of which 777 are determined satisfactory with a total compliance rate of 63.7%. Public construction air pollution prevention and control facilities evaluation conducted in this fiscal year has produced suggestions and comments of improvements for the public project owners, and public construction quality is increased, air quality improved. In addition, pollution control is materialized through pollution source inspection, aerial photography on bare land, road inspection, operating vehicle cargo compartment covering inspections and pollution source prevention and control information collection.
英文關鍵字 Fugitive Particulate, Construction, Emission Reduction