

中文摘要 一、二期大型柴油車汰舊及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器補助 (一) 一、二期汰舊補助案件 本市申請汰舊補助案件數共計970筆,審核通過967筆,不符補助資格退件3筆,總補助金額為23,309萬元。而計畫執行期間共受理908筆補助案件,審核通過906筆,不符補助資格退件2筆,補助案件已全數撥款完成。 (二) 三期加裝濾煙器補助案件 本市申請加裝濾煙器補助案件數共計22筆,審核通過22筆,總補助金額為262萬元。補助款分為三期,統計目前撥款狀況,第一期款已撥付19筆、第二期款已撥付2筆,合計金額為100萬元。未撥款案件將於業者申請通過審核後一個月內執行發放。 二、 濾煙器補助案件電話訪查與實車查核 濾煙器加裝申請補助案件數共計22件,目前共計22件通過審查,已完成19件電話訪查及17件實車查核案件,後續依案件申請進度進行第二期與第三期款案件審查。 三、 宣傳一二期大型柴油車汰除政策,辦理濾煙器操作維護說明會 (一) 說明會 計畫結束共計辦理5場次說明會,共計宣導294人次,達到汰舊宣導與鼓勵汰舊換新之補助政策。 (二) 新聞稿 為增加柴油車補助曝光率,本計畫已於107年9月27日及107年12月10日提供環保局新聞稿2則一、二期大型柴油車汰除及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器相關資訊。 (三) 補助資訊 計畫團隊依據環保署提供車籍資料篩選設籍本市一~三期柴油車大戶車主資料,寄發50筆一、二期大型柴油車汰除及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器之補助相關訊息,以提升計畫成效。 (四) 監理機關合作 透過本市監理站(蘆洲、樹林、板橋)行政人員配合,提供一、二期大型柴油車汰除及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器之補助宣傳單共3,000張於行政櫃檯供民眾索取,提高補助資訊曝光率。 (五) 自主管理宣導 本團隊配合柴動站自主管理專案訪查,除簽署參加自主管理車隊外,另針對加入自主管理運業者進行汰舊宣導與加裝濾煙器政策,達到一、二期汰舊,三期加裝濾煙器與四五期領標章之成效。 四、 削減量推估 統計本計畫申請一、二期大型柴油車汰舊967輛及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器車輛數22輛計算削減量,PM10共削減57.1公噸/年,PM2.5共削減50.1公噸/年,SOX共削減0.2公噸/年,NOX共削減690.8公噸/年,NMHC共削減65.7公噸/年,CO共削減223.2公噸/年。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5056 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/20 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曹宏儒 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 新北市老舊柴油大型車汰除加裝濾煙器補助審查計畫(106年-107年).pdf 4MB
英文摘要 I. The first and second phase of the large diesel vehicle and the third phase of the large diesel vehicle with filter filter (1) The first and second phase of the old subsidy case The number of applications for old-age subsidies in the city totaled 970, and 967 were approved, 3 were not eligible for subsidy, and the total subsidy amount was 233.09 million yuan. During the implementation of the project, a total of 908 subsidy cases were accepted, and 906 approvals were passed, and 2 submissions were not eligible for subsidy. The subsidy cases have been fully funded. (2) Three-phase installation of cigarette filter subsidy case The number of applications for the installation of filter filters in the city totaled 22, and 22 were approved, with a total subsidy of 2.62 million yuan. The subsidy is divided into three phases. The current funding situation is calculated. The first phase has been disbursed 19, and the second phase has been disbursed twice. The total amount is 1 million yuan. Unfunded cases will be issued within one month after the applicant applies for approval. Ⅱ. The cigarette smoker subsidy case telephone interview and real vehicle check. There are a total of 22 application cases for the installation of smoke filters. At present, a total of 22 cases have passed the examination. 19 telephone interviews and 17 real vehicle inspection cases have been completed, and the second and third cases are subsequently carried out according to the application progress. Review. Ⅲ. publicize the elimination policy of the first and second phase of large-scale diesel vehicles, and handle the operation and maintenance instructions for the filter (1) Briefing session At the end of the project, a total of 5 briefing sessions were held, and a total of 294 people were announced, reaching the subsidy policy of eliminating old propaganda and encouraging the replacement of old ones. (2) Press release In order to increase the subsidy rate of diesel vehicles, the plan has been provided by the Environmental Protection Agency on September 27, 2007 and December 10, 107. 2 The first and second phase of the large-scale diesel vehicleelimination and the third-stage large-scale diesel vehicle installation. Smoke filter related information. (3) Subsidy information Based on the information provided by the EPD, the project team screened the information on the owners of the first- and third-phase diesel vehicles in the city, and sent 50 first- and second-stage large-scale diesel vehicles and three large-scale diesel vehicles with filter filters. Subsisticate relevant information to improve the effectiveness of the project. (4) Cooperation of supervision agencies Through the cooperation of the administrative staff of the city's supervision station (Luzhou, Shulin, Banqiao), a total of 3,000 subsidies for the elimination of the first and second large-scale diesel vehicles and the installation of the third-phase large-scale diesel vehicles with filter filters will be provided to the public at the administrative counter. Request for, increase the exposure of subsidy information. (5) Self-management promotion The team cooperated with the Chaizhan station's self-management project to visit, in addition to signing to participate in the self-managed fleet, and also to participate in the self-management of the operators to carry out the old propaganda and the installation of filter filter policy, to achieve the first and second phase of the old, three The effect of installing a filter and a four-five-phase collar stamp. Ⅳ. the reduction of estimates In the calculation of the plan, the number of large-scale diesel vehicles in the first and second phases of the 967 and the large-scale diesel vehicles installed in the third-phase large-scale diesel vehicles were reduced by 22 vehicles. The PM10 was reduced by 57.1 metric tons per year, and the PM2.5 was reduced by 50.1 metric tons. In the year, SOX reduced a total of 0.2 metric tons per year, NOX reduced a total of 690.8 metric tons per year, NMHC reduced a total of 65.7 metric tons per year, and CO reduced a total of 223.2 metric tons per year.