

中文摘要 本計畫之執行係為持續推動高雄市低碳永續家園推動辦公室之運作,推動因應氣候變遷與城市之綠色轉型相關工作,包含研擬高雄市低碳永續相關作為及計畫管考、永續經營運作機能之維運,以及藉由推動市轄內各層級參與環保署評比認證制度,展現高雄市所累積之永續方案成果。 配合高雄市低碳永續家園政策在社區之推動,綠能節電運作機能一直是低碳永續家園推動的重要運作機能,而在公有建築中,透過學校帶頭進行低碳節能改善修繕,並結合智慧電錶技術等,以達成有效節能管理之目的,從而推廣民眾建築節能觀念。計畫針對所收集之名單完成校園建置可行性及建置效益評估,由環保局核定予陽明國中作為本年度節能改善示範校園之輔導對象,由計畫完成系統建置工作,推估年減碳量約為982.205 kgCO2e,此外更進一步辦理成果發表會等,期藉示範點之設置達吸引鄰近學校及社區民眾共同參與之擴大效益。 在針對市轄內社區之各項輔導作業上,計畫已完成20處具潛力社區:彌陀區光和里、湖內區海埔里、美濃區中圳里、左營區新下里及苓雅區正義里等,以及3處核心社區與其鄰近社區之行動項目建置作業,推動項目包含推動牆面植生或綠籬、舊建築物節能改善、推動魚菜(蚓菜)共生及雨水貯留再利用等,總計1年可省下31,756 kgCO2e之碳排放量。計畫也完成輔導90個社區取得低碳永續家園入圍認證,並進一步協助2個區及8個里達銅級。 為使社區更清楚了解低碳永續工作,本年度除了藉由辦理2場次低碳永續相關教育訓練,讓各單位了解低碳永續家園認證制度,進而協助參與入圍及銅級認證工作,並辦理2場低碳相關教育培訓活動,藉由實際操作來對於項目推動加深印象,能推廣到自身社區當中予以應用,擴大整體低碳行動項目之範圍與加強低碳社區多元營造,另也依社區型態安排觀摩主題,選定1處特色社區進行觀摩,為嘉義市東區頂庄社區(鄉村型資源再利用),藉此強化各社區代表對低碳永續之概念,並藉由刊登以「高雄智慧用電控制,將從校園你我做起」為主題之媒體宣導廣告,藉由推動校園低碳節能改善示範或用電智慧監控,建立校園節能改善示範點,以利日常生活節能教育落實於學校/社區,並鼓勵其他單位共同參與。此外,更以社區特色環保產品作為宣導品,並以各縣市之低碳永續行動項目製作成果易拉展,而高雄分配之項目為「用戶端智慧電表監控」與「推動地區調適調查及規劃(含環境脆弱度調查與評估)」,藉轄內推動成果宣導環保理念,提升各社區學習效法之意願,共同推動低碳永續家園。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、永續經營、社區輔導、低碳永續家園認證制度、用戶端智慧電表監控


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6066 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/24 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 黃美倫
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王重文 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106低碳永續家園計畫-正式報告-完整版-0209.pdf 50MB

Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Kaohsiung City in 2017

英文摘要 The implementation of this project was to continuously assist in operation of the Kaohsiung City Sustainable Low Carbon Homeland Office, in order to promote related works of climate chance and green transformation, including drawing city's low-carbon and sustainable contents, reviewing and managing plans, maintaining operated functions, and presenting results in sustainable areas by taking each department participating in the Environmental Protection Administration Certification system. Accomplished with Kaohsiung City Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland policy promotion in communities, the green energy and energy-saved was the import executed function in it. In public buildings, schools underwent low-carbon and energy-saved retrofit combined with smart meters in order to manage energy efficiency, and propagate energy-saved ideas to residents. The project collected estimation of establishment feasibility and profit in list, and indicated the Kaohsiung Municipal Yangming Junior High School as demonstration unit which is identified by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government. Once the works were completed, the estimated annual carbon reduced amount was nearly 982.205 kgCO2e, and holding a presentation to attract other schools and communities to join the project. As for the counseling for communities, the project had accomplished 20 potential communities and actions setting in 3 core areas. The promoted sections including walls greening and planting, improving buildings' energy-saved equipments, promoting Fish Dish Symbiosis and rain preserved, the total carbon emission saved number was 31,756 kgCO2e. The project also helped 90 communities to get their participation certification of the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland. In order to let communities understand low-carbon and sustainable works clearly, the project held 2 educational training so that every unit can fully understand Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification system and assist in participation and cooper identified works. In addition, holding 2 low-carbon related education training actions, in order to let participants get deep impression on it by doing on their own hands, and bring to communities. The project also arranged 1 characteristic community in Chiayi City for one day touring which can be delivered and strengthened for each community representative. In media propagation, the project took Yangming Junior High School as example to promote campus low-carbon and energy-saved ideas, and encourage other schools and units to follow. Besides, the project used environmental-friendly products featuring the communities as products for propaganda and took actions into presentations, such as "Smart Meter Observation" and "Area Adaptation Investigation and Arrangement", in order to keep propagating environmental protection concepts, attract more communities to follow, and commonly establish low-carbon and sustainable homeland.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Sustainable Management, Community Counseling, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Mechanism, Client Smart Meter Monitoring