中文摘要 | 本計畫內容包括「推動永續經營運作機能及管考工作」、「參與低碳永續家園評等認證」、「辦理教育訓練及宣導活動」、「協助推動社區建構低碳作為」與「配合環保署執行溫市氣體盤查行政作業」等,各項成果摘要如下: 一、推動永續經營運作機能及管考工作 本計畫於3月16日、7月25日辦理2場次跨局處研商會議,第一場針對「永續願景」及「宜居環境」議題進行研商,第二場由相關局處討論本市銀級現勘特色。在技術諮詢會方面,第一場於7月5日辦理,請委員給予社區低碳建設意見,第二場於11月22日辦理,將本年度補助社區永續經營之成果轉為專案,並上傳至環保署網站。在計畫管考方面,於11月30日完成年度績效報告提送環保署。 二、參與低碳永續家園評等認證 本年度協助20個里取得入圍資格,10個里取得銅級認證,輔導3個區取得入圍資格,臺北市則於10月25日取得銀級認證。 三、辦理教育訓練及宣導活動 本計畫於5月30日辦理「臺北能源之丘」參訪活動,邀請臺北市立松山高級工農職業學校學生參加。7月18日辦理社區交流活動,表揚105年取得銅級之區與里,另配合本市節能政策推動,購置200份LED節能燈泡作為宣導品。為推廣本市再生能源成果,2月17日辦理 「臺北能源之丘」啟用典禮,於臺北畫刊呈現建置成果,達成宣傳推廣目的。 四、協助推動社區建構低碳作為 本年度補助11個里進行低碳建設,包括設置雨水回收系統、小型再生能源設施、建置社區農園等。 五、配合環保署執行溫市氣體盤查行政作業 本計畫配合環保署執行溫室氣體盤查作業,確認本市與中央盤查數據,並製作104年度盤查清冊,將資料登錄於「城市層級溫室氣體碳揭露服務平台」。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 低碳永續家園 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 106 | 計畫經費 | 4000 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2017/02/15 | 專案結束日期 | 2017/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 徐源宏 |
主辦單位 | 臺北市政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 施純如 | 執行單位 | 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 106低碳_期末報告(定稿).pdf | 5MB |
106 Building Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities in Taipei City
英文摘要 | The content of this project involves: (1) Promotion and Evaluation of Sustainable Development and Management, (2) Participating in Low-Carbon Living Certification, (3) Conducting Educational Trainings and Promotion Activities, (4) Supporting community in Low-Carbon Equipment Construction and (5) Cooperating with EPA in investigation and administration of Green House Gas Emission. I.Promotion and Evaluation of Sustainable Development and Management For this project, the two interdepartmental meetings were held on Mar. 16th and Jul. 25th individually; the first meeting focused on the issues related to “Sustainable Development Goal” and “Livable Environment” while the second meeting was for the related departments to evaluate the qualification of Taipei City’s performance for LCSS silver certification. For technical consulting council, the first council, where the commissioners provided suggestions to low-carbon constructions in communities, was held on Jul. 5th. In the second council held on Nov. 25th, the results of offering subsidies to communities for sustainable development was written as an authenticated project and was uploaded onto EPA’s website. In terms of the project evaluation, the yearly administrative performance report was finished and sent to EPA. II.Participating in Low-Carbon Living Certification This year, with the aid from DEP, twenty villages and three districts were nominated, and ten villages were awarded with Bronze certifications. And, Taipei City was awarded with Silver certification. III.Conducting Educational Training and Promotion Activities On May 30th, the students from Taipei Municipal Songshan High School of Agriculture and Industry were invited to visit “Taipei Energy Hill”. On Jul 18th, we held an intercommunity activity and honor those districts and villages which were recognized with Bronze certification in 2016. In addition, 200 LED light bulbs were bought to advocate the energy-saving policy. To present Taipei’s contribution in developing renewable energy, opening ceremony for “Taipei Energy Hill” took place on Feb. 17th, and for advertising, the accomplishment of “Taipei Energy Hill” was published on Taipei Pictorial. IV.Supporting community in Low-Carbon Equipment Construction This year, the subsidies were offered to the eleven villages for Low-Carbon Equipment constructions including rainwater harvesting system, small-scale renewable energy facility, community farm and so on. V.Cooperating with EPA in Investigation and Administration of Green House Gas Emission DEP cooperated with EPA in carrying out an investigation and administration on GHG emission: (1) confirmed the results with the central government, (2) made a yearly inventory for 2015 and (3) upload the data onto “City-level Carbon Disclosure Platform”. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities |