英文摘要 |
In order for the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City
Government to continue promoting the operations of permitting, audit controls,
and monitoring of the stationary pollution sources for sake of better air quality
based on total emission controls, it continued to contract out the execution of the
“2017-2018 New Taipei City Permitting of Stationary Sources of Air Pollution
and Inspection & Control Project” (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”). The
Project, according to the work contents and purposes, can be divided into such
five major work areas as the permitting of pollution prevention or reduction
management, the industrial process management, the enterprise groups’ total
emissions management drive, the fuel management, and project control
operations. Their main achievements are further described as follows:
(I) In order to achieve the goal of pollution prevention or reduction
management, we have assessed the room for improvement in air pollution
reduction at the time of review for permit by not only encouraging the air
polluters to use low-pollution fuels, but also requiring them to effectively
collect and reduce gas, and to extend management on hazardous air pollutants
(HAPs). At the locations where people often complain about the air pollution,
the concentration monitoring and early warning systems have been set up. In
response to the effective review of emission standards, we have integrated the
relevant air pollution management regulations such as air quality deterioration,
greenhouse gas emissions reporting and the regular inspection and observation
on mobile pollution sources. The air pollution emissions have been reduced for this year:
Particulate Matter (PM) 9 tons/year, Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 55 tons/year, Nitrogen
Oxide (NOx) 447 tons/year, and VOCs 43 tons/year.
(II) Since the year 2015, we have published the process review principles
for six industries, and the process review guidelines for one industry. So far, 165
processes have been improved on pollution emissions. For this year, we added
the formulation of the “Guidelines on Review for Permit of Stationary Pollution
Sources Using Fuels Other Than Oil and Gas by the Environmental Protection
Department, New Taipei City Government”. The standards to be included will be
the components limit values for feedstock (fuel), the operational conditions for
pollution sources and control equipment, the limit values for varied air pollutant
emissions, the real-time monitoring of pollution sources and control equipment,
(III) In order to effectively curb the growth of air pollution, we helped Nan
Ya Plastics Corporation to complete the enterprise group total emission
management planning in the first half of this year, and have negotiated with
them for stricter control on emission standards and to complete the construction
of spare boilers using natural gas in 2019. For this year, state enterprises in
similar industry were included as objects for the enterprise group total emission
management and the planned PM emission standard value is 15 tons per year
maximum for permit.
(IV) In order to effectively control the pollution emission of bituminous
coal usage, the City announced in 2015 and 2016 respectively the "Principles on
Review for Permit of Coal-fired Stationary Pollution Sources by the
Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government” and the
“Principles on Review for Permit of Usage of Bituminous Coal by the
Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government”, which
were designed in principle to prevent the increase of total consumption of
bituminous coal and its total emission by increasing the frequency of strict
inspection for effective control and efficiency certification. The City has issued
permits to use bituminous coal 6.53 million tons/year, of which 6 million
tons/year are used by the three generating sets of Taiwan Power Company.
(V) In order to redress the gasoline vapor escaped from gasoline stations,
all the stations within the City have been equipped with micro-pressure gauges
to ensure the normal operation of the vacuum pressure valve for the gasoline
vapor discharge in the oil tank. In addition, the City is propagating how to
correctly self-fuel the vehicles at normal speed without dripping to reduce the
gasoline vapor with a slogan covering five parts: “Lift (the gun), insert (the gun),
cover (the cloth), press (the gun), and jump (to stop)”. Self-fillers are reminded
not to force pumping once the dispensing gun is automatically cut off, lest
gasoline leaks to adversely affect health and pollute the environment.