

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含協助新竹市環保局獲取優良之考評成績、分析新竹市空氣品質歷年變化趨勢、彙整排放源排放資料、提出控管各子計畫執行進度與品質建議,同時負責新竹市環保局的各項空氣污染管制計畫整合工作及成效呈現,並與各計畫的委辦單位建立橫向聯繫的管道,確保各計畫能定期提供管制成果,加強各計畫之交流、溝通、協調與討論,以有效推動各項空氣污染管制措施。執行期間透過積極主動協調的方式,提供環保局空氣污染管制工作相關的分析與建議。以下將就本計畫自簽約日起執行至106年12月31日止整體進度達100%,針對本年度完成之工作內容進行說明。 一、 協助推動環保署各項考核作業 (一)檢討105年考評結果 105年度考評結果針對移動污染源之掌握、餐飲陳情與露天燃燒案件、跨區域管制整合等為應加強事項,已完成各計畫改善策略之擬定。 (二)推動排放量管理計畫與空氣污染防制計畫 目前新竹市轄內列管公私場所共計有282家,園區外共計有209家,家數最多的行業別為加油(氣)站業計有34家,另洗衣業亦計有34家。園區內共計有73家,家數最多的行業別為積體電路製造業31家,其次為未分類其他電子零組件製造業14家。 完成『104~108年新竹市空氣污染防制書』修正編印作業,並定期彙整各計畫執行與完成狀況,且提供成果予環保局進行討論,並讓各計畫在執行上可以更加順暢,同時達到環保署考評與環保局之期望。 二、 空氣品質現況分析 彙整統計新竹市104年至106年空氣品質指標AQI顯示,指標值由67下降至52,AQI<50所佔比例由29%上升至57%,AQI<100則由87.7%上升至95.9%,顯示空氣品質逐年提升與改善。 (一)空氣品質指標AQI AQI平均值為52,AQI>100(不良)比例為4.1%,AQI<50所佔比例達57.0%,達成106年度目標值。共計通報45次空氣品質惡化通報,37次為預警細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)指標等級有可能偏高造成空品惡化進而發出通報,剩餘8次則為臭氧(O3)小時濃度值變化持續增高進而發出通報;透過各子計畫應變通報查處以現場巡查方式及協助通知跨局處單位提醒民眾加強自身防護措施,避免空氣品質持續劣化與當日AQI值持續升高。 (二)指標污染物 CO平均值濃度為0.37 ppm,NO2為13.73 ppb,O3為30.48 ppb,SO2為2.34 ppb,NMHC為0.14 ppm,PM10為36.3 μg/m3,PM2.5(原始值)為18.43 μg/m3為最低,PM2.5修正平均值為16.7 μg/m3,PM2.5手動平均值為17.4 μg/m3。 (三)竹苗空品區空氣品質 本市以二氧化硫(SO2)、臭氧(O3)及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)表現最佳,一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化氮(NO2)因受到車輛活動影響,則為三縣市表現較差的項目。 (四)人工測站 TSP平均濃度為39.33 μg/m3,落塵量年平均值為2.13噸/平方公里/月,氯鹽平均濃度為3.01 μg/m3,硝酸鹽平均濃度為4.60 μg/m3,硫酸鹽平均濃度值約為6.22 μg/m3,鉛平均濃度約為0.02 μg/m3。 三、 空污計畫管理建議作業 (一)子計畫管理建議辦法 各子計畫下半年度資料按時繳交、亮點工作進度及新聞刊登數量已明顯改善;惟PM2.5計畫須請委辦公司加強計畫進度控管及資料分析作業。 (二)已辦理12場次月工作檢討會及2場次成效檢討會。 (三)完成4場次專家/學者現場查核作業。 (四)辦理完成2場次環境污染防制基金委員會議。 四、空氣品質改善工作成效評估 各項空氣污染管制工作依序為固定污染源管制、移動污染源管制、逸散源污染管制、清淨空氣計畫行動方案、環境綠美化及空品淨化區推動、空氣品質綜合管理及民眾相關作業等七大項目,共計61項細項管制措施,各項管制量化統計成果詳述參閱章節5.2~4。 六、空氣品質淨化區推動作業 (一)維護管理評量與認養推動 完成第3次現場查核作業,另完成湳雅環保公園及漁港環保公園兩處媒合企業認養作業,分別由大潤發流通事業股份有限公司湳雅店及中欣行股份有限公司為106年度認養單位。 (二)空品淨化區設置推動 千甲段空氣品質淨化區於8月整體綠化工程將開始施工,施工期間協助辦理多次工地查核作業,確保工程品質、進度及環保相關防制措施均依規範辦理;另於11月3日協助完成環保署工程查核作業,獲得委員肯定榮獲甲等佳績。 (三)空品淨化區宣導與清淨活動 已完成辦理5場次空品淨化區宣導與1場次清淨活動。 (四)碳匯調查作業 完成南寮環保公園碳匯調查作業,經公式計算整體含碳量約為98.779公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量362.192公噸;完成漁港環保公園碳匯調查作業,經公式計算整體含碳量約為71.035公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量260.465公噸。 七、其他空氣品質管理相關事項 (一)道路分級普查作業 經國路3段、東門街、千甲路、公道五路1段、天府路1段、天府路2段等道路等級達A級;平均車流量為51 PCU,以中華路車流量為最高(89 PCU,等級為B),各路段均以小客車(41%~62%)為主;環保局自辦掃街作業合計執行35,316公里掃街作業。 (二)竹竹苗會議辦理 完成辦理第3次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫會議。 (三)網頁更新 每月定期完成環保局網頁更新工作,網頁中展示各計畫執行成果及本市環境品質相關資訊,提供民眾瀏覽達到資訊透明化之目的。 (四)自行車道GIS地圖化 陸續完成新竹市十七公里海岸自行車道、新竹市頭前溪自行車道及環島1號線-新竹縣市段相關GPS系統設備定位周邊設施調查成果。 (五)新竹好空氣運動 邀集新竹市醫師公會、荒野保護協會、中央研究院等團體共同合作,一起啟動「新竹好空氣運動」,展現守護空氣品質的決心。市長林智堅表示,推展健康清淨空氣,是落實兒童城市的重要推手,期盼市民一同改善空氣品質,加入打造新竹好空氣的行列,提供下一代更美好的健康環境。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質綜合管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3185 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/06 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 劉暐廷
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 吳金蓉 執行單位 駿興工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫(期末定稿).pdf 20MB

106 Hsinchu City air quality management project

英文摘要 The main work of the project includes assisting HEPPE Environmental Protection Agency to obtain excellent assessment results, analyzing the change trend of air quality in Hsinchu City over the years, collecting emission information of emission sources, putting forward implementation progress and quality control of each sub-project, and in charge of Hsinchu The integration and effectiveness of the various air pollution control programs of the Environmental Protection Bureau and the establishment of horizontal links with the commissioned units of the projects ensure that the programs will provide regular regulatory results and enhance the exchange and communication of all programs. Coordination and discussion to effectively promote various air pollution control measures. During the implementation period, through pro-active coordination, it provided analysis and suggestions