

中文摘要 本計畫共包含3大主軸,各主軸之工作重點與執行成果如下: (一) 精進專業許可初審:本計畫透過指派1名化工博士擔任專職初審人員,彙整許可規定製作為初審指引,同時建立完備案件管控流程,有效降低承辦人員之審查業務負擔:截至12/24,本計畫已完成743件許可申請案之初審作業,月均數較去年成長27%;實際初審天數均符合契約規定天數;此外,初審檢核之完整、正確度高達97%,顯示即便處於高負荷的案件數量下,本計畫亦能展現高效率、高品質的初審水準。 (二) 提昇危害風險防治:為加強管理市面上既有的環境用藥副成分,並與國際管理趨勢接軌:完成蒐集共15項之美國、歐盟與我國農藥關注之風險化學品清單,並邀集5名相關領域專家學者,於8/1召開1場次專家會議,確立適當之篩選原則,篩選出1項高風險副成分:二甲基乙醯胺(CAS No. 127-19-5),具體提出替代方案與汰除做法之建議。 (三) 教育宣導安全用藥:為降低環境用藥違法網路廣告情形,本計畫共檢查違法網路廣告402筆,包括含有我國禁用成分「滅蟻樂」者38件;除將常見違法樣態設定為懶人包製作主題外,亦納入化學局最新政策,如安全用藥四要口訣、非農地雜草管理等,共完成製作8個懶人包;亦於7~12月陸續完成辦理5場次扎根式環境用藥安全使用宣導說明會,與民眾直接互動,提昇宣導強度:總參與人次約1,114人,整體活動滿意度高達96%;最後,俾利民眾選用合法、安全環境用藥:本計畫完成蒐集國際環保標章、業者意見,納為執行考量,提出共4個安全用藥標章設計成品,並具體建議可行之執行做法。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、許可證初審、安全用藥


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-HC01-02-A028 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3700 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/28 專案主持人 倪雅惠
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 王郁芬 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿_1227.pdf 18MB

Safe Use and Hazard Prevention of Environmental Agents Program

英文摘要 This program is divided into 3 main projects, with its summary and result listed below: 1. Enhance preliminary review of professional licenses: In this project, a chemical engineering PhD was recruited to assist in reviewing permit requirements and managing permit issuance as a full-time preliminary reviewer. This has greatly helped reduce burden and effectively save time. By December 24, 743 cases of preliminary review were expected to be completed, an increase of 27% from last year’s monthly average while still meeting contract deadline. In addition, the completeness and accurateness of the project with a rate of 97% proves that even under high-volumes, the project can still be completed with efficiency and provide high-quality results. 2. Improve hazard risk prevention: In order to strengthen management on existing inert ingredients in marketed environmental agents, while also complying to international management trends, 15 different risk categories of U.S., E.U. and Taiwan agro-pesticides were collected. On August 1st, Five experts were invited to share and provide suggestions on screening methods, alternatives, and elimination practices on high-risk ingredients such as dimethyl acetamide (CAS No. 127-19-5). 3. Education on the safe use of agents: In order to reduce illegal online advertisements on environmental agents, 402 illegal online advertisements, including 38 banned "mirex" ant killers, have been found and collected. As such, 8 categories of agent safety education “for dummies” such as the four safety phrases, non-agricultural use herbicides management, etc. were integrated as part of the new TCSB policy. In addition, 5 public awareness and education were hosted between July and December, reaching an audience of 1,114 persons with a satisfaction rate of 96%. Last, 4 different types of agent safety labeling design, including its feasible implementation practices, were proposed to allow for better consumer diversity and safety.
英文關鍵字 environmental agents, permit preliminary checking, safety use