

中文摘要 本計畫除了延續性前兩期的成果外,更為了解決環保署所面臨的行政問題,包含底泥品質與可能污染源相關性、底泥環境影響與健康風險評估、底泥污染整治方案評估等方面,希冀以科學性研究的角度進行協助。 關於底泥品質與可能污染源相關性分析程序方面,是以「南崁溪」為標的,應用克拉斯卡-瓦歷斯檢定(K-W test)、主成分分析(PCA)、因素分析(FA)及群聚分析(CA)等統計分析方法,分析其流域之河川水質監測數據、底泥檢測數據及列管事業放流水監測數據,並以此應用結果完成底泥品質與可能污染源關聯性分析程序(初稿),同時以桃園市環保局於2017年所建置的南崁溪水質傳輸模式為基礎,評估底泥中銅濃度的增加趨勢。另建議應增加底泥的檢測頻率,並完備河川水質、底泥品質及事業放流水的監測項目致相同,以補足申報資料之不足並作為後續污染溯源之參考。 就啟動評估方面,建議加速訂定農產品之物質含量標準及水產動物類衛生標準及水產動物類採樣檢驗及通報指引、研判底泥場址環境影響與健康風險、技術及經濟效益評估需求性指引(已草擬《指引》草案)、及水體底泥及與生物體污染事件緊急應變指引等。本計畫草擬了地面水體底泥污染危害程度評定及分級辦法草案以供參考,並以桃園市南崁溪底泥為對象,進行污染程度評定及分級,並初步研擬底泥污染檢出事件風險控管各階段之主辦機關、內容、及建議增修法規。 此外,也參考國內外底泥健康風險評估方法與國內法規,建置底泥健康風險評估方法。另建置三類相關參數,並以南崁溪做為底泥污染場址示範,依照12個採樣點位,選擇農夫、遊客及一般居民做為暴露受體,結果顯示一般民眾具有較高的致癌風險。同時探討底泥健康風險方法與健康風險評估系統之整合可行性,由於兩者的環境傳輸與暴露情境的差異,建議除參數外,兩者的評估系統應分別建置。 本計畫也綜合國內外針對環境污染整治、環境開發或公共建設之經濟效益評估手冊,提出「底泥污染整治分階段經濟效益評估指引」,並蒐集彙整目前國外底泥、土壤與地下水污染之生命週期評估案例資訊,結合國內綠色及永續導向型整治評估工具與已訂定之法規基礎,建立「底泥污染整治之永續管理指引」。利用建立之指引,以南崁溪底泥污染場址示範,考量環境、經濟和社會三層面的準則,建議合適的整治方案。並利用建立好之盤查清單,進行各整治技術之生命週期評估,比較國內與國外底泥污染整治案例之生命週期評估結果。
中文關鍵字 多變量統計分析、啟動風險與環境影響評估、成本效益分析


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-GA13-03-A088 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6300 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/25 專案結束日期 2018/04/24 專案主持人 駱尚廉
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 李宜靜 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA106GA1303A088.pdf 30MB 底泥污染風險評估平台建置計畫(第二期)期末報告(定稿版)

Establishing the risk assessment platform for the contaminated sediment (Phase II)

英文摘要 The current project is a continuing effort, which is intended to solve the policy problems faced by EPA via using scientific information. This project includes three objectives: (1) the correlation analysis procedure of sediment quality and potential pollution sources; (2) the sediment human health risk assessment; (3) the remediation of contaminated sediments. For the correlation analysis procedure of sediment quality and potential pollution sources, we apply the Kruskal-Wallis test, principal component analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis to analyze environmental monitoring data of Nankan Creek, that including river water quality data, sediment quality data, and industrial effluent data. Than we applied this result of the multivariate statistical analysis to plan the correlation analysis procedures of sediment quality and potential pollution sources (draft). In order to assess the trend of increment on copper concentration in sediment, we applied the Nankan Creek water-quality model that built by the Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan in 2017.Finally, it is suggested to increase monitoring frequency of sediment, and increase monitoring items to be consistent in river water quality, sediment quality, and industrial effluent. After making up the data, it can be served as a reference to trace the source of pollution. The results of investigation on the initiating the assessment process include suggestions on the establishing and enacting Allowance of Contaminant in Agricultural Products, Safety Standard of Aquaculture Products, Guidance of Investigation of Fishery Products and Notification, Guidance for Initiating Sediment Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment (with a draft in appendix), Guidance of Responding to Sediment and Biota Contamination Events. We have also drafted the Methods of Hazard Assessment and Ranking System for Contaminated Sediments and applied it to a real site, Nankan Creek, Taoyuan. A standard procedure of the risk controlling for a sediment contamination event is suggested which includes the government agencies in charge, the actions and legislation needed. For the sediment human health risk assessment, we reviewed both international and domestic literature to establish the sediment health risk assessment method. We also collected three types of sediment health risk assessment parameters, and used Nankan Creek as a case study site to verify the risk assessment framework. In the 12 sampling sites, we calculated the risk of farmers, tourists and common people. The result shows that the category of receptor - residents have higher risk of cancer than the other two groups. Finally, we investigated the suitability of incorporating the sediment health risk assessment into the existing health risk assessment system. Because of the more complex processes of soil and groundwater risk assessment and the unstable status of sediment contaminant, we suggest that the parameters of the sediment health risk assessment can be integrated with the system, but the assessment method should not be combined with the soil and groundwater health risk assessment. In this study, we proposed “A guide to two-stage economic benefit assessment for remediation of contaminated sediments” which was integrated guidelines of economic analysis for remediation of environmental pollution and environmental development case or public work at home and abroad. According to the cases of life cycle assessment in soil and groundwater contaminated site, we also established “A guide to sustainable management for remediation of contaminated sediments” which was based on the concept of green and sustainable remediation evaluation and available laws and regulations. Applied these two guidelines to suggest an appropriate remediation project for sediment contaminated site in Nankan Creek with consideration of criteria in environment, economics, and social community. Then, we compared the results of life cycle assessment between this study and previous cases abroad.
英文關鍵字 Multivariate statistical analysis, Initiating risk and environmental impact assessment, Cost benefit analysis