

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程係自106/8/16至107/11/13止共計15個月,各項工作項目與執行摘要如下: 一、辦理11場內部檢討會,邀請六輕空污管制計畫相關人員於報告各項管制工作現況,建立計畫間橫向溝通與討論的平台,藉此資源共享達到提升管制成效之目的。 二、建置離島工業區(海豐廠區)石化業製程物質流系統成果,完成10個製程許可證原料、燃料、產品資料彙整,10個製程原料及產品上下游關係、載運方式資料彙整、製程流布平衡估算、物質流資料庫建置。 三、更新維護離島工業區中央監控資料倉儲整合系統成果如下:(1)持續維護ISC模式線上增量模擬系統功能正常運作,更新2016、2017年氣象檔輸入資料。(2)資料倉儲常態性更新作業中,每月均依各資料庫屬性,分別進行不同頻率的常態性更新。(3)完成新增4座CCTV監控系統擴大離島工業區監控範圍,並定期維護清潔保養,確保與環保局即時資料接收正常運作及展現。(4)持續維護App系統運作。(5)維護主動通知平台功能(空氣品質測站逾值、CEMS逾值及FLARE流量逾值、FLARE使用通知)。(6)完成環保局電子看板架設(輪播CCTV監控即時影像與空品測站數據)。(7)完成乙部中央監控伺服器相關軟硬體設備更新。(8)更新維護FTIR與酸雨計數據連線作業。(9)更新維護離島工業區CEMS監測資訊公開之網頁。 四、強化離島工業區空氣污染管制緊急應變作為成果如下:(1)計畫執行期間協助8次離島工業區發生緊急應變事件相關資料彙整及事件書面報告撰寫工作,分別為106年11月(3件)、107年3月(1件)、107年6月(2件)、107年7月(2件)。(2)每月定期更新「空氣污染事件緊急應變標準作業程序」。(3)維護移動式前進指揮中心(遠端遙控攝影機等設備)。(4)更新異常通報資料匯入資訊平台,執行期間系統中共計建置11,141筆異常通報資料。(5)更新離島工業區73筆工廠歲修計畫書、73筆歲修報告書及維護查詢功能。(6)維護列管毒性化學物質之毒理資料摘要表,「列管毒性化學物質」共306項,「非列管毒性化學物質」共425項。(7)維護離島工業區特殊性工業區空品測站連線設置作業正常運作,106年8月至107年10月統計顯示10座測站之一般空品、氣象及54種有機光化前驅物共67個監測項目之個別測項每月數據有效率範圍75%~99%。 五、在便民服務上,選擇鄰近特工空品測站之11所學校架設43吋空品電子看板。可提供校內師生即時的空氣品質資訊(SO2、NO2、CO、O3、PM10、PM2.5)、空氣品質指標(AQI)及其標準值,經由顯示即時的空品資訊,讓校內師生能隨時了解當地的空氣品質,進而引發對於環境議題的重視,亦可提供老師環境教育的素材。藉由辦理三場次空氣污染防制與環境監測資訊應用課程、綠色消費教育宣導,使小學生能獲得環境教育的知識,並培養學生空氣污染防制之基本觀念。此外,針對「離島工業區環境監控系統」與「緊急應變系統」辦理一場次教育訓練課程,提昇相關管制計畫人員之應變效率。
中文關鍵字 離島工業區、物質流分析、資訊整合


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8400 千元
專案開始日期 2017/08/16 專案結束日期 2018/11/13 專案主持人 王玠斌
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 何政憲 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度雲林縣離島工業區空氣污染管制資訊整合計畫(中文摘要-詳細版).pdf 0MB 106年度雲林縣離島工業區空氣污染管制資訊整合計畫(中文摘要-詳細版)

Air Pollution Control Information Integration Project in the Offshore Industrial Park in 2017.

英文摘要 This project was carried out from August 16th, 2017 to November 13th, 2018. All work contents were completed as specified in the contract. There are eleven sessions of the information consultative Group Meeting. Air pollutants checking and controlling plan of outlying islands industrial zone are provided to Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County for their education and technical training. This research is based on the production and energy consumption of Taiwan’s etrochemical materials to understand the current usage of petrochemical resources and energy through material flow analysis. Updating and maintaining the central monitoring database integration system of outlying islands industrial zone. Base on the different properties of each database, different frequency of regular updating are applied. Moreover, proactive notification function has been built up in the central monitoring system.Four CCTV real-time monitoring system were expended in the project of this year. Environmental Protection Bureau has established four CCTV monitoring systems in the surrounding of outlying islands industrial zone so far. These four separate monitoring systems are integrated to the central monitoring systems via CMS (Content Management System). Through the integration, Environmental Protection Bureau is able to control the real-time status of outlying islands industrial zone and establish the complete network of live monitoring. Assist in emergency incidents occurring in outlying island industrial zone. We have assisted in emergency response in outlying island industrial zone for eight times, including reporting back related information and writing press releases, namely on November (three incidents), March (one incident), June (two incidents), July (two incidents) and October(two incidents). We aid EPA to grasp the relevant information and control the on-site conditions in the emergency response process. In order to offer greater convenience to citizens, we had erected 11 42-inch electronic billboard for teachers and students to check the real-time air quality information (AQI, SO2, CO, PM10, etc., and the standard value). The first training session of this project was held on January 30, 2018. The purpose of this training was to introduce operation of the environmental monitoring system of outlying islands industrial zone. Via the system, information and state of the plants can be controlled quickly during an emergency.
英文關鍵字 Offshore Industrial Park, Material Flow Analysis, Information Integration.