

中文摘要 一、列管水污染事業之深度查核:合約數量為150家次,於計畫執行期間,己完成217場次之有效稽查,完成率為100.0 %,查核結果:(1) 廢水量有2家超過核准量,1家水表故障,1家未有許可操作中。(2) 用電量有未正常開機1家,1家未有許可操作中,1家採重力流不需設置。(3)加藥量有1家未正常開機加藥。(4)污污泥量有2家超過核准量,7家無污泥產生不合理,5家暫存在污泥暫存池,今年尚未清除無法查核。內容請詳本報告第4-1節。 二、水樣檢驗工作:合約數為65場次,本計畫於執行期間,本計畫一共進行了98家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括畜牧業19家次、其他事業79家次,針對採樣不合格業者,皆已複查後合格或輔導改善相關廢水處理設施操作方式,執行達成率為100.0 %。 三、暗管查緝及封閉:本計畫於執行期間,共查獲7處暗管/不明管線案件,皆在本計畫人員確認後拆除或封閉改善,依據連接之不明管線槽體水質及放流水水質估算封閉不明管線之削減量,其中COD減少排入承受水體削減量為147.0 kg/day,BOD減少排入承受水體削減量為59.1 kg/day,SS減少排入承受水體削減量為44.65 kg/day。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。 四、依106年度工業區水污染防治管理計畫進行查核作業:針對工業區「聯合污水廠放流水」或「晴天時重點逕流廢水放流口之放流水」,其中RD37工業區雨水溝放流口查核多次未符合放流水標準,經南崗工業區污水廠聯繫,主動查核上游污染源,已查核上游1家列管事業未設有廢水處理設施,將廢水排入雨水溝,已輔導設置功能足夠廢水處理設施,並提出許可申請作業,目前已納入南崗工業區污水廠處理;列管工業區之納管事業排入量超過核准量者,其中6家查核時現場與許可申請內容無誤,1家廠名稱已變更,2家現場用水量超過許可核准量,業者現場已減少用水量及變更許可申請量改善,2家許可證到期,已通知許可重新申請;另外3家用水量超過許可核准量,已告知業者盡速辦理許可文件變更。內容請詳本報告第4-2節。 五、水污染防治許可審查及建檔工作:本計畫執行期間,業者送件申請件數共124件,其中55件為接續105年度南投縣流域污染總量管理及點源污染削減計畫審查,其中水污染防治措施計畫為最多件,排放地面水體許可證次之,其次為簡易排放許可文件;水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,已認可案件共有126件,有45件補正中。內容請詳本報告第4-3節。 六、執行事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本計畫於執行期間,已於106年08月29日執行三可食品有限公司、106年09月21日執行双邦實業股份有限公司二廠、106年08月29日執行全宏食品企業有限公司、106年09月21日執行奇佐興業有限公司4場次事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業。相關辦理方式詳第4-4節。 七、確保水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施系統穩定操作:本計畫於每日8時30分進行監看,計劃執行期間於106年3月17日、106年4月16日、106年4月22日、106年5月12日、106年6月26日、106年8月08日、106年8月22日、106年8月24日、106年9月14日、106年9月15日、106年9月26日、106年9月29日、106年10月11日、106年10月26日、106年11月10日、106年11月26日、106年12月12日,發生原因為溫度超限值、網站上去顯示異常、SS、COD、導電度、溫度出現系統維修、網站數據無法觀看、pH出現超限值,改善處理後皆已回復正常。 八、本計畫執行協助確認第二階段事業徵收水污費名單,經確認需繳交水污費家數,106年上半年需申報水污費列管家數共計有179家,本計畫皆已輔導完成申報及繳費作業,106年上半年事業申報水質水量試算費額共計可徵收2,730,946元,今年度有增收水污費,比較105年下半年徵收1,362,370元,有增加約1倍收益。內容請詳本報告第4-6節。 九、推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用政策並加強畜牧場稽查管制:本計畫已篩選四家申請輔導對象,完成現場確認施灌農地,並收集相關土地面積及地號,目前已協助縣內畜牧業提送4家沼渣沼液供農地作為肥分使用計畫書送農業處審查,如第4-7節內容所示,總計有555頭牛,3,500頭豬產生沼渣沼液可再利用,施灌農地面積有28.58公頃,施灌農地種植作物有狼尾草、柳橙、果樹、茶葉、薑、檳榔、紅龍果、桃花心木,經評估每年BOD削減85,518.8 kg/年、SS削減164,971.1 kg/年;評估轄內厭氧發酵後沼氣利用碳權認證、確證及抵換事宜,以列管養豬場有42家,共計飼養88,341頭豬,養牛場有4家,共計飼養723頭牛,養羊場有1家,共計飼養600頭羊,約可以生產14,358.4度電/日,每年約可售電1770萬元,可降低畜牧場之生產成本。 十、辦理水污染源削減及法規修訂相關宣導說明會工作:本計畫依合約預計辦理三場次水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會,計畫期間擬定辦理3場次水污染源宣導說明會,已於106年05月26日、106年11月13日、106年11月14日下午分別在南投縣婦幼館及埔里鎮公所辦理3場次宣導說明會。宣導說明會內容則包括「水污染防治法修正重點、水污費費徵收及繳費說明」、「許可撰寫及定申常見缺失」、「環保署近期修正法規草案」及「畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥份使用政策推動說明」四大主題。 十一、推動水環境志工巡守制度:今年度有新增2隊,汰除1隊,共計14隊水環境巡守隊,共計有367位隊員,本計畫於執行期間,透過實地訪查各巡守隊隊部,了解各巡守隊特色、運作狀況情形、所遭遇之困難及需要協助之處。總計辦理60場次淨溪活動(參與人數共計778人),並參考環保署優良巡守隊篩選標準,研訂水環境巡守工作績效評比要點;辦理宣導活動、成果檢討及環境教育活動12場次、水質監測活動共計有16場次,巡守隊通報環保局河岸河面髒亂點通報案件38件,已由巡守隊清理完成。 十二、辦理埔里鎮育英橋上、下游之礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施操作功能成效追蹤評估:本計畫於執行期間,執行育英橋示範場操作維護共計有15次,水質改善設施(舊工程),於104年因蘇迪勒颱風來襲,發現設施有多處受損,側邊已有3處(前、中、後段)長期遭洪水淘空,已有破裂,有洩漏相當多的水量,經補修及106年度操作維護,已能正常運作;育英橋舊工程COD處理效率達48.8 %,BOD處理效率達68.0 %,SS處理效率達61.2 %,氨氮處理效率達53.9 %,新工程COD處理效率達60.2 %,BOD處理效率達64.8 %,SS處理效率達61.3 %,氨氮處理效率達40.6 %,整體而言,設施具有原設計之功能性。 十三、建築物污水處理設施污物量調查及統計:本計畫於執行期間,收集南投縣建築物污水處理設施污物量定期申報成果,以污物量統計,以埔里鎮255.91噸/年為最多,南投市 216.12噸/年次之,其次為國姓鄉、竹山鎮、草屯鎮及集集鎮,由於南投縣未有水肥處理去處,建議選擇南崗工業區污水廠或南投市水資源中心污水廠設置水肥投入口。 十四、辦理其他事業水污染管理相關業務:本計畫於執行期間,協助提送河川污染整治(含流域管理)願景、關鍵測站名單及考核配分,目前於106年4月19日協助撰寫及提送106年度「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」關鍵測站污染削減計畫、106年12月04協助撰寫及提送106年度「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」關鍵測站污染削減成果報告書及簡報、106年12月14協助撰寫及提送106年度關鍵測站KPI計畫書。
中文關鍵字 深度查核、許可審查及建檔工作、功能評鑑作業、沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用、水環境志工巡守制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3930 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 陳勝恭
