
106年度「屏東縣柴油車污染管制暨 綠色運輸推廣計畫」

中文摘要 本計畫主要目標包括:柴油車相關管制作業、停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業、綠色運具及運輸宣導推廣作業及配合局內各項行政業務。期末報告統計期程為106年3月1日至107年2月28日止,各項工作績效成果摘要如下: (一)柴油車管制作業 統計資料截至107年2月28日止,完成契約柴油車排煙檢測數2,459輛次、目測及車牌辨識作業16,145輛次、目測判煙通知600輛次及路邊攔查檢測531輛次。其中為加強高污染車輛管制,本計畫加強執行路邊攔檢稽查作業,稽查場次高達145次,為歷年最高,主要稽查對象以1~3期車為主,且為配合空品維護區管制,墾丁地區遊覽車執行攔檢作業,不合格率由去年23.4%降至8.8%,僅有1輛遊覽車不合格,且新增稽查路段,包含六堆文化園區(台1線403公里處)及原住民文化園區(台24線25.5公里處),其中以台一線403公里處檢驗不合格率達16.7%有偏高情形。 (二)非法油品查緝作業 本計畫配合柴油車計畫於路邊攔查及動力站內檢測時,逐車進行油品檢查,針對顏色或氣味異常之樣品進行抽驗檢測,統計計畫開始截至107年2月28日止,路邊檢查車輛數有822輛次;動力站檢查車輛數1,766輛次,總攔車檢查數為2,599輛次,攔查數為歷年最高,其油品硫含量有2件不符合規範。 (三)柴油車保檢合一推動 本計畫辦理柴油車管制及認證保養廠說明會1場次,且至現場訪視本縣清潔隊之保養廠,挑選4家較具規模且有意願配合落實車輛維修觀念的業者,於12月18日邀請專業學者辦理評鑑作業,經評鑑結果各保養廠較缺乏排煙檢測能力,現階段加強車主落實維修保養觀念及配合中央政策汰舊補助為主。另外對於本縣4家認證保養廠執行2場次訪查輔導作業,分析到站檢測車輛至認證保養廠維修之退驗率,發現近兩年宏誠噴射器行及長源汽車(股)公司退驗率有偏高之情形。但對於認證保養廠再被通知率分析,發現今年度僅有1輛車重複遭目測通知,相較於去年5輛車已明顯減少。 (四)柴油車品保品管 今年度標準車完成噴油嘴、柱栓等零件更新;噴射幫浦重新校正,另外引擎本體、冷卻系統、傳動軸等機件檢查,並且更換柴油濾心、空氣濾心、油管、機油及車輛輪胎等,藉以提升車況穩定性。已重新繪製15筆品管圖,且於106年8開始執行查核點測試,現階段均符合品質管制圖區間範圍。並且於107年1月29日與鄰近高雄市仁武站執行相關性測試,比對測值馬力誤差範圍0.9hp~1.3hp、污染度誤差範圍0%~2%及不透光測值誤差範圍0.1 m-1,均符合規範。 (五)停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業 宣導文宣以易於民眾接受為原則,已製作宣導靜電貼紙3,000張、宣導海報3,000張及宣導品1,500份。宣導靜電貼紙及宣導品於執行路邊稽查作業及各項宣導活動時進行發送;宣導海報則以派員發送及寄送之方式至各縣公務機關、工廠、客運業者、各級學校及風景區等。本計畫執行怠速稽查及宣導排定地點以學校及空品維護區稽查比重提升,主要原因為去年此區域怠速情形較為嚴重,本計畫加強執行稽查及宣導工作,結果於學校怠速勸導率由去年20.4%降至今年10.7%,空品維護區怠速勸導率由去年14.6%降至13.0%,在學校區域車輛怠速情形以有明顯成效。 (六)低污染車輛宣導推廣作業 本計畫針對低污染車輛推廣作業,主要協助環保局推動電動公車規劃、公共自行車推廣及掌握、現行電動公車運輸量掌握、電動機車推廣及環保車隊推動作業。於推動電動公車上,經與縣府城鄉發展處協調,並向環保署爭取相關經費,原預定以燃油公車營運之屏東市新闢路線改由電動公車營運。台灣原住民文化園區之接駁車亦經由協商,原預定購置4輛一般燃油接駁車更改為每年汰換2輛電動接駁車。另針對校園接駁車部分,亦由環保局媒介由屏東客運與屏東科技大學簽立電動公車接駁契約,現階段屏東客運電動車輛已購置完成。對於現階段大鵬灣電動巴士於106年度運行量共計10,924人次。在公共自行車由105年度30個自行車租賃站點,今年度新增2站;車輛數由697輛增至761輛。使用人次106年598,737人次,較去年使用人次558,232增加40,505人次,其平均周轉率為3.75。電動機車推廣部分,106年度共有電動機車新購1036輛、電動自行車(輔助)951輛,換購電動機車187輛、換購電動自行車(輔助)99輛。另外,為配合環保署汰舊補助政策,本計畫依據車籍資料及工廠資訊,針對大型車隊及工廠逐一訪談、輔導,宣導車隊汰換一、二期大型柴油車;工廠則要求於承攬契約中明訂使用符合四、五期環保車輛,本計畫輔導14家車隊業者全數使用四、五期環保車輛。 (七)空品維護區推動成果 為配合環保署重點政策及本局近年的規劃方案,本計畫已針對本縣熱門景點如墾丁、小琉球、原住民文化園區及六堆客家文化園區等地,逐年推動空品維護區進行高污染車輛管制實施。墾丁地區為最先推動之區域,依據定期辦理空品維護區管制稽查作業,及加嚴推動車輛管制措施,墾丁地區大型柴油車輛攔檢作業,稽查不合格率已由105年度23.4%降至8.8%,有明顯的高污染車輛減少情形,且租賃業者機車定檢率在本年度達到100%,於燃油車輛的管制上又達成另一個正向指標。另為了推廣電動車使用,亦協調墾管處增加低污染車輛停車格,至目前墾丁地區已有330輛低污染率電動車輛提供遊客租賃使用;而小琉球地區同樣配合管制推動後,各公務柴油車輛已從初期的配合執行,優化成年度接受本局排煙定檢性質,而106年度配合進行車輛定期檢驗,經檢測12輛次之柴油車,其檢測合格率為100%。並透過本局結合中華汽車推動的一輛二行程機車換一輛電動機車之專案,在租賃的電動車輛已從105年度630輛提升至本年度930輛,電動車輛提升率將近達50%,且透過普查及確認,租賃業者之機車定檢率與墾丁地區相同,與本年度達到100%之成果,也是推動管制作業以來,首次達成定檢率100%之成效;原住民文化園區亦已召開相關會議,並已架設車牌辨識系統著手進行柴油車輛管制作業,且園區單位表示將為配合污染減量,預計未來將增購電動車輛提供遊客接駁使用,在經管制草案及協商和公聽會議辦理後,已於107年1月1日正式實施,而六堆客家文化園區,亦已預定於本年度列入空品維護區實施區域;對於未來的執行方式,將循墾丁地區的管制作法,強化車輛管制及污染排放之掌握。
中文關鍵字 柴油車管制


專案計畫編號 1070126-1W 經費年度 106 計畫經費 10960 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/01 專案結束日期 2018/02/28 專案主持人 林慈儀
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王雅鳳 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 (3)106屏東柴動期末報告定稿.pdf 19MB

2017「Diesel vehicle control and Low-pollution vehicles a promotion plan」

