

中文摘要 在打造低碳永續家園的政策下,行政院環境保護署自99年12月開始推動金門低碳島建設規劃相關工作,並於行政院102年5月20日核定「建置金門低碳島計畫」後,展開相關執行措施。本計畫即依「建置金門低碳島計畫」內容,協助與督導推動6大旗艦計畫,並藉盤查金門縣溫室氣體排放量,勾稽管考推動成效及滾動檢討減碳策略;同時實地推動行動項目、強化低碳永續教育宣傳及低碳島行銷。 本計畫共達成以下成果:1.協助與督導推動「建置金門低碳島計畫」6大旗艦計畫;協助提供核定計畫技術規範與行政支援,考量中央政策與縣政府推動現況滾動檢討「建置金門低碳島計畫」,且針對執行進度落後或窒礙難行推動項目協助研提修正意見。2.為瞭解「建置金門低碳島計畫」推動後對實際排碳情形的影響,完成105年與106年金門縣溫室氣體排放量盤查,分析影響排放量的重要變數,配合地理資訊圖資展現金門各區域溫室氣體排放與能資源利用,並以分析計算模式庫與管理情境模擬工具,研擬金門地區區域節能或減碳策略。3.考量技術可行性、財務自償性及複製推廣性,於全縣不同領域推動四項低碳永續行動項目,包括:金酒公司廢水處理設施甲烷回收再利用可行性評估、賢庵國小雨撲滿、Diy綠屋頂與街道傢俱結合植栽槽示範等4項行動項目,並將行動項目內容與成果登錄於環保署「低碳永續家園資訊網」,展現金門縣推動低碳生活圈成果。4.配合金門相關會議或活動辦理4場次低碳教育訓練、4場次低碳永續推廣活動,以對內宣導與對外推廣金門縣為低碳生活示範島。5.按季管考金門低碳島建設執行計畫之進度與減碳效益分析,並辦理相關會議8場次、專家現地評核2場次以及幕僚作業會議13場次。
中文關鍵字 金門、低碳島、低碳社區


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA07-03-A178 經費年度 106 計畫經費 13300 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/11 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 呂穎彬
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 高俊璿 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA07-03-A178_本文.pdf 16MB

Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon Kinmen Island - Establishment and Evaluating Overall Implementation Effectiveness

英文摘要 Under Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Policy, The EPA of Administrative Yuan started the Low Carbon Kinmen Island Planning since 2010. This project is the continuity of the Planning for the assistance and supervision of the execution of the 6 Flagship Programs under Low Carbon Kinmen Island Planning, including calculation of greenhouse gas and reduction strategy, supervision and analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented action items and continuously rolling review of the Planning with national policy and executive status, strengthening sustainability education and promotion of Low Carbon Kinmen Island. The outcomes of this project are: 1. Provide assistance and supervision for 6 flagship programs for technical support and administrative aid, continuously rolling review of the Planning with national policy and executive status, and amendments for those programs which are behind schedules or obstructed. 2. Inventory the greenhouse gas emissions of Kinmen in 2016 and 2017, and analysis the main variables of influences for GHG emissions. GIS display system for GHG emission and among districts of Kinmen, and using analysis calculated model and the situational simulation tool for provide the strategy of saving energy/emission redution for districts of Kinmen. 3. Implementation of 4 action items by considering technical feasibility, self-financing ability and reproductivity, including feasibility assessment of methane recovery and reuse from wastewater treatment facility in Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor, rainwater tank in Shan-An Primary School, Diy green roof in Shan-An Primary School, Street furniture combined with potting plants demonstration in Shamei Station of Jinsha Town. The action items were also registered in EPA’s Low Carbon Sustainable Information System Website for demonstration of the outcomes of Kinmen Low Carbon Island. 4. Propaganda and promotion of Kinmen Low Carbon Island, including 4 low carbon training courses, 4 low carbon sustainable promotion campaigns, and advertisement for internal and external propaganda of Kinmen low carbon island. 5. Quarterly supervision of Low Carbon Kinmen Island Planning and evaluation of its effectiveness, including 8 routinely administrative meetings, 2 field evaluation visits by experts, and 13 staff meetings.
英文關鍵字 Kinmen, Low Carbon Island, Low-Carbon Community