

中文摘要 一、計畫名稱:106 年金門縣環境教育推動計畫勞務委託案 二、主辦機關:金門縣環境保護局 三、承辦單位:長慧環境科技有限公司 四、計畫主持人:潘秉宗 五、計畫經理:謝孟宏 六、駐局工程師:許彥隆、洪銘駿、呂承諭 七、計畫期程:106 年 2 月 11 日至 106 年 12 月 31 日止 八、年度經費:609 萬元整 九、執行成果 本計畫共包含 13 大工作項目,本團隊將概分為宣傳推廣活動辦理及行政推動 等兩大項,詳細工作項目請參閱表 2.3-1 工作執行進度對照表。本計畫希冀經由推 動在地化特色環境教育,藉以提升縣民環境倫理與責任,啟發環境素養與覺知,進 而發展為城市永續發展的理念。本計畫執行成果如下: (一)宣傳推廣活動辦理 1.於 3 月 21 日辦理一場次世界森林日環境教育活動,上午場次參與人數 34 人次, 下午場次 53 人次,總參與人數達 87 人次。 2.於 106 年 4 月 22、29 日辦理二場次「地球日」低碳環境教育課程第一梯次 37 人 參與、第二梯次 37 人參與;於 106 年 4 月 23、30 日辦理二梯次漫遊綠活單車行, 第一梯次 87 人參與、第二梯次 118 人參與。 3 於 106 年 6 月 11、14 日辦理二場次「世界環境日」馬約利卡 FUN 桌遊環境教育 活動,第一梯次 42 人參與、第二梯次 41 人參與。於 106 年 7 月 12、19 日辦理 二場次「世界環境日」夏日低碳電影院環境教育活動,第一梯次參與人數 99 人 次、第二梯次參與人數 110 人次。 4.於 106 年 6 月 17 日辦理第一場次「鱟」會有期活動「世界海洋日」環境教育活動, 參與人數達 47 人次;於 106 年 6 月 21 日辦理第二場次心血來潮邂逅海濱活動「世 界海洋日」環境教育活動,參與人數達 48 人次。 5.於 10 月 14 日舉辦 106 年環境知識競賽,本次活動共計有 388 人報名參加,其中 國小組 160 人、國中組 124 人、高中組 66 人、社會組 38 人。當日活動實際報到 人數,國小組 155 人、國中組 120 人、高中組 59 人、社會組 14 人,共計 348 人 參與;11 月 18 日全國決賽中由社會組傅淑芳、國中組楊佳樺母女檔分別在該組 拿下全國總決賽第一名、第三名佳績。 6.於 9 月 2 日舉辦環保志(義)工群英會活動,環境教育及環保志工隊伍計 6 隊,共 計 68 人參加,由節能隊獲得總冠軍殊榮。在 11 月 11 日全國總決賽勇奪「環境 保衛戰」優勝的佳績。 7.於今年辦理「環境教育終身學習網」推廣說明會 42 場次,10 場次社區宣導活動, 共宣導 549 人;機關、大專院校 4 場次,推廣人數達 205 人次,校園巡迴推廣 28 場次,參與學生及教職員人數 4,894 人次。 8.於 3 月 29 日辦理完成「環保戲劇工作坊」,共計 17 人次參與。於 6 月 4 日辦理環 保戲劇競賽金門縣初賽,由開瑄國小獲得第一名、金沙國小獲得第二名,代表金 門縣參加複賽,全國決賽比賽結果,金沙國小獲得全國冠軍;開瑄國小榮獲第 2 名及網路最佳人氣獎殊榮。 9.於 8 月 12、13 日舉辦「低碳綠活 FUN 暑假」環保夏令營活動,共吸引 45 位學生 報名參加。 10.於 9 月 17 日辦理 2 梯次「泰山就是我」攀樹體驗營活動,分為上午場的成人組 及下午場的學生組,當日共計 60 位學員參與。 11.於 10 月 19 日、21 日辦理兩梯次「戰地文化體驗營活動」,第一梯次 38 人參與、 第二梯次 25 人參與。 12.於 106 年 6 月 22~24 日辦理完成赴台參訪環境教育設施場所,以「頂菜園社區」 及「台江國家公園」環境教育設施場所做為參訪地點,提升各機關人員對環境教 育有更深的了解,共計 30 人參與。 13.本年度辦理活動共計 54 場次,邀請 63 位專家學者擔任活動講師,授課時數總計 108.5 小時,其中具有環境教育認證人員擔任講師活動場次共 45 場次,授課時數 64.5 小時,占時數比例 59%。 14.合約內規範各類型環境教育活動參與總人數須達 4,890 人次,而本計畫於不符合 約規範場次人數統計為不足 63 人,提出補償方案辦理「環境教育能量補給站」, 提供應申報單位人員不足環境教育 4 小時時數人員學習課程,於 11 月 15 日辦理 完成,當日活動參與人數達 54 人次。 (二)行政推動 1.於 106 年 6 月完成金門縣 105 年環境教育行動方案成果報告,並提交至環保署備 查,環保署於 6/19 函覆備查(環署綜字第 1060045677 號)。 2.於 11 月 2 日完成行動方案(草案)修正作業,於 11 月 15 日依環境教育法施行細則 第五條辦理公開徵求意見程序。 3.於 106 年 5 月 25 日辦理第一場次環境教育審議會,106 年 10 月 18 日辦理第二場 次環境教育審議會。 4.於 5 月 31 日至 6 月 8 日完成本縣 11 處單位輔導查核作業,於查核過程中發現使 用者最大問題為系統詢問時數登錄(約 23%),其次為查詢成果申報時數(12%) 及詢問名冊上傳方式(11%)。於 11 月 3 日辦理完成「環境教育執行成果申報報 說明會」,上午場次參與人數達 21 人次,下午場次參與人數達 32 人次。 5.已協助 10 處社區成立環保志工隊(瓊林社區、湖前社區、溪湖社區、武德新莊社 區、尚義社區、碧山東店社區、後豐港社區、山外社區、下莊社區、后園社區), 並於 106 年 05 月 20、21 日辦理完成志工特殊 16 小時訓練課程,參與人數達 105 人次。 6.於 106 年 5 月 17 日辦理第 6 屆國家環境教育獎地方初審填表說明會,共計 23 人 次參與。於 106 年 9 月 12 日辦理現場訪查會議,由個人組-林政緯獲得本屆國 家環境教育獎特優,將代表金門縣參加「第六屆國家環境教育獎」,於 9 月 28 日 輔導參選者針對初審委員意見進行修正,參選者於 10 月 14 日完成修正,並由本 工作團隊協助檢視是否有資料不完整之情形後,於 10 月 31 日提送複審資料予環 保署。 7.於 106 年 3 月 10 日完成金門縣 106 年度臺美生態學校聯盟推廣遴選計畫,於 106 年 4 月 14 日辦理完成「106 年臺美生態學校伙伴遴選計畫說明會」,共計 33 人次 參與,其中包含國小 3 間、國中 1 間。今年已協助多年國小、金鼎國小、金寧國 民中小學及正義國小,4 所學校通過銅牌認證申請,其中金寧國民中小學更與 Juan Pablo Duarte (Pre-k-8), NJ 締結成為姊妹學校,而金鼎國小則是與 Old Trail School, Bath, OH 締結成為姊妹學校。 8.106 年度執行金門縣社區環境調查及改造計畫共有 5 件,分別為單一型社區:金 湖鎮下莊社區發展協會、金寧鄉古寧頭社區發展協會、金湖鎮后園社區發展協會、 烈嶼鄉羅厝社區發展協會及聯合型社區:金城鎮後豐港社區(庵前社區發展協會、 和平新村社區發展協會) ,本計畫已均依照規定於 106 年 11 月 10 日就各計畫協 助完成經費核銷事宜。另於 11 月 5 日辦理完成 107 年計劃提案申請說明會,說 明會共計 53 人次參。
中文關鍵字 金門縣、環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6090 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/11 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 潘秉宗
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 鄭永宗 執行單位 長慧環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年金門縣環境教育推動計畫勞務委託案(期末報告).pdf 31MB 期本報告

Environmental Education Promotion Plan in Kinmen County Governent in 2017

