

中文摘要 (一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢 106年臺南市人口數188.6萬,密度860.7人/km2,人口數每年呈現微幅成長,在六都直轄市中排名第六;本市工廠登記家數約8,831家,密度約為4家/km2;列管工廠家數2,289家,以塑膠製品製造業所列管的352家為最多(約占總列管家數15.4%),其次為金屬工業296家(約占總列管家數12.9%),再則為加油站業287家(約占總列管家數12.5%)及金屬表面處理業210家(約占總列管家數9.2%);本市營建工地數106年與105年差異不大,約為1萬1千處,106年一級工地3,745處,二級工地為5,956處。 本市總車輛數為196.6萬輛,每人擁有車輛數為1.04輛/人,其中小客車數約57萬輛(28.8%)、機車數約129萬輛(65.9%),柴油大小貨車分別約為1.3萬輛(0.7%)及8.47萬輛(4.3%),近十年整體車輛數呈現成長之趨勢,但機車數在100年起呈現負成長。本市發油量呈上升之趨勢,發油量自97年約120萬公秉上升至106年133萬公秉,近十年來上升10.8%。 (二) 空氣品質現況及問題分析 106年臺南市空氣品質指標AQI >100比率為28.4%,不良比率呈現逐年改善趨勢,自103年40.4%下降至106年28.4%,改善率達29.7%;其中達對敏感族群不健康等級(AQI 101~150)自103年29.2%,下降至25.2%;對所有族群不健康等級(AQI 151~200)則自103年11%下降至106年3.2%,達非常不健康等級(AQI 201~300)則自103年0.3%改善至106年0%。 各項空氣污染物濃度,整體來說近十年(97~106年)大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10日平均值改善率達25.9%,年平均值改善率達30.2%,且104年~106年年平均值及日平均值皆符合空氣品質標準;其他空氣污染物濃度,近十年(97~106年)整體同樣呈現改善趨勢,臭氧(O3) 小時平均值與八小時平均值,改善率分別為20.5%及16.5%;二氧化氮年平均值及小時平均值,改善率達34.9%、42%;二氧化氮年平均值及小時平均值改善率分別為18.7%、24.1%;NMHC小時平均值及八小時平均值則改善43%、40%;一氧化碳(CO)小時平均值改善率為27.8%,八小時平均值改善率 21.9%。 環保署自 102 年進行細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測,5 年來其濃度亦呈現改善,年平均值自102 年31.1μg/m3 下降至24.0μg/m3,改善率達22.8%;日平均值自102 年82.0μg/m3 下降至62.0μg/m3 改善率達24.4%;另103 年起自動測站PM2.5 濃度採用經調校後數據,其4 年來PM2.5年平均值及日平均值同樣呈現改善趨勢,年平均值自103年29.3μg/m3下降至106年25μg/m3,改善率達14.6%;日平均值自103 年71.1μg/m3 下降至106 年55.1μg/m3,改善率達22.5%。 (三) 空氣品質模式模擬分析結果 106 年依據新版排放清冊(TEDS 9.0),挑選本市排放量較大之行業別及外縣市大型污染源 共計12個污染源,運用空氣品質模式CMAQ(Community Multi-scale Air Quality)進行模擬解析, 以瞭解各污染源對本市之污染貢獻影響,以利管制策略之擬定。 模擬對象包括本市排放量來源,包括柴油車、餐飲業、二行程機車、營建/車行揚塵、化學 材料製造業、電力業、食品業、露天燃燒、本市使用生煤之廠家及外縣市大型污染源(臺中火力 電廠、六輕工業區、中龍鋼鐵)。 模擬結果,以柴油車排放的影響量最高(1.06μg/m3),其次為臺中電廠排放之影響(0.87μ g/m3),再其次為餐飲業排放影響(0.56μg/m3)。在影響比例的部分也與影響量一樣,前三大分 別為柴油車、臺中電廠及餐飲業,影響比例分別為3.4%、2.8%及1.8%。12 個行業別合計的總 影響比例為13.5%。 (四) 分析各類排放源結構 依據 TEDS 9.0 排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市102 年點、線、面源之排放清 單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下表所示: 類別 TSP PM10 PM2.5 SOx NOx NMHC 點源(公噸/年) 2,384 1,714 952 3,261 3,868 2,987 面源(公噸/年) 22,629 8,594 2,999 701 2,128 27,494 線源(公噸/年) 2,790 1,992 1,622 11 17,338 11,544 總排放量(公噸/年) 27,803 12,300 5,573 3,973 23,334 42,025 (五) 檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略 本計畫針對106 年空氣污染管制目標,包含固定、移動、逸散污染源等共計58 項管制工 作進行追蹤及檢討,大致來說各計畫達成度良好。 臺南市自103 年起擬定「亮麗晴空-懸浮微粒削減管制行動計畫」,整合市府18 個局處,針 對本市懸浮微粒及細懸浮微粒的污染來源,確立管制策略與執行目標,本計畫協助擬定九大管 制面項45 項行動管制方案,並滾動式檢討執行成效,以改善臺南市空氣品質。 本計畫協助修正臺南市空氣污染防制計畫書,規劃104-108 年之空氣污染管制目標包括 1.108 年PM2.5 達紅色警戒比例減少50%、2.108 年PM10 達二級防制區、3.PM2.5 濃度持續朝法 規標準邁進、4.臭氧維持在二級防制區等四項目標。另研擬本市空氣品質管制策略,包含固定、 移動、逸散污染源等21 項管制策略58 項工作目標進行管制。 (六) 管理空氣污染防制計畫辦理品質及成效 1. 環保署於106 年4 月公布105 年度各縣市執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效考評結果, 本市在六都評等中獲得特優成績,連續兩年獲得諮詢小組委員及環保署肯定。 2. 計畫初期擬訂「106 年度臺南市空氣品質改善維護措施管控作業」,對各計畫執行品質與 成效進行評估。 3. 106 年度各委辦計畫考評結果:在執行性重點計畫中以「營建工程污染管制查核計畫」得 分最高,考核成績較低為移動污染源稽查管制計畫」,係因資料提報時效性掌握度差、污 防書空品管制目標落後、環保署績效考評達成進度落後等因素,致整體考評成績不佳。 (七) 空污管制工作之民眾滿意度調查 本計畫針對106 年進行空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度問卷調查,76.4%的民眾對於臺南市 環境保護局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果感到滿意,比較近三年度調查結果發現,民眾對於環 境保護局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果感到滿意的比例由104 年的68.9%,提升至105 年的 78.1%,106 年則稍微下滑1.7%,三年間呈現上下起伏的態勢,顯示民眾評價仍處於波動起伏, 仍需持續觀察民意,以作為未來制定政策之參考依據。 (八) 空氣品質淨化區維護管理 1. 空品淨化區基地數自100 年(192 處)起逐年增加106 年達230 處,增加38 處,包含環保 公園24 處、環保林園大道10 處、社區綠帶/學區種樹152 處及道路綠帶44 處,總面積 達79.21 公頃、長度75.21 公里。 2. 106 年設置補助申請共計6 件,經審查後全數核定,面積達0.2631 公頃;另淨化區維護 補助經費共127 處基地提出,經審核後全數予以補助共計229 萬6,254 元。 3. 本市 230 處空品淨化區,經維護管理單位自主管理及本計畫每處基地進行1 次自行考核 後,評比出10 處基地入圍專家學者年終考評,包括學區種樹及社區綠帶組8 處;環保 公園績優2 處,於106 年9 月21 日接受市長及環保局長表揚。 4. 積極推動村里、社區及企業認養淨化區共同維護,認養單位逐年增加,106 年已有172 處基地由民間單位認養。 5. 協助環保局連續四年獲得環保署「空氣品質淨化區優良認養單位甄選及獎勵活動」績效 卓著佳績,並輔導本市學甲光華里、七股區竹橋里辦公室認養竹橋里淨化區連續三年獲 得「優勝獎」,特別在今年獲環保署頒發最高榮譽的貢獻獎。
