中文摘要 | 本計畫執行期程自106年3月17日至106年11月30日止,依據計畫預定進度及查核點之工作內容,茲將量化成果說明如下: 1.已召開2次跨局處「溝通、協調及整合推動」會議。 2.已辦理3場次雲林縣「技術與資訊諮詢小組」會議。 3.已輔導與協助41處村里(社區)「低碳永續家園認證評等」完成入圍(如斗南鎮林子里等)。 4.已輔導與協助10處村里(社區)「低碳永續家園認證評等」取得銅級評等(臺西鄉和豐村、四湖鄉崙北村、虎尾鎮頂溪村、臺西鄉溪頂村、麥寮鄉海豐村、虎尾鎮墾地里、麥寮鄉興華村、麥寮鄉新吉村、二崙鄉來惠村、二崙鄉湳仔村)。 5.已輔導與協助4處鄉鎮市「低碳永續家園認證評等」完成入圍(麥寮鄉、北港鎮、斗六市、口湖鄉)。 6.已輔導與協助 2 處鄉鎮市取得「低碳永續家園認證評等」銅級評等(虎尾鎮、麥寮鄉)。 7.已輔導與協助5處社區推動低碳永續行動項目,執行成效之認證專案嗣經審查確認,已登載於「低碳永續家園資訊網」。 8.已協助推動2處區域核心社區,執行成效之認證專案嗣經審查確認,已登載於「低碳永續家園資訊網」。 9.已辦理5場次社區低碳永續推動人員之培訓或說明會,累計參與人數為464人次。 10.配合環保署執行本縣溫室氣體盤查相關工作,完成104年雲林縣行政轄區溫室氣體盤查清冊及報告書,並分析101-104年排放趨勢變化與原因。 11.每月至少分享10則有關節能減碳資訊,維護更新「雲林縣低碳永續家園臉書」。 12.已製作「永續經營-地(社)區災害防救演練」與「生態綠化-種植原生或誘鳥誘蝶植栽行動」之低碳永續行動項目執行成果易拉展。 13.已購置500份節能減碳宣導品(蜂王環保洗衣粉700g/盒)。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 低碳永續家園認證評等、生態綠化社區、社區輔導 |
專案計畫編號 | YLEPB-106-014 | 經費年度 | 106 | 計畫經費 | 4050 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2017/03/17 | 專案結束日期 | 2017/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 何宗安 |
主辦單位 | 雲林縣環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 李東軒 | 執行單位 | 新系環境技術有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | YLEPB106014.pdf | 25MB | 期末報告書 |
Operational System of Yunlin County Low-Carbon sustainable Homeland and Its Executive and managerial Plan in Year 2017
英文摘要 | This project was implementated between March 17, 2017 and November 30, 2017. The quantitative results are described as follows based on the scheduled progress and the checkpoints of the project: 1. Hosted organized 2 sessions of the cross-department "Communication, Coordination and Integrated Promotion" meeting. 2. Hosted organized 3 sessions of the "Technical and Information Advisory Group" meeting in Yunlin County. 3. To guide and to assist 41 villages and communities (such as Linzi Village of Dounan Township) to make the finalist list of the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification". 4. To guide and to assist 10 villages (communities) to obtain a bronze rating in the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification" (including Hefeng Village of Taixi Township, Lunhu Village of Sihu Township, Dingxi Village of Huwei Township, Dingxi Village of Taixi Township, Haifeng Village of Mailiao Township, Kendi Village of Huwei Township, Xinghua Village of Mailiao Township, Xinji Village of Mailiao Township, Laihui Village of Erlun Township, and Nanzi Village in Erlun Township). 5. To guide and to assist four townships (Mailiao Township, Beigang Township, Douliu City and Kouhu Township) to make the finalist list of the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification". 6. To guide and to assist two Townships to obtain a bronze rating in the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification"(Huwei Township, Mailiao Township). 7. Assisted five communities in promoting low-carbon sustainable operation projects, and the certification of the achievements have been reviewed and published on the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Information Website". 8. Assisted in constructing two core regional communities, and the certification of the achievements have been reviewed and published on the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Information Website". 9. Conducted five sessions of training or seminars to community staff for promoting low-carbon sustainable communities. The total number of attendants was 464. 10. Worked in conjunction with the EPA on greenhouse gas inspection related work, completed the 2015 greenhouse gas inspection record and report for Yunlin County, and analyzed the trends and causes of emission in the period from 2012 to 2015. 11. Shared at least 10 messages on energy conservation and carbon reduction every month, and maintained and updated the "Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Facebook of Yunlin County". 12. Completed the production of folding screens for displaying the low-carbon sustainable operation project results of the "Sustainable Operation – District (Community) Disaster Relief Drill" and the "Eco-Greening – Planting Native or Bird/Butterfly Attracting Plants". 13. Purchased 500 energy conservation and carbon reduction products (Bee King environment-protective detergents, 700g/box). | ||
英文關鍵字 | Low Carbon Sustainable System, Green Ecological Community, Community Participation |