

中文摘要 摘要 為對屏東縣之街道洗掃作業的執行狀況做進一步的掌握,本計畫所有工作項目均力求質與量的確保,除了落實各項監督查核的機制外,也積極橫向聯繫其他單位之執行狀況,以呈現本縣整體道路洗掃作業的狀況,工作團隊自106年5月1日起即進行相關之洗掃作業規劃管理,期末報告統計執行成果至107年4月30日止,各項工作進度均符合規定,執行成果摘要如下列說明。 一、於106年05月01日計畫執行開始時即成立規劃與管理組及稽核組,訂立各種監督查核等管理表格並舉辦人員教育訓練。 二、洗掃里程量化 洗掃執行單位欣欣公司自106年05月04日開始執行洗掃街工作,至107年04月30日為止共累計執行掃街16909.8 km,洗街23667.1km,洗掃街執行里程數均達成計畫年度目標。其中秋冬空品不良季節,本計畫亦規劃提高洗掃街作業能量,藉以降低車行揚塵,降低空品監測站PM之負荷。 二、洗掃作業GPS查核 洗掃單位洗掃執勤車輛均裝設行車記錄器,本計畫執行衛星定位記錄資料查核,包括行駛路線、時間及速度等,總查核掃街查核里程數為17173.6 km,進度為107.3%;洗街查核里程數為23724.3km進度為112.4%,符合年度查核目標。 三、乾沉降之測定 在36次洗掃後乾沉降落塵量變化方面,洗掃後第1小時較洗掃前之乾沉降落塵量變化,平均乾沉降落塵量為減少1275.9mg/m2/day,平均改善率為減少44.6%;洗掃後第2小時較洗掃前之乾沉降落塵量變化,平均乾沉降落塵量為減少646.3 mg/m2/day,平均改善率為減少22.4%;洗掃後第3小時較洗掃前之乾沉降落塵量變化,平均乾沉降落塵量變化為減少88.9 mg/m2/day,改善率介於減少62.5%~增加63.6%,平均改善率為減少1.9%,其中有增加之情形,主要因素有車流量增加及鄰近營建工程作業擾動與鄰近農天翻耕等。 整體分析,乾沉降落塵量濃度於洗掃後第1小時降低幅度最高,有可能因道路剛執行洗掃後,降低路面粉塵及本時段車輛夾帶污染源粉塵進入路面,因本檢測時段路面尚呈潮濕不易揚塵所致。而洗掃後第2、3小時,路面呈現乾燥狀態,且車輛持續夾帶污染源粉塵進入路面,可能為路面塵粒再遭捲揚,導致乾沉降落塵量濃度再昇起之原因。 四、街塵負荷量測作業 本計畫完成180筆採樣及分析資料,分析資料結果得平均街塵負荷量為1.09g/m2,而平均坋土負荷量為0.22g/m2。對於各道路灰塵負荷量檢測分析結果,有高於環保署公告之B級髒污路段1-5g/m2,本計畫均列為提高洗掃頻率及加強洗掃路段之對象。本年度為近6年街塵負荷量最低,數據顯示洗掃街作業成效有逐年提升之情形。 五、道路髒污普查及路段調整 配合目視普查及道路塵土量負荷量之量測,工作團隊每月進行洗掃路段及頻率之修正,106年5月-107年3月份累計執行11階段之洗掃路段調整作業,最近一次為107年3月22~23日完成之道路髒污目視普查結果,工作團隊調整路線及頻率由局內承辦核可後,交付執行單位於107年4月份開始執行。透過路線不斷的修正,可確保較佳的洗掃品質,提供較大的洗掃效益。 六、洗掃橫向聯繫機制 1、道路權責單位橫向聯繫改善髒污點機制 本計畫計提報第三區工程處之省道道路髒污點共計提報47處次。各髒污點經本計畫現勘後均完成改善,提高道路乾淨度。 2、道路污染源空污子計畫間橫向聯繫機制 本計畫計提報「營建工程污染管理發展計畫」37處營建工地與河川疏濬污染道路情形。在本計畫提報各空污計畫污染後,各計畫均依權責執行輔導管制並回覆本計畫,污染改善情形良好,降低道路污染源。 七、洗掃作業之QA/QC 1.現場查核缺失 本計畫執行洗掃作業單位「欣欣公司」洗掃作業查核,查核缺失包括「清掃後殘留塵土或垃圾」21次、「作業時揚塵」4次、「掃刷長度不足或未全部使用」1次、「隨車人員未確實輔助掃街工作」11次、「未依預定行程作業」1次。洗街方面有「清洗後殘留塵土」1次、「車速未控制於20km/hr之速限內」2次、「未依預定行程作業」8次。本年度缺失較嚴重為106年8月15日及16日二日無故暫停執行部分及全日洗掃街作業,環保局依契約規定處新台幣6萬元整罰款,本年度期中過後洗掃街現場作業缺失已有所改善。 2.GPS查核缺失 掃街作業無違規情形,洗街作業有違規超速2天共計2路段次,依規定不計接里程數,整體與上年度比較,違規情形已大幅降低。 九、空品不良應變執行情形 本年度計畫執行自 106 年5 月至107 年3 月31 日為止,空品不良預報與即時通報日的部分計175 日,本計畫在接空品不良獲通報後,立即啟動空品不良應變機制通報本縣洗掃街能量執行相關應變措施,亦將相關執行成果回報AQ/MP 計畫匯整,並回覆環保署。 十、規劃「環保英雄擦髒污」精進作法 本計畫結合洗掃路段社區志工及河川巡守隊志工,加強洗掃街車主要洗掃作業路線道路髒污點與作業死角處進行環境打掃,以維持道路乾淨度。本年度計有13個社區與河川巡守隊,參與19個路段清掃,其中髒污點及洗掃街作業死角清掃計106處,總清掃處次為793處次,清掃街道長度共計938.4km,改善道路髒污點,提升道路乾淨度。 十一、減量成效 統計環保局洗掃計畫執行期間自106年5月至107年4/30日止,TSP污染物共削減了519.6公噸,平均每月可削減TSP污染量32.5公噸;PM10污染物共削減了97.9公噸,平均每月可削減PM10污染量6.1公噸。 十二、規辦理宣導會議 本年度完成辦理2場「屏東縣農耕重機具操作防制污染道路宣導說明會」,依據本計畫進行道路普查結果,往年農耕機具較常污染之路段農耕機具道路污染情形確實有減少之趨勢,道路髒污等級有提升情形,近來代耕業者之農耕機具以接駁方式作業也相對提高,顯示本計畫辦理宣導會議有收到其成效。 另完成辦理2場次「屏東縣街道揚塵洗掃示範說明會」會議,在砂石場業者機具改善部分計有里港鄉眾和工業有限公司、里港鄉屏里企業有限公司及高樹鄉九地砂石有限公司等三家進行水車加裝扇形噴頭及加壓沖洗馬達,藉以提升道路認養沖洗效率。另第七河川局觀摩後針對洗街車功能評價頗高,將評估辦理河川疏濬工程標案之合約中,明訂洗街車應符合環保署洗街車相關規定,並編列相關預算。 十三、民眾問卷調查 (1)委託異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司執行全縣性問卷 根據調查結果顯示,扣除沒意見/不知道/看情況/拒答的365位,有89.3%的受訪者表示正面評價(明顯改善7.2%+稍有改善82.1%),有10.8%的受訪者表示負面評價(稍有惡化8.3%+明顯惡化2.5%)。如與105年度82.4%受訪者表示有改善相較,106滿意度較105年提升6.9%。顯示民眾對於執行洗掃街作業提升道路乾淨度降低車行揚塵是肯定的。 (2)洗掃路段問卷調查 A.洗掃街工作對於降低車輛行駛道路所造成揚塵之改善程度,整體認為有改善民眾為98%。 B.洗掃街工作時段何時最佳,67%民眾認為「上午」執行最佳 C.覺得道路洗掃後整體道路乾淨度有提升,有94%民眾認為洗掃後道路乾淨度有提升。
中文關鍵字 道路洗掃,乾沉降,街塵負荷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2080 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/01 專案結束日期 2018/04/30 專案主持人 周俊利
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝錦彰 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度加強街道揚塵洗掃作業暨規劃管理計畫-規劃與管理 期末報告定稿.pdf 139MB

106 “Strengthening Street Dust Cleaning Operation and Planning Management Plan - Planning and Management”