英文摘要 一、 Project name: Environmental Education Promotion Plan in Kinmen County Government in 2017 二、Executive organization: Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen Country 三、Commission organization: Intelligence Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. 四、Project Director: Pan, Bing Zong 五、Project Manager: Xie, Meng Hong 六、Project Engineer: Xu, Yan Long; Hong, Ming Jun; Lu, Cheng Yu 七、Project schedule: 2017/2/11~2017/12/31 八、Total Budget: 6,090 thousand 九、Implementation results There are 13 work projects in this plan. And our work team separated all the work projects into two parts, they are educational activity and administration job respectively. These work details can refer to the table 2.3-1 about the schedule performance. Hope can promote Kinmen people’s environmental ethics and strong sense of sustainable development by local environmental education. And we are looking forward to development Eco city in this aspect in the future. The concrete effects and the achievements of the plan in this year as follows: (一)Educational Activity 1. Our work team held an event at world forest day in 2017/3/21. There were 87 people taking part in the day, respectively, 34 people took part in morning section and 53 people took part in evening section. 2. There had two sessions activities about low carbon environmental education been held at “Earth Day” in 2017/4/22 and 4/29. There were 37 people joining first session and 37 people joining second session. Besides, our team organized two session cycling activities, and there were 87 people joining first session and 118 people joining the second. 3. Our work team organized two sessions activities about environmental education of majolica funny board game at “Word Environment Day” in 2017/6/11 and 6/14. There were 42 people joining first session and 41 people joining second session. Being bound for the idea of environmental to be continuous, our work team held 2 sessions activities about summer movie theater of low carbon, and there were 99 people joining first session and 110 people joining the second one. 4. Holding an event of World Oceans Day be named “Until Turtle Meet Again” in 2017/6/17. And there were 47 people joining this activity. By the way, out work team held second event of ocean theme in 2017/6/21, and there were 48 people joining together. 5. Our work team held a preliminary environmental quiz competition, there had 388 people applied this race. Among these competitor, 160 elementary school students, 124 junior high school students, 66 senior high school students and 38 members of society. And in 2017/10/14, the day of the competition, the enrolment ration of the race was 89.69%. FU, SHU FANG, the member of society team, won first prize and YANG, JIA HUA, the member of junior high school won third prize at the final environmental quiz competition in in 2017/11/18. 6. Our work team held a conference of outstanding worker competition, both environmental education group and conservation volunteers organized the race in 2017/9/2. In the final, winner was energy saving group. This group participated in the semi-final and won the competition. 7. Holding 42 sessions of orientation for “the website of environmental lifelong education”, and among these sessions, ten for community, four for government institution and college, and twenty-eight sessions for campus tour. We had 5,648 people joined all 42 sessions. 8. Our work team had completed the “workshop of environmental theater” and we had 17 people joined it in 2017/3/29. We held the elimination game, and winner was Kaishiuan Primary School, and Jinsha Elementary School won second prize. Both schools represented Kinmen Country to participat national finals. The result of the competition was Jinsha Elementary School won first prize and Kaishiuan Primary School won second prize and best popularity award. 9. Organizing the summer vacation of environmental protection, there were 45 students signed up this event. 