英文摘要 The main objectives of the project include: diesel vehicle-related control operations, parking idle extinguishment and inspection operations, green transport and transportation promotional activities and coordination with various administrative services within the bureau. The preliminary period for the final report is from March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018. The results of the work performance are summarized as follows: (1) Diesel vehicle control operations Statistics till February 28, 2018, 2,459 diesel vehicles with contract were tested for exhaust emissions, 16,145 vehicles for visual inspection and license plate recognition, 600 vehicles for visual smoke inspection and 531 vehicles for roadside inspections. In order to strengthen the control of high-pollution vehicles, the project strengthened the implementation of roadside inspections. The number of inspections was as high as 145, which was the highest in the past years. The main inspection targets were mainly the first- to third-phase vehicles, and they were in line with the control of the air quality maintenance and control area. In the Kenting area, tour buses were stopped for roadside check operations. The rate of disqualification fell from 23.4% in the previous year to 8.8% except only one tour bus unqualified, and a new inspection road section was established, including the Liudui Cultural Park (403km from Taiwan Line 1). And the Aboriginal Cultural Park (24.25 km from Taiwan Line 24), of which the test rate of 16.7% for the 403-kilometer from Taiwan Line 1 was considered even higher. (2) Inspection of illegal oil products The project was in line with the diesel vehicle project to check on the roadside and in the power station. The oil inspection was performed on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis, testing samples for color or odor abnormalities. The statistical program ended on February 28, 2018. The number of roadside inspection vehicles was 822; the number of power station inspection vehicles was 1,766, the total number of vehicle inspections was 2,599, and the number of inspections reached the highest in the past years. There were 2 Sulphur contents in the oil that did not meet the specifications. (3) Promotion of Diesel Vehicle Safety and Inspection With the project, a diesel vehicle control and certification maintenance workshop was held for 1 session, and visits were arranged to the maintenance plant of the county's cleaning team at the site to select 4 large-scale companies who were willing to cooperate with the concept of vehicle maintenance. On December 18th. Experts were invited to go through the evaluation work. The assessment results showed that the maintenance factories were less capable of exhaust smoke detection. At this stage, owners were encouraged to implement the concept of maintenance and to cooperate with the central government to eliminate old subsidies. In addition, two inspection visits were conducted for the four certified maintenance factories in this county to analyze the rate of return inspections of vehicles from the station to the certified maintenance plant. It was found that Hongcheng E&C and Changyuan Automobile (the company) had high rate of returned inspections in the past two years. However, an analysis of the rate of certification and inspection of the maintenance plant found that only 1 vehicle had been visually notified repeatedly this year, which was a significant reduction from the 5 vehicles last year. (4) Diesel vehicle quality assurance This year, the standard cars have been completed the update of components such as injectors and studs; the jet pump was recalibrated; in addition, engine parts, cooling systems, and transmission shafts were inspected; and diesel filters, air filters, tubing, oil, and tires were replaced to enhance the stability of the vehicle condition. Fifteen quality control charts had been redrew, and checkpoint tests had been started since August, 2017. At this stage, they all met the scope of quality control charts. And, on January 29, 2017, a correlation test was conducted with the adjacent Renwu station in Kaohsiung City, comparing the error range of the measured horsepower error by 0.9 hp to 1.3 hp, the contamination error range of 0% to 2%, and the range of the opacity measurement error. 