

中文摘要 為促進國內土水污染相關技術之發展,克服技術缺口,建構長期的技術發展藍圖,以利環保署在污染場址的管理上能夠充分獲得必要的技術支援,達到落實環境政策的目標。環保署自民國102年執行「污染場址調查及整治技術未來發展、推廣與審查策略研擬計畫」(前期計畫),整體計畫核心定位於「建構發展藍圖」與「擬定推廣策略」。本計畫定位為實踐前述成果之工作規劃,整體工作歸納為落實「技術發展」與「技術推廣」兩大策略,進行滾動式管理,並檢視其發展成果,以充分落實技術發展及推廣管理機制。 本計畫透過國內外土壤與地下水相關之技術發展現況的解析,更新土壤及地下水污染調查與整治技術分類矩陣,並設計國內技術需求度與技術成熟度評估指標,以完成優先發展技術篩選工具,據以重新檢討前期計畫所提出之各項技術之優先發展順序與行動方案,建議以反應式透水阻牆技術為下階段之優先發展整治技術。另配合國內底泥管理政策的推動,完成國內外底泥管理、調查與整治等相關技術之需求與發展,找出未來底泥調查與整治技術發展缺口,同步完成國內底泥調查及整治技術分類矩陣與發展路徑。整合上述成果,提出國內短中期術技術發展規劃書之修正建議。 另為落實國內技術發展的需求,本計畫藉由導入現地悶燃整治技術,進行模場等級之初期試驗,一方面利用建立技術試驗執行辦法,另一方面則實現短中期技術發展政策性願景,為長期技術發展之具體行動提供有效之政策工具。此外,參考美國SITE創新技術評估程序,整合環保署現行研究與抹場試驗專案計畫,研擬創新技術評估制度作業辦法,並提供未來整治技術試驗計畫執行流程說明與參考,藉此建立技術實用化與市場化的長期技術發展導向之配套措施,朝落實長期技術發展與推廣之策略邁進,加速國內技術之開發腳步與國際先進技術引進。 在技術推廣目標的策略上,則延續前期計畫成果,篩選以現地化學氧化法為標的,完成高、中豐富度技術指引編撰,以達藉由分眾資訊傳播,提高技術推廣的廣度以及技術的穿透度。另透過北、中、南共六場次技術發表會議的辦理,強化技術推廣工作,提升國內土壤與地下水相關技術知識之擴散度與滲透度,為長期的污染場址管理工作與技術性溝通建立更加穩固的基礎。
中文關鍵字 污染場址管理、現地熱處理、調查和整治技術、技術發展、現地化學氧化法技術手冊


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-GA13-03-A078 經費年度 106 計畫經費 14500 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/05 專案結束日期 2018/12/04 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 林詩涵 執行單位 創聚環境管理顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿(全-無附件).pdf 37MB

Screening technologies of priority in soil and groundwater contamination investigation and remediation and related pilot testing study

英文摘要 To facilitate the development of soil and groundwater related technologies, including investigation and remediation, Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C.-Taiwan (TWEPA) has established a long-term technology development roadmap. The roadmap was to support the development of contaminated site management related technical tools for realization of policies and overcoming the potential technical gaps. In 2013, a study (referred as previous study here after) on contaminated site investigation and remediation technologies development, advocacy, and review strategies was defined as the cores “establishing development roadmap” and “planning advocacy strategy”. With the results of aforementioned study, this work is defined as the actions for realization of the cores. Thus, this study focused on technology development and promotion by ways of revisit the roadmap and strategy as well as recent achievement to enhance and to implement the technology development and promotion mechanism. In this study, a review on current status of soil and groundwater related technologies at international and domestic levels were conducted to revise the matrices of investigation and remediation technology. Indicators regarding technology need and maturity were designed as a screen protocol to reassure the priority of technology for future development recommended by previous study. The result indicates that permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is the technology of high priority. To act in concert with integration of contaminated sediment management in the regulation, the analysis and review of regulatory framework, technology needs, and current status of related technology were conducted. The outcomes were used for identifying the investigation and remediation technology gaps and building the technology matrix for contaminated sediment investigation and remediation. Also, the multi-year plan of technology development was revised accordingly. Following the recommendations in previous study, a pilot test on in-situ thermal remediation was carried out. In one hand, a pilot test guideline was drafted through the actual process. On the other hand, the implementation and integration of the process for long-term technology development was suggested based on the pilot test. Additionally, the feasibility of extending the coverage of current research program for soil and groundwater technology development by referring the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) of USEPA was evaluated. A by-law was proposed as a future reference to the realization of pilot test support program by TWEPA. The vision include to assist the practical application of research program and to facilitate the channeling of international innovative technologies. As for technology promotion strategy, in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) was selected as the targeted technology for technical guideline implementation. Following the framework suggested by the previous study, guidelines of different levels of technical detail were completed for ISCO technology. Such guidelines were designed to fulfill the distinct needs of stakeholders with different technical background so that it can enhance the communication and technical understanding of the stakeholders. Also, six technical promotion events were successfully held at northern, southern, and central of Taiwan (R.O.C.) and the events were sought to deepen the penetration of technical information on future trend of technical development as well as the future pilot test program. The completion of the events was expected to strengthen long-term contaminate management program and the foundation of technical communication to stakeholders.
英文關鍵字 Contamination Site Management, Investigation and Remediation Technology, In-Situ Thermal Remediation, Technology Development, In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Technical Guideline