related to the air pollution control work of the Environmental Protection Bureau. The overall progress of the project from the date of signing up to December 31, 2006 up to 100% will be described below for the work completed in the current year. First, to help promote the EPA's assessment operations (A) review of 105-year assessment results For the purpose of enhancing matters, we have completed the formulation of strategies for improvement of various programs in the light of the mastery of mobile pollution sources, catering and outdoor open burning cases, and cross-regional regulatory integration. (B) to promote emission management plans and air pollution control programs At present, there are 282 public and private places in Hsinchu under the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, with a total of 209 outside the park. The largest number of industries are 34 for refueling (gas) stations and 34 for laundry. The park has a total of 73, the largest number of industries for the integrated circuit manufacturing industry 31, followed by unclassified 14 other electronic components manufacturing industry. Completed the revised edition of the "Prevention of Air Pollution in Hsinchu City 104 ~ 108 Year Plan" and regularly collected the implementation and completion status of each project and provided results to the Environmental Protection Bureau for discussion and made the implementation more smoothly , At the same time meet the EPA's assessment and EPA's expectations. Second, air quality status analysis Aggregate Statistics AQI of air quality indicators from 104 to 106 in Hsinchu City showed that the index value decreased from 67 to 52, the proportion of AQI <50 increased from 29% to 57%, and the AQI <100 increased from 87.7% to 95.9% Air quality is improving and improving year by year. (A) Air Quality Index AQI AQI average of 52, AQI> 100 (poor) ratio of 4.1%, AQI <50 accounted for 57.0%, reaching the 106 annual target value. A total of 45 notifications of deterioration of air quality and 37 alarms of PM2.5 levels were likely to be overstated resulting in a deterioration of the air products and a notification was sent to them. Ozone (O3) concentrations remained unchanged for 8 of the remaining ozone concentrations And then issued a circular; through the sub-project notification of investigation and rectification of on-site inspections and to help inform inter-bureau units to remind people to strengthen their own protective measures to prevent the continuous deterioration of air quality and the AQI value continued to rise. (B) indicators of pollutants The average concentration of CO was 0.37 ppm, NO2 was 13.73 ppb, O3 was 30.48 ppb, SO2 was 2.34 ppb, NMHC was 0.14 ppm, PM10 was 36.3 μg / m3, PM2.5 (original value) was 18.43 μg / m3, The average corrected PM2.5 was 16.7 μg / m3 and the average manual PM2.5 was 17.4 μg / m3. (C) bamboo seedlings empty area air quality The city performed best with sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3) and fine suspended particulates (PM2.5). The performance of the three counties was poor due to vehicle activity due to carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) project. (D) artificial station The average concentration of TSP was 39.33 μg / m3, the annual average dust concentration was 2.13 t / km 2 / month, the average concentration of chloride was 3.01 μg / m 3, the average nitrate concentration was 4.60 μg / m 3, and the average sulfate concentration was about 6.22 μg / m3. The average lead concentration is about 0.02 μg / m3. Third, air pollution management plan recommended homework (A) sub-project management recommendations The sub-projects for the second half of the year were submitted on time. The progress of the highlights and the number of news releases have been significantly improved. However, the PM2.5 project should be commissioned to strengthen the progress control and data analysis of the project. (B) has conducted 12 review meetings on the work to be conducted in the next month and two