中文關鍵字 大氣、空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 9375 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/02/12 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣沛 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫.pdf 33MB

2017 「Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan」

英文摘要 (1)Environmental Loading and Trend The amount of population in Tainan City is 1.885 million, and the density is 860.2 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 8831, and the density is 28.9 factories/km2. The amount of controlled factory is 2282 in which the plastic products industry is 362(15.9%), followed by the metal industry is 296 (13%), and then the gas station industry is 290 (12.7%) and metal surface treatment industry is 208 (9.1%). Construction sites tend to decline in 2015, the amount of current site is 9688, of which 3120 at first class and 5399 at second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.937 million, and every person has 1.03 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 540,000 and the number of scooter is 1,280,000. The number of vehicles in recent years have shown a trend of growth. In 2011, the number of scooters had a negative growth. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations are showing the trend to reduce, the amount of fuel supply is from 1,182,000 kiloliter in 2005 to 1,086,000 kiloliter in 2015, down 8% in recent years; the amount of gas stations decreased from 302 stations in 2005 to 277 stations in 2015. (2)Air Quality Status and Analysis The percentage of bad air quality in Tainan City falls from 7.62% in 2006 to 0% in 2015, and the percentage of good air quality raises to 36.2% in 2015 which set a new record that showed the control strategy in Tainan City have been effective in recent years. The concentration of air pollutants showed improved trend, in which the PM10 daily average and year average are the first time below the regulatory standard value. Analysis of monitoring data from 2006 to 2015, PM10 annual average improvement rate was 26.6%, daily average improvement rate was 22%; PM2.5 annual average improvement rate was 37.2%, a 24-hour average improvement rate was 29%; O3 hour average improvement rate was 18.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 15%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 33%, hour average improvement was 34.5%, NO2 annual average improvement rate of 23.7%, the hour average improvement rate was 24.2%; CO hour average improvement rate was 19.8%, eight hours average improvement rate was 11.4%. In the long term trend showed that policy directions have been correct, and the improved strategies of air quality have been effective. PM2.5 index value in Tainan City, low-grade (≦ 35 µg / m3) increased from 65.8% (2014) to 73.9% (2015), while high and very high-grade (≧ 54 µg / m3) decreased from 10.2% (2014) to 8.2% (2015), showing the city's PM2.5 has improved. (3)Air Quality Modeling Analysis