英文摘要 Summary In order to further understand the implementation status of street cleaning operations in Pingtung County, all work items of the project strive to ensure the quality and quantity. In addition to the implementation of various monitoring and inspection mechanisms, it is also actively linked to the implementation of other units. In order to present the status of the overall road cleaning operation in the prefecture, the work team conducted the planning and management of the related cleaning operations from May 1, 2006. The final report of the statistical implementation results ended on April 30, 2007. The progress of the work is in line with the regulations. The summary of the implementation results is as follows. I. At the beginning of the implementation of the plan on May 1, 2006, the planning and management group and the audit team were established, various management forms such as supervision and inspection were established, and personnel education and training were held. Second, quantify the cleaning mileage The implementation unit, Xinxin, has been performing street sweeping operations since May 04, 106. From April 30, 107 onwards, a total of 16909.8 km of streets were washed, 23667.1 km of streets were washed, and the number of miles traveled on the sweeping street was calculated. Draw annual goals. Among the bad seasons in autumn and winter, the plan also plans to increase the energy of street cleaning operations in order to reduce traffic dust and reduce the load on the PM station. Second, sweeping operations GPS check The cleaning units are equipped with driving recorders for cleaning and on-duty vehicles. The program performs satellite positioning and recording data checks, including driving routes, time and speed, etc. The total number of inspections and inspections for street sweeping is 17173.6 km, and the progress rate is 107.3%. The number of street checks for 23,724.3km was 112.4%, which is in line with the annual check target. Third, the determination of dry deposition After 36 sweeps, the amount of dust settled by dry sedimentation was changed. Compared with that before cleaning, the amount of dust falling from dry deposition was changed. The average dry sedimentation dust amount was reduced by 1275.9 mg/m2/day, and the average improvement rate was reduced by 44.6. %; Compared with the cleansing, the amount of dust falling from the dry settlement in the first two hours after washing is changed, the average dry dustfall is reduced by 646.3 mg/m2/day, and the average improvement rate is reduced by 22.4%; the first three hours after washing is more The amount of dust settled by dry sedimentation before change, the average dry sedimentation dustfall change is reduced by 88.9 mg/m2/day, the improvement rate is between 62.5% and 63.6%, and the average improvement rate is 1.9%, of which the increase is mainly There are factors such as increased traffic flow and disturbances in the operation of neighboring construction projects and farming in neighboring agricultural lands. In the overall analysis, the concentration of dry sedimentation dust dropped the most in the first hour after the cleaning, and the road dust and the entrained dust from the vehicle could enter the road because the road was still wet after the road was just cleaned. Not easily caused by dust. On the 2nd and 3rd hours after the cleaning, the road surface was dry and squeaky, and the continuous entrainment of dust from the pollution source into the road surface may cause the road dust particles to rewind and cause the concentration of dry dustfall to rise again. Fourth, street dust load measurement operation The project completed 180 samples and analyzed data. The analysis results showed that the average street dust load was 1.09g/m2, and the average soil load was 0.22g/m2. For the results of road dust load detection analysis, there are more than 1-5 g/m2 of Class B fouling road sections that are higher than the EPD's bulletin. The plans are listed as targets for increasing the frequency of sweeping and cleaning the road sections. In this year, the dust load