0.1 m-1, all in line with specifications. (5) Parking Ignition Proclamation and Auditing Operations With the principle of easy acceptance by the public, 3,000 electrostatic stickers had been produced, 3,000 posters, and 1,500 advertisements. Dissemination electrostatic stickers and promotional materials were distributed during implementation of roadside inspection operations and various promotional activities; the dissemination of the posters were sent and dispatched by people to the county government agencies, factories, passenger transport companies, all school levels and scenic areas. The increase in the proportion of inspections for the implementation of the project's idling speeding inspection and advocacy sites in schools and air quality maintenance areas was mainly due to the fact that the idling situation in this region was more serious in the past year. The project strengthened the implementation of the inspection and advocacy work. As a result, the school quickly admitted that the rate of persuasion on school idling had dropped from 20.4% last year to 10.7% this year. The rate of idleness persuasion in the air quality maintenance zone had dropped from 14.6% last year to 13.0%. This had shown remarkable results in the idling of vehicles in the school district. (6) Low-pollution vehicles announce and promotion operations The project aims at promoting low-polluting vehicles and mainly assisted the EPA in promoting the planning of electric buses, the promotion and mastery of public bicycles, the current mastery of electric bus traffic, the promotion of electric vehicles, and the promotion of environmental vehicle teams. In order to promote electric buses, we had coordinated with the county-level urban-rural development office and seeking funding from the Environmental Protection Department. The newly planned Pingtung City line, which was scheduled to operate on a fuel bus, was replaced by an electric bus. The shuttle bus of Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Park was also negotiated. It was originally planned to purchase 4 general fuel feeder shuttle buses and then changed to replace 2 electric shuttle buses each year. In addition, for the part of the campus shuttle bus, the Ping Tung Passenger Transport and Pingtung University of Science and Technology signed an electric bus connection contract with the assistance of EPB. At this stage, the Pingtung passenger electric vehicle had been purchased. For the current period, the electric buses in Dapeng Bay totaled 10,924 person-times in operation in the year 2017. As for public bicycles, the 30 bicycle rental stations of the year 2017 added another 2 stations this year; the number of vehicles increased from 697 to 761 vehicles. There were 598,737 person-times in 2017, an increase of 40,505 person-times compared with 558,232 last year. The average turnover rate was 3.75. In the promotion of electric locomotives, in 2017, a total of 1,036 new electric motor vehicles and 951 electric bicycles (assistant) were purchased, 187 electric motor vehicles were replaced, and 99 electric bicycles (assistant) were replaced. In addition, in line with the EPD's old-fashioned subsidy policy, the project was based on vehicle