

中文摘要 溫室氣體減量及管理法(簡稱溫管法)自104年7月1日通過實施,行政院環保署依據溫管法授權,陸續著手研訂相關配套子法包含溫室氣體排放量、申報、登錄及查證管理辦法、國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領、溫室氣體階段管制目標及管制方式作業準則及溫室氣體排放源符合效能標準獎勵辦法等;本計畫則依溫管法第18、20及21條授權,協助研擬規劃我國溫室氣體總量管制及排放交易制度及相關辦法草案之精進建議。 本計畫主軸工作執行成果,包含(一)完成蒐研國際間重點國家推動總量管制與排放交易之法制化作業與推動經驗;(二)參酌國際ICAP與世界銀行PMR發布之排放交易制度設計步驟,研擬管制範疇(納管對象及氣體)、總量設定、核配方式及抵換機制,提出各步驟之部分總量管制可行建議方案;(三)參酌歐盟、美國加州及韓國總量管制相關法規,提出排放額度交易、登錄、扣減及平台管理辦法(草案)、拍賣及配售管理辦法(草案)及核配管理辦法(草案)精進建議,後續仍須與中央金融主管機關及中央目的事業主管機關就草案精進內容進行協商;(四)參酌歐盟國家分配計畫(NAP)及韓國國家排放額度核配計畫,研擬我國溫室氣體總量管制計畫架構與內容;(五)依據溫室氣體總量管制可行建議方案,撰寫總量管制與排放交易之法規影響評估報告。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、總量管制與排放交易、核配


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-F104-02-A222 經費年度 106 計畫經費 7573 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/29 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 周怡君 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 溫室氣體總量管制與核配制度建置_期末報告.pdf 0MB 期末報告摘要(詳細版)

The establish cap-and-trade program of greenhouse gas and establishing regulations of allocation

英文摘要 Authorized by The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) promulgated on July 1st 2015, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan has conducted the development on subsidiary regulations such as Regulation on GHG Accounting and Registration, Regulation on GHG Verification and Accreditation Bodies, National Climate Change Guideline, Working Standard for Greenhouse Gas Periodic Regulatory Goals and GHG Emission Performance Standard Regulation Governing Awards. This project assists Taiwan EPA to plan domestic cap-and-trade scheme and the improvement of subsidiary regulations authorized by article 18, 20 and 21 of the Act. The results of this project are as follows of this project are as follows: 1) Collecting the latest information on practice experiences and legalization process of cap-and-trade scheme; 2) Proposing the first four-steps of establishing ETS, determining the scope, setting the cap, allocating allowances and utilizing offset mechanism, have been partially finalized, referred to the ETS handbook which published by International Carbon Action Partnership and Partnership for Market Readiness; 3) Proposing further improvement on the Regulation for Allowance Registration, Cancellation and Registry Management (draft), Regulation for Allowance Auction and Direct Sale and the Regulation for Allowance Allocation by comparing California cap-and-trade, EU ETS and KETS and relevant regulations. The revised version shall be further discussed with the central financial authority and the central industry competent authorities; 4) Developing the outline of domestic GHG Cap-and-Trade Plan while referring to National Allocation Plan of EU member states and The National Allowances Allocation Plan of KETS; 5) Submitting Regulatory Impact Assessment on the basis of our proposal on domestic cap-and-trade scheme.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse gas, Cap-and-trade, Allocation