was the lowest in the past 6 years. The data shows that the effectiveness of the washing operations has been increasing year by year. V. Road pollution survey and road section adjustment In line with the visual census and the measurement of road dust load, the team carried out monthly repairs of road sections and frequency corrections. From May 106 to March 107, it carried out a total of 11 sweeping road section adjustment operations, the most recent one being 107. The dirty roads completed on March 22 to 23 of the year were subject to the census results. After the work team adjusted the route and frequency to be approved by the Bureau, the delivery execution unit began execution in April of 107. Through continuous modification of the route, better washing quality can be ensured and larger washing efficiency can be provided. VI. Cleaning the horizontal contact mechanism 1. Cross-linking of road rights and responsibility units to improve the mechanism of fouling The project reported a total of 47 submissions of reported dirty roads on the provincial roads in the Third District Agency. All the dirty spots have been improved after the current survey of the plan to improve road cleanliness. 2. Horizontal connection mechanism between air pollution subprojects of road pollution sources The project plans to submit information on 37 construction sites and rivers and dredged and polluted roads under the “Planning Project Pollution Management and Development Plan”. After the plan reported the pollution of various air pollution plans, the plans were based on the powers and responsibilities to implement counseling and control and responded to the plan. The pollution was improved and the road pollution sources were reduced. 7. QA/QC of cleaning operations 1. Check for missing site The project performed a sweeping operation by the washing company “Shinxin” and checked for defects including 21 times of “clean dust or rubbish after cleaning”, 4 times of “dust during work”, and “insufficient or incomplete use of sweep length”. 1 Secondly, "the person with the vehicle did not actually assist in the street sweeping work" 11 times, "has not operated according to the scheduled itinerary" once. In the street-washing area, there were "remaining dust after cleaning" 1 time, "the speed was not controlled within the speed limit of 20km/hr", and "the operation did not follow the scheduled itinerary" 8 times. The lack of this year was more serious than the suspension of operation of part of the street and cleaning of the street for no reason on August 15 and 16 of the year 106. The EPA imposed a fine of NT$60,000 in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and there was no local operation on the street after the middle of the year. Has improved. 2.GPS check missing There was no violation of the street sweeping operations. The street washing operations were illegal and overspeeded for a total of 2 roads for 2 days. According to the regulations, the number of miles was not counted. Compared with the previous year, the violations had been greatly reduced. Nine, bad performance of empty products The implementation of this year's plan from May 106 to March 31, 107, and the part of the forecast for defective and timely notification of empty goods was counted for 175 days. After the project received the bad report of the empty goods, it immediately initiated the adverse reactions of the empty goods. The mechanism notified the county's energy management implementation of the relevant contingency measures. It also compiled the AQ/MP plan for the relevant implementation results and replied to the EPA. X. Planning "Environmental Heroes Rubbing Dirty" Advanced Practices The plan is to combine the community volunteers