

中文摘要 本年度辦理「106年科技委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫」,目的為整合環保科技資源與提升科技計畫之品質,計畫執行期間自民國106年2月17日起至106年12月31日止,計畫目標為,一、協助環保署科技計畫先期規劃與支援;二、提升環保署科技計畫品質;三、推廣環保署科技計畫研發成果,茲彙整計畫成果如下: 1.協助環保署科技計畫先期規劃與行政支援:(一)107年度科技計畫書審議,完成辦理「107年度科技發展綱要計畫審查會議」,並完成彙集107年度綱要計畫書及協助完成上傳送審程序。環保署107年科技綱要計畫共計8件,送審金額為新臺幣1億7,306萬8千元,經行政院科技會報第13次會議通過核定7件,最後核定金額為1億5,979萬3千元;(二)108年度科技計畫先期規劃,協助蒐集科技計畫審議作業之規定及時程,彙整環保署署內提案;(三)行政配合事項,配合環保署業務需求,彙整相關資料及提供必要之相關服務。 2.提升環保署科技計畫管理品質:(一)105年度績效評估作業,彙整各處室績效報告書,辦理績效自評及上傳至科技部指定網頁,並完成科技計畫成果彙編;(二)106年度科技計畫追蹤管考作業,確認GRB及政府科技計畫資訊網之連結與登錄;(三)協助環保署中英文網頁更新及維護。 3.推廣環保署科技計畫研發成果:辦理106年環境科技論壇。於106年6月26日完成辦理「106年環境科技論壇」。本次論壇邀請產、官、學、研專家針對「物聯網與環境科技之未來發展」進行與談,並發表「環保政策與科技研究」、「環境檢測及監測」等2大主題共7篇口頭論文及2場「環境科技於循環經濟之應用」、「環境綠能科技之挑戰與展望」專題演講,場外發表各計畫論文海報共計20張,論壇共計144人與會,整體滿意度達九成以上。
中文關鍵字 計畫管理、環境科技論壇、成果推廣


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-E1U2-02-202 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/17 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 張桂肇
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 林雯妤 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


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期末報告 EPA106E1U202202.PDF.pdf 5MB 期末報告

Quality Management and Promotion for the 2017 TEPA’s Projects

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to upgrade the quality and integrate the resource of environmental technology. This project is executed from 2017/2/17 to 2017/12/31. The goals of this project are: 1. Preliminary plan for EPA’s environmental technology project and administrative support. 2. Management of the quality of technology project. 3. Organizing a Forum on Environmental Technology. The achievements are summarized into the following 3 aspects: 1. Preliminary plan for EPA’s environmental technology project and administrative support. (1) Assisting the preliminary review meeting: The team completed the collection and examination of the framework projects of 2018 and submitted to the web site of MOST. 8 EPA’s plans were submitted with the total amount of NTD 173.068 million. 7 of them were approved by c with the approval amount of NTD 159.793 million. (2) Preliminary planning of 2018 environmental technology projects: Followed the schedule of BOST for 2018 and collected the 2018 proposals of EPA. (3) Administrative support: According to the demand of EPA, provided administrative services. 2. Management of the quality of technology project. (1) Evaluation of 2016 projects performance: Collected 2016 projects performance, arranged self-evaluation and submitted to the web site of MOST. Finished and published the compilation of 2016 projects performance. (2) Reviewing 2017 technology projects and confirming the linking and logging of 2016 projects to the GRB and other related information system or website. (3) Updating and maintaining the English and Chinese content of EPA official website and technology development website. 3. Organizing a Forum on Environmental Technology. The Environmental Technology forum was held on 2016/06/26. Total 144 participants included experts from government and industries, scholars from center of academic research centers and universities. With the main topic “The Future Development of Internet of Thing and Environmental Technology” also with two keynote speeches “The Application of Environmental Technology in Circular Economy” and “The future challenge of Environmental Green Technology”. 7 research papers were presented based on two major themes, “The Policy of Environmental Protection and Research Technology”, “Environmental Analysis and Monitor”. There were 20 posters from all technology projects which were placed outside the conference room. The overall satisfaction degree of this forum is over 90%.
英文關鍵字 Project Management, Forum on Environmental Technology, Effectiveness of Promotions