

中文摘要 原住民族在臺灣生活的歷史比其他族群都長久,並且向來以敬畏且尊重的大自然的態度建構出適合居住的部落環境。而在世界歷經過度消耗地球資源所造成的後果:地球暖化造成氣候失調、日漸減少的潔淨空氣、水及食物資源、廢棄物無處堆置、嚴重的污染等問題,成為了身處第一線的氣候難民。 本計畫透過 (1)蒐研原住民族部落氣候變遷調適環境資訊、政策及評估影響關鍵議題、(2) 研擬原住民族部落因應氣候變遷調適架構及策略及(3) 輔導原住民族部落推動氣候變遷相關環境教育等三項工作的執行,完成包括(1)完成收集及彙整全國隸屬12個縣市55個鄉鎮736個部落特性、(2) 盤點與討論現行八大領域調適策略及行動方案與原住民聚落的競合關係、(3)收集聯合國及UNFCCC原住民調適策略脈絡,並蒐集包括美國、加拿大、澳洲、大洋洲島國、非洲及亞洲等4地區13個國家各國原住民氣候變遷調適行動計畫與成果、(4) 依據部落屬性、低碳永續亮點,篩選關鍵部落進行低碳與調適措施規劃與輔導、(5) 基於生態部落及災區調適主軸,結合部落環境倫理與生態的智慧,降低災害威脅的原住民族部落氣候變遷調適策略、(6)完成辦理環境教育教材編撰研商會議及調適環境教育課程推廣試教、(7) 辦理3場次「原住民族部落氣候變遷調適策略專家諮詢會議」,研商規劃原住民部落之調適關鍵議題及策略等計畫具體成果。 透過本計畫之執行,可定位在氣候變遷的調適工作中,注重生態平衡的概念,並且巧妙的注意到自然界與原住民族自古以來密不可分的關係:涵養山林及水源、只取得維生所需的寶貴資源並加以捍衛等,亦定位出原住民族在國家及社會整體發展之重要性,不只文化特殊性,原住民族歷經千百年傳承的知識與作法對於環境永續發展提供了重要的貢獻。
中文關鍵字 原住民族,氣候變遷,調適策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FB13-03-A209 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2630 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/05 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 賴文基
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 林丞庭 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 我國原住民族部落因應氣候變遷調適措施規劃專案工作計畫期末報告(定稿本).pdf 12MB

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Aborigional Tribes

英文摘要 Indigenous people have been living in Taiwan longer than others. They respect nature and constructed their tribes with the attitude. However, they have become climate refugees after the natural environments have been over depleted following with the consequences of global warming, air and water pollution, food shortage, waste problem and so on. The working framework of this project could be divided into three main tasks to support aboriginal tribes to face the challenges of climate change: (1) collection and analysis of background information, policies, and key issues; (2) formation of climate change adaptation framework and strategy; and (3) educational program of climate change issues. To be more precise, 7 tasks had been accomplished: (1) background information collection and data analysis of 736 tribes of 55 townships in 12 counties; (2) analysis of national adaptation policies and action plans and their relationships with development and management of aboriginal tribes; (3) review of international climate change adaptation strategies and action plans for indigenous people including U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and 10 countries in Oceania, Africa and Asia; (4) proposal of climate change adaptation plan of 3 pivotal tribes and assistance of building their adaptation capabilities; (5) formation of climate change adaptation strategy of aboriginal tribes based on the ideas of ecological tribe, disaster adaptation, environmental ethics, and ecological wisdom; (6) completion of teaching materials for environmental educational courses and pilot teaching; and (7) completion of 3 expert meetings on climate change adaptation. This project brings out the importance of ecological balance on climate change adaptation and drags attention of indigenous people’s attitude to the nature that they preserve, protect and wisely use natural resources such as forest and water. In addition, indispensable role of indigenous people to national and social development is raised not only for their culture specificity but also for their attributions to environmental sustainable development.
英文關鍵字 Indigenous People, Climate Change, Adaptation Strategy