

中文摘要 本計畫主軸分為技術審查面、管理實務面、系統面及宣傳輔導面4大面向: 技術審查面,共審查許可申請件數356件,證明文件及資料3,566份,其執行期間審查日數均符合計畫規定審查期限,並建立環境用藥許可證初步審查作業程序。 管理實務面本年度主要蒐集國際上10個國家環境用藥管理單位權責分工、法規管理架構、許可證登記與制度及遺傳工程環境用藥微生物製劑管理及應用情形,以掌握國際間管理制度;並蒐集國內農藥管理規定,以評析與我國環藥管理政策之差異,提出8項建議;協助「環境用藥許可證申請核發作業準則」修正事宜;辦理環境用藥微生物製劑2場次專家諮詢會議,研析Wolbachia納入環境用藥管理法規可行性;提出我國污染防治用藥篩選原則草案;在9月及11月分別至大陸地區及新加坡拜訪該國主管機關、考察病媒防治及環境用藥製造、販賣業者,實地瞭解大陸地區及新加坡管理制度,並提交出國報告。 為環境用藥業者申請許可證產品送驗,辦理指定藥效(效力)實驗室檢查事宜,完成12場次實驗室檢查;配合病媒防治業管理辦法修正,病媒防治業施藥人員的訓練機構由中央主管機關委託,首次規劃訓練機構訪視作業,以蒐集資料及輔導改善為主,共完成12家次病媒防治業訓練機構訪視作業。 在系統面,本年度為落實環境用藥管理,定時更新網站資料及例行維護,定期執行系統掃描,維護資訊安全;進行環境用藥管理資訊系統管理端5項功能調整、1項資料介接及業者端4項功能調整;增列環境防蟲天然物質展延及變更功能,調整標示查詢系統管理功能;配合法規修正及政策,修正病媒防治業施作紀錄功能、完備環境用藥紀錄表功能,以即時掌握病媒防治業施作情形、環境用藥製造、輸入、販賣、使用數量。 宣導面,針對環境用藥業者及病媒防治業者辦理1場次研討會,與會人次共計143人,滿意度達91.5%;辦理12場次業者及1場次環保局系統操作說明會,與會人次共計718人,業者場次滿意度達85.5%,環保局場次滿意度達88.5%,會後依使用者回饋意見,進行系統功能修正;對於一般使用者的宣導,則透過定期更新環境用藥安全使用宣導網站資料,公布最新資訊,以達全面滲透大眾之日常生活,宣導民眾認識環境用藥及安全用藥,澈底落實保護環境與維護人體健康之宗旨。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、許可證初步審查、污染防治用藥、微生物製劑、環境用藥藥效(效力)實驗室、病媒防治業施藥人員訓練、環境用藥安全使用宣導網站、環境用藥管理資訊系統、安全用藥


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-HC04-02-A004 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8800 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/27 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 鄧榆樺
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 洪靜宜 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年環境用藥管理及資訊系統維護計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 19MB

2017 The Program of Environmental Agent s Management System Operation and Proficiency.

英文摘要 This year’s project is divided into four parts, which includes the review of environmental agent product registrations, management practices, maintenance of online managing system, and promotional events of environmental agents. This year, a total of 356 applications for environmental agent registrations with 3,566 copies of required documents were submitted to Taiwan EPA. All applications were reviewed and approved within the project deadline. And in order to enhance review works, a principle was created to examine the submitted documents. As to developing management practices of environmental agents, we continued to study environmental agent stewardship in different countries so as to understand the global trend better. In this year’s project, we have included case studies of 10 countries. We collected and analyzed information regarding the competent authorities of pest control, the regulatory framework, environmental agent products registration process, permits for manufacturers and pest control operators, and regulations of genetically engineered microbial preparations in the 10 countries. Moreover, we also studied domestic regulations of agro-pesticides and compared them to the regulations of foreign countries. And we were able to derive 8 suggestions to help policy-makers revise the “Working Standards for Environmental Agent Permit Application and Issuance”. This year, 2 seminars were conducted to address the regulations of microbial preparations. Scholars and experts were invited to discuss the introduction of Wolbachia into regulations. A draft regarding the selection criteria of environmental agents for pollution control was also proposed. Taiwan EPA sent delegations to China and Singapore in September and November this year to learn about the management approaches of environmental agents and pest control operators. The delegations visited the competent authorities, pest control operators, environmental agent manufacturers and sellers. The trips provided great opportunities to understand the regulations of environmental agents in China and Singapore. This year, a total of 12 on-site surveys were conducted at certain laboratories, where environmental products are sent to test their drug efficacies. Moreover, in response to the latest law amendments on pest control operators, on-site surveys were conducted at pest control operator training centers. This was the first time for Taiwan EPA to conduct such on-site surveys on training centers. The goals of on-site surveys were to collect information and give counseling services to the centers. A total of 12 on-site surveys were conducted at the training centers this year. The online managing system was upgraded regularly throughout the year to enhance environmental agent stewardship. For instance, 5 functions and 1 interface for the web administrators, and 4 functions for users of the online managing system have been modified to increase efficiency in regulating environmental agents. A new function, which allows users to renew the registration of natural repellents, was added to the system. In addition, the product label search engine was modified to create a more user-friendly interface. Lastly, in order to be in accordance with the law amendments, post-operation records were also modified to contain more information, which allows Taiwan EPA to keep track on pest control operations, as well as the number of environmental agents manufactured, imported, sold, and used within the year. In order to promote the latest law amendments and system updates, a seminar was held for environmental agent manufacturers and pest control operators. A total of 143 people joined the seminar with an average satisfaction rate of 91.5%. In addition, 12 sessions were conducted to introduce the new functions of the online managing system to businesses; and 1 session was conducted to local EPBs. A total of 718 participants joined the sessions. They were generally satisfied with the content of the sessions, with an average satisfaction rate of 85.5% from business and 88.5% from local EPBs. Participants were asked to fill up questionnaires regarding the performance of the system at the end of the sessions. These questionnaires served as a valuable reference for modifying the managing system. As for general users of pesticides, we have been updating the promotional website on a regular basis. Users can easily find information on safe purchases and uses for pesticides. The promotional events have been helpful in implementing Taiwan EPA’s goal to protect the environment and safeguard people’s health
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, permit preliminary checking, synthetic chemical agents, microbial preparations produced agents, pest control operators personnel training, environmental agents safety use publicity website, environmental agents management system, safety use