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王筱歡 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告全文.pdf 26MB

106 Nantou County Water Pollution Source Scientific Inspection Control and River Watch Operation Plan

英文摘要 1. In-depth review of water pollution causes: The number of contracts was 150. During the implementation of the project, 217 valid inspections have been completed with a completion rate of 100.0%. The inspection results were as follows: (1) There were 2 wastewater exceeding Approved volume, 1 meter malfunction, 1 unlicensed operation. (2) There is not a normal power on boot 1, 1 unauthorized operation, a mining gravity flow need not be set. (3) There is a dosing amount is not normal boot dosing. (4) Sludge quantity exceeded 2 by the approved amount, 7 no sludge generated unreasonable, 5 temporarily stored in the sludge temporary pool, not cleared this year can not be checked. 2. Water sample inspection: The number of contracts was 65. During the implementation of the project, a total of 98 sampling and analysis sessions were conducted in this project. The sample households included 19 livestock husbandry and 79 other times Those who failed the sampling were all qualified or counseled to improve the operation mode of relevant waste water treatment facilities after they were reviewed. The implementation rate reached 100.0%. 3.Investigation and Seizure of Dark Tube: During the implementation of the project, a total of 7 cases of hidden tube / unknown pipeline were seized, and all were removed or sealed up after confirmation by the project staff. According to the water quality of the connected pipeline and discharge of water The amount of reduction of water discharged into the receiving water was 147.0 kg / day, the reduction of BOD to the receiving water volume was 59.1 kg / day, and the reduction of SS discharged into the receiving water body was 44.65 kg / day. 4.According to the 106 annual industrial zone water pollution prevention and control management program to check operations: for the industrial zone "combined sewage discharge water" or "sunny day when the discharge of major runoff waste water discharge", in which RD37 Industrial Zone rain ditch discharge check Repeatedly failed to meet the discharge standards, the Nangang Industrial Zone, contact the sewage plant, take the initiative to check the upstream sources of pollution, has been verified upstream of a cause of management has not set up wastewater treatment facilities, the waste water into the ditch, has been counseling set enough wastewater treatment Facilities, and apply for permission to apply, has now been included in the Nangang Industrial Zone Sewage Treatment Plant; in charge of the industrial zone of the management of the discharge of more than the amount approved, of which six check site and permission to apply for the correct content, a plant name Has been changed, the two on-site water usage exceeds the allowable approved amount, the industry has reduced the amount of water and change permits to improve the application, two licenses expired, has been informed to re-apply for permission; the other three water permits exceed the approved amount has been Inform the industry as soon as possible licensing documents for changes. 5. Review and Documentation of Permits for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution: During the implementation of this project, a total of 124 applications for filing were filed by the industry, of which 55 were for the 105th consecutive year Nantou County Basin Pollution Total Management and Point Source Pollution Reduction Project Review , Of which water pollution prevention and control measures for the most part of the project, the discharge of surface water permits followed, followed by simple emission permits; water pollution sources to handle all the applications for permission to approve the case, a total of 126 approved cases, there are 45 amendments. 