
中部地區空氣污染物微型感測器系統及 推動空氣污染防制志工制度計畫

中文摘要 為了提醒民眾自我防護,以及提高社區民眾的空污意識與降低社區空污行為,本計畫從兩方面著手:增強社區型PM2.5物聯網系統功能,以及擴展志工與宣導活動。在強化社區型PM2.5物聯網系統上,本計畫完成的工作事項包括:升級與維護現有的監測點、佈建新監測點30點、佈建4個含VOCs的監測點在東海大學校區、運用群眾智慧規劃行動偵測、豐富在地空品地圖圖資內容、用大數據平台與組識映射類神經(Self-Organization Map)預測未來四小的PM2.5、進行感測器校正、發展城市瀰漫APP連結社區民眾、開發iOS在地空氣品質APP…等等。在志工制度發展與推動上,本計畫完成的工作事項包括:推動竹山與埔里地區志工的交流活動、到竹山辦理志工與空污宣導活動、舉辦宣導活動至少18場(至少2,880人次參與)、與彰化縣的地方教育單位與老師共同開發空污教材、發展出公民科學家、開發空氣實驗箱強化宣導效果…等。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、微型監測器、志工制度、中部地區


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA13-03-A235 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4123 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/21 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 戴榮賦
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 國立暨南國際大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿本.pdf 15MB 期末報告定稿

Developing the Local PM2.5 Monitoring System and the Volunteer Program for Air Protection for the Middle Region of

英文摘要 In order to remind people of self-protection and raise public awareness of air pollution and reduce air pollution in the community, this project employs two approaches: - Enhancing the functions of community-based IoT system: the project has completed the following tasks: upgrading and maintaining the existing monitoring points; deploying 30 new monitoring points, constructing four VOCs monitoring points in the campus of Tunghai University; planning a mobile detection system composed of people’s smart phones; enriching the content of the local air quality map; predicting PM2.5 level in the next 4 hours and conducting sensor calibration with the big data platform and the Self-Organization Map; developing a city-wide APP to link all the people in the community; and developing iOS local air quality APP, etc. - Developing and promoting volunteerism: the project has completed following tasks: promoting exchanges between the volunteers in Zhushan and Puli areas; holding volunteer and air pollution campaigns in Zhushan; holding at least 18 promotion activities (with at least 2,880 people attending); developing air pollution education materials with local government’s education divisions and teachers in Zhanghua County; encouraging everybody to be a scientist; developing an air experiment box to enhance promotional effects, etc.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollutants, Particulate Matter2.5, Low-cost Monitoring, Volunteer Program, the Middle Region of Taiwan