10. Holding 2 sessions of experience camp for adult and student, providing tree climbing lesson named “Tarzan is me!”. There were 60 people joining the event. 11. Completing 2 sessions for battlefield cultural experience camp, there were 38 people joining the first session and 25 people joined the second one. 12. Our working team led government officers to Taiwan, and we visited lots of certificate environmental education facility and field such as Dingcaiyuan and Taijiang National Park. Hope to take this opportunity to improve attendants concept of environmental education. 13. In this year, our work team held almost 54 sessions, and invited 63 masters to share their idea in the events, and they spent 108.5 hours on the class. In those master, some of they have professional certification of environmental educators and spent 64.5 hours (59%) in the lessons. 14. In the plan contract, we have to push almost 4,890 people join all the environmental education events, but there weren’t enough visitors. So, our work team had new methods like compensation, holding “energy depot of environmental education” in 2017/11/17. (二)Administration Job 1. Our work team completed the report of Environmental Education Action Plan in Kinmen County Government in 2016. Then we submit this report to EPA (Environmental Protection Administration Executive, R.O.C (Taiwan)) and EPA replied the report in 2017/6/19. 2. Completing the amendment to draft action plan in 2017/11/2. In accordance with environmental education law Art.5 to hold the public hearing. 3. Our work team organized the first council of environmental education in 2017/5/25 and the second council in 2017/10/18. 4. Completing the counsels of 11 set official agencies in 2017/5/31 to 2017/6/8. And we found out some problems, the big one was logon hours (almost 23%), the second problem was how to file their logon hours (almost 12%) and the third problem was how to upload the registers (almost 11%). To solve all the problems, our work team held a meeting about how to declare the working results of environmental education. 5. There were 10 communities organizing the environmental volunteers group, and they completed 16 hours training lesson in 2017/5/20 and 2017/5/21. There were 105 volunteers joining the lessons. 6. Our work team held Sixth International Environmental Education Award Seminar in 2017/5/17. And there were 23 people joining the seminar. Lin, Zheng Wei won the individual prize and he will representative Kinmen County Government to participate in the competition. Our work team guided Mr. Lin to modify the report of the competition by master’s opinion in 2017/10/14. And the report was applied to EPA in 2017/10/31. 7. Completing the selection of US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program in 2017/3/10 and a seminar about the rule of US-Taiwan Eco-campus Partnership Program was held in 2017/4/14. There were 33 people joined the meeting, include three elementary school and one junior high school. In this year, our work team help KM. Duonian.Edu, Jin Ding Elementary School, Jinning Elementary & Junior High School and Jhengyi Elementary School. The above 4 school had obtained the bronze certification. And Juan Pablo Duarte (Pre-k-8), NJ had like to each other's sister school with Jinning Elementary & Junior High School and Jin Ding Elementary School concluded a treaty of sister school with Old Trail School, Bath, OH. 8. Our work team completed the 5 set works about investigation of Environment and reformation on field of space. In this plan, completing all the allowance cancellation for the communities. And we also completed the meeting of project application 2018 in 2017/11/5.
英文關鍵字 kinmen county, environmental education