6.The implementation of waste water (waste) water treatment facilities functional assessment operations: The project during the implementation period, August 29, 106 implementation of the three can Food Co., Ltd., September 21, 106 implementation of the state of Shuangbanggufen Co., Ltd. Plant, August 29, 106 implementation Quanhong Food Enterprise Co., Ltd., September 21, 106 implementation Qizuo Industrial Co., Ltd. 4 sub-institutions waste (sewage) water treatment facilities function evaluation operation. 7. Ensuring Water Quality and Quantity Automatic Monitoring and Recording Video Surveillance System Stable Operation: The project is monitored daily at 8:30 am. The plan is implemented on March 17, 106, April 16, 106, 106 April 22, 106 May 12, 106 June 26, 106 August 08, 106 August 22, 106 August 24, 106 September 14, 106 September 15, September 26, 106, September 29, 106, October 11, 106, October 26, 106, November 10, 106, November 26, 106, 106 On the 12th of the month, the reason for the temperature exceeded the limit, the website went abnormal, SS, COD, conductivity, temperature system maintenance, website data can not be seen, pH over the limit value, improve the treatment have returned to normal. 8.The implementation of the project to help confirm the second phase of the business collection of water and sewage charges list, confirmed to be required to pay the number of water and sewage charges, to be declared in the first half of 106 water and sewage charges, the number of households in charge of a total of 179, In the first half of 106s, it was estimated that the trial fee of water quality and water amount to be used in the first half of 106 could be collected totaling RMB 2,730,946. This year there will be additional water and sewage charges. Compared with the second half of 105, it will be levied at RMB 1,362,370, with an increase of about 1 times of revenue. 9.Promote the Use of Animal Waste and Residue Biogas Digester as Farming Land Fertilizer Use Policy and Strengthen Auditing Control of Livestock Ranch: The project has screened four candidates for counseling and completed the on-site confirmation of irrigating farmland and collecting the relevant land area and land No., We have assisted the animal husbandry in the county to deliver 4 biogas slurry for use as a fertilizer program for agricultural land. As indicated in sections 4-7, a total of 555 cattle and 3,500 pigs produce biogas residue The biogas slurry can be reused. The area of irrigated farmland is 28.58 hectares. Pennsular plants, oranges, fruit trees, tea leaves, ginger, betel nut, red dragon fruit and mahogany are planted in the irrigated farmland. The estimated annual BOD is 85,518.8 kg / Year, SS reduction of 164,971.1 kg / year; assessment of biogas utilization carbon rights accreditation, confirmation and conversion of anaerobic fermentation within the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction to 42 pig farms, raising a total of 88,341 pigs, cattle have 4 At home, a total of 723 cattle and 1 sheep farm have been raised. A total of 600 sheep are raised, which can produce 14,358.4 kWh of electricity per day and an annual electricity supply of about 17.7 million yuan, which can reduce the production cost of livestock farms. 