registration information and factory information, and interviews and coaches large-scale teams and factories one by one, advising the team to replace the first- or second-phase diesel vehicles; the factories were required to take orders. The contract expressly used vehicles that meet the four- and five-phase environmental protection requirements. The four-phase and five-phase environmental protection vehicles were all used by the 14 vehicle teams under the implementation of the project. (7) Promotion results in the air quality maintenance area In line with the EPA's key policies and the projects of the Bureau in recent years, the project had promoted high levels of pollution in the air quality maintenance areas for the county's popular tourist attractions such as Kenting, Xiaoliuqiu, the Aboriginal Cultural Park and the Liudui Hakka Cultural Park. As for vehicle control implementation, the Kenting area was the first area to be promoted. Based on the regular inspection of air quality maintenance areas, and the seriously-implementing vehicle control measures, the inspection of large-scale diesel vehicles in the Kenting area had reduced the inspection failure rate from 23.4% in the year of 2016 to 8.8. %, where there was a clear reduction in highly polluting vehicles, and the regular inspection rate for scooter leasing companies had reached 100% this year, and another positive indicator was reached on the control of fuel vehicles. In addition, in order to promote the use of electric vehicles, Kenting National Park Headquarters also coordinated with us to increase the number of low-pollution vehicles. Currently, 330 low-pollution electric vehicles had been provided for tourists to rent in the Kenting area; with coordination of the Xiaoliuqiu area, the public diesel vehicle had been from the initial cooperation to the optimality of receiving regular inspection of exhaust smoke every year under our persuasion. In the year 2017, the vehicles were regularly tested. After testing 12 diesel vehicles, the test pass rate was 100%. Besdies, through the exchange of a two-stroke locomotive-for-electric-vehicle project promoted by China Motors, the number of electric vehicles leased had increased from 630 units in 2016 to 930 units in this year, and the rate of increase in electric vehicles had reached nearly 50%. It was confirmed that the rate of the regular inspection on scooters from leasing companies was the same as that in the Kenting area, and that this year’s 100% result was also the result of the 100% verification rate for the first time since the control operations were promoted; Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park had also held related meetings and the license plate recognition system had been set up to proceed with diesel vehicle control operations, and the park officials had indicated that they will cooperate with pollution reduction. It was expected that additional electric vehicles will be provided for tourists to connect and use in the future. After being handled through the draft of regulation and consultation and hearing conference, it had formally been implemented on January 1st, 2018. The Liudui Hakka Cultural Park had been scheduled to be included in the implementation area of the air quality maintenance area this year; for the future implementation method, the method of regulation in Kenting District will be adopted to strengthen vehicle control and the mastery of pollution discharge.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicle control operations