

中文摘要 成果摘要 一、擬定補助辦法與建置綠屋頂模組 五月中完成擬定106年臺南市綠屋頂節能降溫推動計畫之補助辦法,辦理三場說明會向社區住宅、學校與公家機關等單位宣傳補助辦法,並於五月中在環保局頂樓建置綠屋頂模組示範區,展示薄層型、苗盆型、盆缽菜園型、塑管花架爬網型、不鏽鋼花架爬網、生態池與堆肥箱、堆肥袋等九種不同類型之綠屋頂模組向民眾展示。 二、綠屋頂建置與技術輔導 組成南區輔導團,成員包含學者、建築師與綠屋頂專業建置廠商等七位專家,共辦理三場屋頂現況初步勘查,實地勘察6處社區住宅、8處學校與10處公家機關之屋頂現況,24件申請案中共有18處通過屋頂現況審核。六月中輔導申請單位撰寫計畫書,並於七月辦理評選會,決議補助名單排序與輔導申請單位修正計畫書內容,本計畫受補助單位依序為崇學國小、官田老人養護中心、民治市政中心、臺南女中、環保局東區清潔隊、華爾街資訊大樓、瀛海中學與仁德區公所等8處單位,其中崇學國小與官田老人養護中心因環境條件良好、自籌款經費充足等因素適合作為綠屋頂示範區,因而擴充為旗艦型綠屋頂。九月綠屋頂陸續開工,直至十二月全數完工,綠屋頂總綠化面積達533平方公尺,並至各單位辦理種子人員培訓課程,加強各單位工作小組綠屋頂維護管理技能。 三、推廣宣傳與外縣市觀摩活動 本計畫共辦理三場補助辦法說明會宣傳,總計有69個單位、85人次參加,並配合新聞稿、臉書、部落格發布本計畫相關活動訊息加強推廣。協助各單位辦理宣傳活動,如東區清潔隊與民治市政中心辦理綠屋頂啟用記者會、瀛海中學師生共同採收等活動增加計畫曝光,期末也選定崇學國小旗艦型綠屋頂舉行成果發表會,籌備種菜DIY活動,並展示各單位綠屋頂建置成果與綠屋頂環境降溫成效。此外,廣邀市府各局處人員參與外縣市觀摩活動,至高雄市綠屋頂特色案例(高雄醫學大學、新光國小、橋頭地院檢察署等三處)參訪綠屋頂,促進跨局處間交流,增進對屋頂綠化政策之認同。 四、綠屋頂環境效益評估 綠屋頂節能降溫效益實測結果發現,不管是哪一種綠屋頂模組,都可以減少熱傳百分比超過60%,如果以減少室內溫度1℃便可以節省室內空調用電6%而言,本計畫之各綠屋頂個案皆可減少室內空調用電6%以上。綜合臺南市環保局示範的七種綠屋頂模組之實測結果,發現夏季以薄層綠化系統的節能減碳效果最好,平均熱傳減少百分比可達86.4%以上,而秋冬季節則是以塑膠管型式的花架爬網效果較好,平均熱傳減少百分比可達62.2%以上。另外,分析綠屋頂之固碳保水效益,本計畫建置之綠屋頂估計每年共可固定二氧化碳1276.87公斤,以40年生命週期計算的話則共有約51公噸;保水以延緩洪峰暴雨量則可達76.05立方公尺。
中文關鍵字 綠屋頂、薄層綠化、節能、降溫、減碳、固碳、保水、模組、民眾參與、生態、園藝治療、監測、都市農園、食農教育、環境綠化、生態綠網、都市綠帶


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-106-AN-30214 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5925 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/16 專案結束日期 2017/12/30 專案主持人 李有田
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃治堯 執行單位 台灣綠屋頂暨立體綠化協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南綠屋頂計畫-期末報告-定稿.pdf 18MB

Plan of Promoting Energy-saving and Temperature-reducing Green Roof in Tainan

英文摘要 Summary 1.Formulated the proposal of green roof incentives and built green roof models We formulated the proposal of green roof incentives of this project and ran 3 seminars to inform the communities, including neighborhoods, schools and government institutions. To educate the public on green roof construction, we built 9 models on the rooftop of the Environment Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government, which showcased the diversity of green roof materials. 2.Constructed green roofs and provided technical guidance We engaged the experts to assess the conditions of the roofs. 18 from all the 24 applicants met the safety criteria. We guided the applicants in composing the proposal. Excluding unapproved applicants, we received 10 proposals and with the agreement of the experts and executive staffs of this project, we finalized the list and order of incentives. We started building 10 green roofs Sept. onwards and finished in Dec., reaching 533 m2 green area in total. For strengthening applicants the skill of green roof maintenance, we provided them with technical guidance. 3.Organized seminars and distributed the press release To widely spread the information of this project, we organized 3 seminars inviting 85 individuals from 69 organizations. In the end of the project, we made a presentation for 10 beautiful green roofs and invited the public to grow their own vegetables in the rooftop. With the technical tour in Kaohsiung, we managed to see other 3 classic green roofs in neighbor city, which promoted Tainan a lot. We got more support from the public via press release, Facebook and blog posts. 4.Evaluated the environmental benefits of green roof The data shows that no matter what kind of greenery module the thermal performance of green roof could reduce the heat transfer percentage of more than 60%. Since if you reduce the indoor temperature of 1℃, you could save 6% electricity on air conditioning. All the cases in this project would save electricity power on air conditioning at least 6%. Based on the actual measurement of the seven greenery modules on the rooftop of TEPA, it was found that the effect of energy saving and carbon reduction by extensive green roof system has the best thermal performance in summer, with the reduction percentage of heat transfer more than 86.4%, while in autumn and winter, PVC flower pergola has the best reduction percentage of heat transfer up to 62.2% and above. In addition, the performance of carbon fixation and water retention, the nine demonstration sites are estimated to be fixed a total of 1276.87 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year, then a total of about 51 tonnes within a 40-year life cycle; water retention on delaying the stormwater runoff up to 76.05 cubic meters.  
英文關鍵字 Green roof, extensive green roof, energy saving, cooling, carbon reduction, carbon fixation, water retaining, module, module, public participation, ecology, horticultural treatment, monitoring, urban farming, food education, environmental greening, ecological green network, urban green belt