and volunteers of the river patrol team to clean the roads, and to strengthen the road sweeping operations to clean the main roads of dirty roads and the corners of the work to maintain road cleanliness. This year, 13 communities and river patrols were involved in the 19-segment clean-up. Among them, there were 106 clean spots for dirty stains and street cleaning operations, 793 times for the total sweeping, and a total length of 938.4 km for cleaning roads. Dirty spots increase road cleanliness. Eleventh, reducing the effectiveness       During the implementation period of the statistical EPB cleaning plan, from May 106 to July 4/30, the total amount of TSP pollutants was reduced by 519.6 metric tons. On average, the TSP pollution volume could be reduced by 32.5 metric tons per month; PM10 pollutants were reduced by a total of 97.9. Metric tons, on average, can reduce PM10 pollution by 6.1 tonnes per month. Twelve Regulations for Propaganda Conference In this year, 2 “Plans for the prevention and control of pollution roads for agricultural heavy equipment operations in Pingtung County” were completed. According to the results of the road survey conducted by this project, the road pollution situation of farm machinery and equipment in the road sections that are often polluted in previous years has indeed decreased. There is an increase in the level of dirty roads, and the recent increase in the number of farm equipment used by contract farmers has been relatively high. This indicates that the project's handling and advocacy meetings have received results. In addition, two sessions of "Pingtung County Street Dust Cleaning and Demonstration Conference" were completed. In the gravel field, the operators improved their equipment and included Ligang Township Zhonghe Industry Co., Ltd., Ligang Township Pingli Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Gaoshu Township. Three companies, such as Sandstone Co., Ltd., installed water tankers with fan-shaped sprinklers and pressurized washing motors to improve the efficiency of road adoption. In addition, the Seventh Rivers Bureau will highly evaluate the function of street washing vehicles after reviewing. It will evaluate the contracts for handling river dredging projects. It should be specified that the street-washing vehicles should comply with the relevant requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's street-washing vehicles and list the relevant budget. XIII. Public Questionnaire (1) Entrusted the establishment of a county-wide sex questionnaire According to the survey results, 89.3% of the 365 respondents who did not comment/don't know/watch/reject were positive (a significant improvement of 7.2% + a slight improvement of 82.1%), and 10.8% were interviewed. The person indicated a negative evaluation (a slight deterioration of 8.3% + a significant deterioration of 2.5%). If compared with the 82.4% of respondents in the year of 105 that indicated improvement, 106 satisfaction increased by 6.9% compared with 105 years. Shows that the people are certain that the implementation of street sweeping operations will improve road cleanliness and reduce vehicle dusting. (2) Cleaning section questionnaire A. The level of improvement in the dust generated by the street cleaning work to reduce the traffic on the roads of the vehicles is considered to be 98% of the overall improvement. B. When is the best time to clean the street, 67% of the people think that the best performance in the morning? C. The cleanliness of the overall road after the road cleaning was considered to be improved, and 94% of the people thought that the cleanliness of the road after cleaning was improved.
英文關鍵字 Road cleaning, dry settlement, street dust load