review meetings on effectiveness. (C) completed four field experts / scholars on-site inspection. (D) to complete the 2 sessions of the Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund Board meeting. Fourth, air quality improvement work effectiveness evaluation The work on air pollution control followed a series of activities such as fixed pollution control, mobile pollution control, emission control, clean air project action plan, greening of the environment and promotion of empty product purification areas, integrated air quality management and public-related operations A total of 61 detailed control measures, detailed quantitative results of the control see section 5.2 ~ 4. Six, air quality purification area to promote homework (A) maintenance management evaluation and adoption to promote Completed the 3rd on-site inspection operation, and completed the adoption work of two media companies, namely Ya Ya Environmental Park and Yuen Long Environmental Park respectively, which were held by RT-Mart and Yaoxin Bank Co., Ltd. for the 106th year. (B) empty product purification zone set to promote The 1,000-A air-quality clean-up area will start construction as a whole in August. During the construction period, it will assist in the checking of several construction sites and ensure that the project quality, schedule and relevant environmental protection measures are handled in accordance with the regulations. The other will be assisted on November 3 Upon completion of the EPD's project audit work, members of the Commission have certainly won the first prize. (C) empty product purification area advocacy and cleaning activities Has completed handling 5 games empty area purifying area advocacy and a net clean activities. (D) carbon sink survey operations Completed Nanliao Eco Park carbon sequestration survey operation, the formula to calculate the overall carbon content of about 98.779 tonnes, carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption of 362.192 tonnes; to complete the fishing port of environmental park carbon sink survey operations, the overall calculation of the carbon content of about 71.035 Metric tons, and 260.465 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Seven other air quality management related matters (A) road classification census operations The road grade of Grade A in the 3rd section of the National Road, Dongmen Street, Qianjia Road, Gongdao Rd 5, Tianfu Rd 1, Tianfu Rd 2, etc .; the average traffic volume is 51 PCU, and the traffic volume of Zhonghua Rd is the highest 89 PCU, grade B). The minibuses (41% -62%) are mainly used in all sections of the road. The Environmental Protection Bureau runs a total of 35,316 kilometers of street sweeping operations. (B) bamboo bamboo seedlings for the meeting Complete the 3rd bamboo bamboo Miao empty air quality project planning meeting. (C) webpage update The EPA website is updated on a monthly basis. The website displays the results of the implementation of the project and information on the environmental quality of the city so as to provide public access for the purpose of information transparency. (D) Bicycle Lane GIS map Successfully completed the survey results of the surrounding facilities of the GPS system related to the 17 km of bicycle lanes in Hsinchu City, the bicycle lane of Tia Qian Xi in Hsinchu City and the line 1 of Huanchu County. (E) Hoku good air movement Invited Hsinchu City Association of Physicians, Wilderness Protection Association, Academia Sinica and other groups to work together to start the "Hokkai good air movement" to demonstrate the determination to protect the air quality. Mayor Lam Chi-kin said that the promotion of healthy and clean air is an important promoter of the implementation of children's cities. We hope that the public will work together to improve air quality and join in the effort to create a good atmosphere for Hsinchu so as to provide a better and healthier environment for the next generation.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Management