

中文摘要 PM2.5為我國相當重視的空氣污染物,隨著工業發展及都會區車輛密度增加,國內空氣品質受到明顯的衝擊,國內外研究亦指出,當曝露在過多的PM2.5環境中,容易使心血管疾病與呼吸道疾病之發生率與死亡率增加,因此如何降低空氣污染物濃度與空氣污染防制策略,逐漸成為政府相關單位與國人關注議題之一。 環保署於民國101年起,結合台美合作計畫與美國環保署既有之工具,進行「臺灣空氣品質決策支援系統」之開發與建置,目前系統已將臺灣排放成本分析系統和空氣污染與健康效益評估系統更新為中文化介面,並擴增本土化排放清冊控制成本資料庫與健康健保資料庫,建立99年模式五個空品區模擬資料庫,以增進系統的多元應用性及更人性化的操作使用。 今年度本計劃主要工作項目為執行臺美合作技術交流平台轉移美國最新一污染源影響分析模組已進行台灣PM2.5高解析度來源分析,建置南部地區控制成本分析、空氣品質與健康效益評估,擴增環保署管制措施成本資料與成本資料範疇,及最新年份健康效益資料庫,提供環保署排放減量政策評估。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、決策支援系統、控制成本、民眾健康效益


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA18-03-A260 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5768 千元
專案開始日期 2017/10/03 專案結束日期 2018/10/02 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 梁喬凱 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA18-03-A260.pdf 23MB 期末報告定稿版

Application of Taiwan Air Benefit and Control Assessment System (ABaCAS-Taiwan)

英文摘要 With industrial development and increasing vehicle density, PM2.5 has been increasing, becoming the primary focal pollutant in Taiwan. Studies in Taiwan have shown that long-term constant exposure to PM2.5 increases the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases which could lead to an increase of mortality. This is why air pollution reduction and control policies are the current leading focus of people in Taiwan. Since 2012, Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been cooperating with the US EPA to develop and create a “Taiwan Air Benefit and Control Assessment System (ABaCAS-Taiwan).” The system has currently incorporated Taiwan Emission Cost Analysis System (TECAS) with air pollution and health benefit system into a Mandarin-friendly format. ABaCAS-Taiwan has also expanded the local emission inventory as well as the control cost and health benefit database, creating a user-friendly and flexible system with a database of three air quality regions from the year 2013. The main objective of this project this year is to implement a Single-Source Air Quality Assessment Module to conduct a high resolution PM2.5 source analysis from Taiwan. This project will also create a control cost analysis and air pollution health benefit analysis as well as expand data on control policy costs of the Taiwan EPA with the newest health benefit database to the Taiwan EPA for further emission reduction policies.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, decision support system, emissions control cost, health benefits