10.Dealing with the Propaganda Briefing on the Reduction of Water Pollution Sources and the Revision of Laws and Regulations: The project is expected to handle three announcements on the declaration of relevant ordinances in the sub-water pollution prevention and control laws according to the contract. During the project, three seminars will be held on the declaration of water pollution sources, On March 26, 2006, November 13, 106 and November 14, 2006, respectively, they conducted three briefing sessions at the Women and Children Hall of Nantou County and the Puli Town Office. The contents of the briefing include the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law Focus, Water and Sewage Charge Collection and Payment Instructions", "Licensing and Definitive Deficiencies", "EPA's Draft Amendments to the Legislation" and " Residue as fertilizer use policy to promote rural areas, "the four themes. 11.To promote water environment volunteer patrol system: This year there are 2 new teams, eliminating 1 team, a total of 14 teams of water environmental patrol team, a total of 367 members, the project during the implementation, through field visits Check each Patrol team team to understand the characteristics of the patrol team, the operation of the situation, the difficulties encountered and the need for assistance. A total of 60 net river activities (totaling 778 participants) were conducted. With reference to the screening standards of the EPD's excellent patrol teams, the key points of performance appraisal for water environment patrol work were formulated. 12 propaganda activities, results review and environmental education activities were conducted , A total of 16 water quality monitoring activities, the escort team informed the Environmental Protection Agency river river mess mess point 38 cases, has been cleared by the patrol team to complete. 12. To track the effectiveness of operation of the facilities for improving water quality at the upper and lower reaches of Ying-Ying Bridge, Puli Town. Follow-up Evaluation: During the implementation of this project, a total of 15 operations and maintenance of Yuying Bridge Demonstration Area have been carried out. The water quality improvement facilities (old works) , It was found that there was a number of facilities damaged in 2004 due to Typhoon Suderean. There were already 3 long-term floodplains on the sides (front, middle and rear sections), cracks, and considerable leakage of water. After the repair and 106 annual operation and maintenance, has been able to work normally; Yuk Ying Bridge old project COD treatment efficiency of 48.8%, BOD treatment efficiency of 68.0%, SS treatment efficiency of 61.2%, ammonia treatment efficiency of 53.9%, the new project COD treatment efficiency Up to 60.2%, BOD treatment efficiency up to 64.8%, SS treatment efficiency up to 61.3% and ammonia nitrogen treatment efficiency up to 40.6%. Overall, the facility has the original design functionality. 13. Survey and Statistics on Sewage Quantity of Sewage Treatment Facilities: During the implementation period, this project collects regularly the reported results of sewer sewage from sewage treatment facilities in Nantou County. Based on the amount of sewerage, the project takes 255.91 tons / year of Puli Town Nandou City, 216.12 tons / year, followed by the country surnamed Township, Chushan Town, Caotun Town and Jiji Town. Because there is no place for water and fertilizer treatment in Nantou County, it is suggested to choose Nangang Industrial District WWTP or Nantou City Water Resource Center Sewage plant to set water and fertilizer inputs.
英文關鍵字 Depth inspection, permit review and documentation, functional assessment operationsntation, biogas residue as farmland fertilizer use, water environment volunteer inspection system