Results For four months (January, April, July and October) of simulation in 2010, analysis reduction strategy promoted of PM2.5, and PM10 and O3 air quality improved effectiveness, assessment Tainan City reached degree of air quality target. Assessment results except PM10 year’s average and the O3 maximum hours value in 2020 can reached air quality standard, the remaining pollutants still cannot reached air quality standard. (4)Analysis of emission source structure According to the TEDS 8.1 emissions database and the results of this review update, TSP is 39,860(tons/year), PM10 is 14,316(tons/year), SOx is 4,404(tons/year), NOx is 27,437(tons/year), and NMHC is 46,048(tons/year). (5)Reviewing and amending the Air Pollution Control Strategy Air pollution control targets total 74 items, including fixed, mobile, fugitive sources and convenience measures. Overall, there are good achievement rate in each plan. For suspended particles rendering deterioration case in 2013, assisting EPB developed suspended particles control action plans, for 9 items are easy to produce suspended particles of pollution source, established control target, developed 37 items action control strategy to hope suspended particles and the fine suspended particles annual average concentration reached 65 µg/m3, and 15 µg/m3. SIP assisted to amend the air pollution control plans in 2015 in Tainan, planning of air pollution control targets and management strategy, including stationary sources, mobile sources, and fugitive sources that total 16 strategies and 59 control goals. (6)Management quality and effectiveness in each air quality control plan i.review the evaluation performance of EPA In the Environmental Protection Administration Assessment Result Review, the appraisal result of 85.22 points announced by the Environmental Protection Administration in 2014 is excellent distinction is obtained in the assessment amongst six special municipalities. ii.In regard to the processing of quality and result in the management of the air pollution control plan, the 「Management and Assessment Grading Method for the 2015 Tainan City Air Improvement & Maintenance Project」 is formulated and management and assessment grading is conducted on various plans. iii.In the execution of key projects, the score of the 「Diesel Vehicle Dynometer Smoke Emission Detection Project」 is the highest. (7)Public satisfaction survey Public satisfaction survey result showed that 68% of people are satisfied that Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau's efforts which improve air quality. (8)Maintenance and management of air quality purification zone i.Number of air quality purification zone sites increased from 2011 (192) to 2015 (220) , including 23 green parks, 10 green Road, 187 community greenbelt, with a total area of 78.45 hectares and 74.24 km. ii.Setting grant applications totaling 10 bases in 2015, after reviewing the full approval, total area of 0.7902 hectares; purification zone maintenance grant funding for a total of 94 bases made applications for the amount of 1,917,010 dollars, 1,910,240 dollars subsidy to be verify. iii.Each purification zone routinely performed twice, for a total evaluation of 376 times. Get 90 points or more bases had 34; 81 points to 89 points bases had 128; 80 points or less bases had 26.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality