

中文摘要 (一) 河川易揚塵裸露地清查與砂石業者巡查 完成5 月~翌年4 月花蓮溪、立霧溪與秀姑巒溪沿線易產生揚塵之裸露地巡查作業,5 月份受梅雨季節影響造成河川水覆增加,而裸露地些微下降; 6 月~7 月則受降雨趨緩水覆面積下降,導致裸露地些微上升外,綠覆則並無太大之變化;10 月13 日受到卡努颱風影響,雖未登陸花東地區,但外圍環流與東北季風共伴效應夾帶大量降雨,使大量雨水沖刷河床,水位逼近大橋將花蓮溪歷年所施作綠覆及天然生長之植物,遭到沖刷沖毀,而10 月份已進入東北季風好發期,此時鋒面南下強風造成高濃度河川揚塵產生;12 月後降雨逐漸趨緩,僅偶有鋒面通過,帶來之水氣,短暫影響河川水位變化,其餘較無太大之變化;翌年1 月份於中興橋下游開始進行疏濬工程、萬里溪及馬太鞍溪橋下橋梁興建工程,玉里測站旁之秀姑巒溪河床亦有護堤工程,導致玉里大橋上下游0.5 公里河道改變因此在裸露地、水覆之面貌改變。整體河床變化立霧溪水覆減少9 公頃、綠覆減少7.4 公頃及裸露地增加16.4 公頃;花蓮溪水覆減少35.5 公頃、綠覆減少24 公頃及裸露地增加59.5 公頃;秀姑巒溪水覆增加5.35 公頃、綠覆減少0.02 公頃及裸露地減少5.33 公頃;完成5 月~翌年4 月花蓮溪17 家與秀姑巒溪1 家砂石業者巡查作業,目前砂石業者均符合規範之防制措施。 (二) 揚塵好發區分區劃定 依據每月定期清查河川流域變化,今年度則是在水覆與裸露地變化較為明顯,編號04 花蓮溪與木瓜溪匯流處,花蓮大橋西南側水覆減少23.6%裸露地增加23%變化最為明顯、其次為編號17 縣道193,30K 處下方,主河道中間水覆減少9.6%裸露地增加20.9%,綠覆變化則是編號05 縣道193, 27.5%處下方,主河道東岸減少17.7%綠覆增加14.8%裸露地、編號06 縣道193,28K 處下方,主河道西岸減少16.7%綠覆增加15.7%裸露地。今年度氣候變化,颱風僅7 月尼砂與海棠,登陸位置為東北方與西南方,皆未直接影響東半部,因此受到颱風影響較小,但在10 月形成的卡努颱風同時伴隨著東北風,大量雨水灌進花蓮,造成河川河道改變、較低灘地綠覆沖毀,造成裸露地變化。另於編號14 鳳林鎮萬里溪橋至箭瑛大橋、編號15 鳳林鎮與光復鄉之界河(馬太鞍溪),目前正在進行橋梁興建工程,人為因素改變既有河道、綠覆,導致在今年編號14、15 綠覆減少10.8%~12.5% 及裸露地變化之編號14 減少10.8%及編號15 增加24.7%。在劃定裸露地今年度將編號05 縣道193.27.5k、編號06 縣道193.28k 原中度等級調整為嚴重等級,其餘劃定皆未進行調整。 輕度影響之區域:無。中度影響之區域:裸露地編號13~16。嚴重影響之區域:裸露地編號01~12、17~23。 (三) 河川揚塵預警系統維護及監測 皆有定期維護設置於花蓮溪、立霧溪及秀姑巒溪預警系統,並填寫維護記錄表;自動監測數據每小時至少輸出1 筆,目前監測站有效率為立霧溪98.68%、花蓮溪98.45%及秀姑巒溪97.87%,目前有效率皆維持在90 %以上。 (四) 歷年河川水文及揚塵事件分析 彙整歷年河川水文資料,可知花蓮地區歷年汛期約在7 至9 月份颱風影響時,河川水位、水量之增加將上游各溪流之土砂向下輸送,汛期後在河川下游區域形成大面積裸露地,每年逢10 月份東北季風來臨時,則易使裸露地之河川揚塵現象加劇;分析歷年揚塵事件日,統計易造成揚塵之氣候因素,若濕度< 75%且風速> 3m/s 時,較易造成PM10 濃度增加。 (五) 測站位址遷移或增加評估 透過歷年監測數據及氣象分析,評估既有監測站位址之設置合適性,藉由歷年數據及揚塵氣象條件,當進行東北季風季節時,風向確實影響測站位置及鄰近村里,但為有效持續監測及歷年數據分析,故建議測站仍維持現址,應該以監測數據之準確率為優先考量。 (六) 揚塵預警通報系統 本計畫PM10 自動監測站設置於花蓮溪、立霧溪及秀姑巒溪,進行監測河川揚塵濃度變化,監測站採樣每小時PM10 達100 μg/m3 以上,即發送預警通報簡訊,若濃度達600μg/m3 且持續兩小時以上,立即啟動應變機制,以及建立之揚塵預警評分表,提前進行揚塵預警通報。 (七) 花蓮地區河川揚塵影響範圍劃定(ISCST 模式) 彙整氣象、地形、裸露地資訊以及懸浮微粒排放量(含河川揚塵排放係數之選取)等資訊,以ISCST 空品模式進行懸浮微粒TSP、PM10 與PM2.5 增量濃度之模擬分析,並繪製懸浮微粒等濃度曲線圖,透過等濃度圖掌握河川揚塵影響範圍與地區。輕度影響區:立霧溪之新城鄉順安村、秀林鄉秀林村;花蓮溪之壽豐鄉豐裡村;秀姑巒溪之長良里、泰昌里、觀音里、三民里。中度影響區:立霧溪之新城鄉中新城村、新城鄉崇德村;花蓮溪之中月眉村、中平和村、平和村;秀姑巒溪之大禹里、東豐里、永昌里、啟模里。嚴重影響區:立霧溪之新城鄉新城村、秀林鄉富世村;花蓮溪之吉安鄉光華村、上月眉村、上平和村;秀姑巒溪之中城里、源城里、國武里、樂合里。 (八) 人工採樣作業 於河川揚塵好發期間(10月至翌年4月),規劃執行共5次機動性之手動採樣作業(含立霧溪、花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪)。目前已執行5點次(立霧溪及花蓮溪),10月24日進行立霧溪第1次採樣作業,10月25日進行立霧溪第2次採樣作業,10月26日進行立霧溪第3次採樣作業,10月30日進行花蓮溪第4次採樣作業,10月31日進行花蓮溪第5次採樣作業,107年4月23日進行秀姑巒溪第6次採樣作業。 (九) 河川揚塵防制宣導說明會 說明會主要教育民眾當揚塵來襲時應採行之防護措施,為避免自身受到揚塵危害,已辦理完成年度5 場次宣導說明會,總宣導人數達528 位。經過多次宣導民眾與學生對河川揚塵影響皆有一定程度的認識,清楚了解揚塵發生原因係東北季風強陣風影響。 會後進行問卷調查,統計民眾對於環保局管制滿意度達8 成以上,顯示民眾一定認同本局對於河川揚塵之管制作為,另統計為有效抑制揚塵方法, 民眾透過宣導後皆了解,若要有效且長期抑制揚塵之防制方法,建議為河床裸露地種植綠覆,其次為河床施作水覆。統計歷年103 年~106 年滿意度問卷分析,年平均為79%,經過多年的努力,民眾已漸漸認同環保局對於河川揚塵管制上的成績。 (十) 區域聯繫會議 第一場次主要進行權責分工,立霧溪、花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪皆位於本縣轄內,因此在橫向聯繫上較無太之問題,其主要針對位於北區與宜蘭縣交接之和平溪,訂定明確之權責分工。花蓮縣主要預警列管河川為立霧溪、花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪,有關和平溪治理與揚塵防制,權責分工應由第一河川局及宜蘭環保局之相關單位執行管制作為。 第二場次特邀請本縣轄內河川管理單位水利科及第九河川局,主要針對依環保署發布之空氣品質AQI 之PM10 分級劃定,進行修正本縣揚塵預警等級,將原預警值100μg/m3 上修為126μg/m3,且與環保署之預警之標準相符。 (十一) 預警防護演練 為提高河川揚塵災害應變機制,每年汛期前辦理1 場次揚塵模擬,模擬河川發生揚塵之狀況,藉由各級應變單位參與實況演練,加強熟悉事件發生之通報流程及權責分工,以達揚塵日時應變之成效,當日出席演練單位為本縣揚塵各級應變相關局處,及鄰近工業區及村里長加入演練演習,強化應變作為,另今年度除邀請吉安鄉鄉長、議員、媒體到場觀禮外,亦邀請環保署長官及承辦人員共同參與,共計164 位。 (十二) 示範觀摩會議 為展現本縣歷年來對於河川揚塵之防制,特於本縣花蓮溪流域之村里辦理裸露地示範觀摩會議,讓民眾能更加瞭解政府部門對於河川揚塵防制工作所做的努力,歷年來於環保局辦理多場宣導會教育民眾揚塵自我防護、長期的空氣監測、揚塵通報之預警等及河管單位於花蓮溪流域易揚塵之區域施作多種工法,如水幕防砂、攔砂網、綠覆蓋(狼尾草、五節芒及阡插牧草) 等;總計共發放問卷60 份,回收卷數52 份,回收率達87%,民眾認為揚塵防制作為滿意度之非常滿意度75%、滿意21%、普通4%,年度整體滿意度(非常滿意及滿意)達96%,顯示民眾了解政府對於環境空氣品質維護付出歷年的努力,達成本年度訂定之績效指標之年度滿意度(非常滿意及滿意)80%以上。 (十三) 網頁維護更新 目前已完成12 梯次「花蓮縣河川揚塵預警通報平台」與環保署「河川揚塵防制推動資訊網平台」網頁更新及維護,更新之項目為每月辦理活動訊息、本計畫監測站即時監看數據後台之維護及上傳計畫執行成果資料。 (十四) 道路洗掃 於河川揚塵好發期(9 月至翌年3 月)辦理洗街作業,於揚塵好發季節時能降低揚塵對民眾健康的危害,使民眾更能認同主管機關的相關作為,地點分別為新城鄉、壽豐鄉以及玉里地區每週2~3 次進行主要道路洗街作業,年度洗街總長度為6,000 公里以上。新城執行1,866km、壽豐1,944km 及玉里1,743km,以及協助和平地區洗掃111km 及0206 震災459km,共執行6,123 公里。依環保署公告之洗街作業削減量PM10 係數為0.0026 公噸/公里計算,總計年度達PM10 削減量為16 公噸 (十五) 汛期前購買衛星影像圖及汛期後空拍 依106 年7 月申購衛星影像圖,作為本年度之計算河川之基底圖,透過裸露地數值化,汛期前後花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪裸露地變化,花蓮溪水覆由123.2 公頃減少10.1 公頃,目前水覆為113.1 公頃、綠覆由16 公頃增加25 公頃, 目前綠覆為9 公頃,裸露地由245.5 公頃增加10.1 公頃,目前為256.1 公頃,疏濬作業已於汛期後執行完畢故面積為0 公頃,秀姑巒溪水覆由33.2 公頃減少14.6 公頃,目前水覆為18.6 公頃、綠覆由5.1 公頃些微增加0.4 公頃,目前綠覆為5.5 公頃,裸露地由83.8 公頃增加14.2 公頃,目前為98 公頃。 (十六) 創新作為 設立之CCTV,將搭配106 年度建立預報系統,視氣候條件,進行評估未來3 日揚塵之好發率,因自動監測站受限於空間傳遞,故藉由CCTV 持續紀錄之優勢,掌握河川變化(揚塵)情形,流域現場揚塵畫面,不僅僅只是仰賴監測設備,亦可透過畫面傳輸提供計劃人員,進行啟動應變措施之判定,提高啟動預警應變機制之效率。 針對河川流域進行監視,經由攝影機將四周重要區域之畫面集中,並控制 傳輸供計畫人員監看,使人員能夠經由攝影機之即時畫面,在第一時間掌握發生揚塵現場之狀況及下達必要處理應變措施,期達成即時與預警控制之目的。從架設完成日起截至目前,提供影像判定屬為河床揚塵通報共3 次。
中文關鍵字 花蓮溪、立霧溪、秀姑巒溪、河川揚塵、裸露地、風飛砂、粒狀物、TSP、PM10、自動監測、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 EPB1060211 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/01 專案結束日期 2018/04/30 專案主持人 楊家源
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳家晴 執行單位 威陞環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年河川揚塵期末報告.pdf 27MB

106 years of Hualien County river dust warning, propaganda and improvement promotion plan

英文摘要 The plan was executed on May 1, 106, the contract signing date. As of April 30, 2017, the execution time of the project was 365 days. The summary of the work results is as follows: (一)Rivers and dusts exposed to bare ground and sand and gravel inspection During the period from May to April of the next year, Hualian River, Liwu River and Xiuguluan River were prone to dusty bare ground inspections. In May, due to the influence of the plum rain season, the river water cover increased, while the bare ground decreased slightly; June~7 In the month, the rainfall area slowed down and the water cover area decreased, resulting in a slight increase in bare ground. The green cover did not change much. On October 13th, it was affected by Typhoon Kanu. Although it was not in the Huadong area, it was surrounded by the northeast monsoon. The co-concomitant effect entrains a large amount of rainfall, causing a large amount of rainwater to wash the riverbed. The water level approaches the bridge. The plants that have been applied for green cover and natural growth in Hualien Creek over the years have been washed away, and in October, they have entered the northeast monsoon period. Strong winds from the front to the south caused high concentrations of river dust; after December, the rainfall gradually slowed down, only occasionally passing through the front, bringing water and moisture, temporarily affecting the water level change in the river, the rest is not much change; in January of the next year in Zhongxingqiao The downstream began the dredging project, the construction of the bridge under the Wanlixi and Mata Anxi Bridge, and the Xiulunxi Riverbed next to the Yuli Station also has a berming project, which led to the 0.5 km river upstream and downstream of the Yuli Bridge. The change of the road thus changes in the appearance of bare ground and water. The overall riverbed change was reduced by 9 hectares in Liwu River, 7.4 hectares in green cover and 16.4 hectares in bare land; 35.5 hectares in Hualian River, 2 hectares in green cover and 59.5 hectares in bare land; 5.35 hectares in Xiugusu River The green cover was reduced by 0.02 hectares and the bare land was reduced by 5.33 hectares. From May to April of the next year, 17 Hualianxi and 1 sandstone industry in Xiuguuxi were inspected. At present, the sandstone industry is in compliance with the standard control measures. (二)Dust-prone area demarcation According to the monthly regular check of river basin changes, this year is more obvious in water cover and bare ground. No. 04 Hualian River and Papaya Creek Confluence, the water cover on the southwest side of Hualien Bridge decreased by 23.6%, and the exposed area increased by 23%. Next, the number 17 county road is below 193, 30K, the water level in the main river channel is reduced by 9.6%, and the exposed area is increased by 20.9%. The green cover change is 193, 27.5% below the county road, and 17.7% green on the east bank of the main river. Covered by 14.8% bare ground, numbered 06 County Road below 193, 28K, the main river channel west bank decreased by 16.7% green cover increased by 15.7% bare ground. This year's climate change, the typhoon only in July, the sand and sea otters, landing location for the northeast and southwest, do not directly affect the eastern half, so the typhoon is less affected, but the Kanu typhoon formed in October is accompanied by In the northeasterly winds, a large amount of rainwater is poured into Hualien, causing changes in rivers and rivers, and greening of lower beaches, causing changes in bare land. In addition, No. 14 Fenglin Town Wanlixi Bridge to Jianyu Bridge, No. 15 Fenglin Town and Guangfu Township Boundary River (Matai Anxi), is currently undergoing bridge construction projects, human factors change both rivers and green covers, resulting in In this year's number 14, 15 green cover decreased by 10.8% to 12.5% and the bare ground changed the number 14 decreased by 10.8% and the number 15 increased by 24.7%. In the demarcation of the bare land this year, the number of 05 County Road 193.27.5k, No. 06 County Road 193.28k original moderate level was adjusted to a serious level, the rest of the provisions have not been adjusted. Areas with mild impact: None. Moderately affected area: bare ground number 13~16. Seriously affected areas: bare ground numbers 01~12, 17~23. (三)Maintenance and monitoring of river dust warning system All of them have regular maintenance settings in Hualianxi, Liwuxi and Xiuguluan early warning systems, and fill in maintenance records; automatic monitoring data is output at least one hour per hour. The current monitoring station is 98.68% effective for Liwuxi, Hualienxi 98.45% and Xiugutunxi 97.87%, the current efficiency is maintained above 90%. (四)Analysis of river hydrology and dust events over the years Through the hydrological data of the rivers in the past years, it can be seen that during the flood season in Hualien area, when the typhoon is affected from July to September, the increase of river water level and water volume will transport the soil sand of the upstream streams downwards. After the flood season, a large area of bare land will be formed in the lower reaches of the river. When the northeast monsoon comes in October, it will easily aggravate the phenomenon of dust in the exposed rivers. Analysis of the dusty event days over the years, statistics will easily cause the climatic factors of dust, if the humidity is < 75% and the wind speed is > 3m / s, it is easy to cause PM10 The concentration increases. (五)Site location migration or increase assessment Through the monitoring data and meteorological analysis over the years, the appropriateness of the location of the existing monitoring stations is assessed. With the historical data and dust weather conditions, when the northeast monsoon season is carried out, the wind direction does affect the location of the station and the neighboring villages, but it is effective and continuous. Monitoring and historical data analysis, it is recommended that the station still maintain the current location, and the accuracy of monitoring data should be prioritized. (六)Dust warning notification system The PM10 automatic monitoring station is set up in Hualienxi, Liwuxi and Xiuguuxixi to monitor the variation of the dust concentration in the river. The PM10 of the monitoring station samples up to 100 μg/m3 per hour, that is, the warning notification is sent, if the concentration reaches 600μg/m3 and lasted for more than two hours, immediately start the strain mechanism, and establish the dust warning score sheet, and advance the dust warning report. (七)Delineation of the influence of river dust in Hualien area (ISCST mode) Integrate meteorological, topographical, bare ground information and suspended particulate emissions (including the selection of river dust emission factors), and simulate the incremental concentrations of suspended particles TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 in the ISCST empty model, and draw the suspension The concentration curve of the particles is used to grasp the influence range and area of the river dust through the equal concentration map. Mildly affected area: Shun'an Village, Xincheng Township, Liwuxi, Xiulin Village, Xiulin Township; Fengli Village, Shoufeng Township, Hualien River; Changliangli, Taichangli, Guanyinli, Sanminli, Xiugu Tunxi. Moderately affected area: Zhongxincheng Village, Xincheng Town, Liwuxi Town, Chongde Village, Xincheng Township; Huanian River Zhongyue Village, Zhongpinghe Village, Pinghe Village; Daguli, Dongfengli, Yongchangli In the mold. Severely affected areas: Xincheng Village, Xincheng Village, Liwuxi, Fushi Village, Xiulin Township; Guanghua Village, Shangyuemei Village, Shangpinghe Village, Ji'an Township, Hualien River; Zhongchengli, Yuanchengli, Guowu Li, Le Heli. (八)Manual sampling operations During the period of good dust in the river (October to April of the next year), a total of five maneuver manual sampling operations (including Liwuxi, Hualianxi and Xiuguluanxi) were planned. At present, 5 points have been executed (Liwuxi and Hualienxi), the first sampling operation of Liwuxi was carried out on October 24, the second sampling operation of Liwuxi was carried out on October 25, and the vertical fog was carried out on October 26. The third sampling operation of the stream, the fourth sampling operation of Hualien Creek on October 30, the fifth sampling operation of Hualien Creek on October 31, and the sixth sampling operation of Xiuguangxi on April 23, 2018. (九)River dust prevention and control publicity briefing session The briefing session will mainly educate the public on the protective measures that should be taken when the dust strikes. In order to avoid the danger of dust exposure, the company has completed five annual publicity briefings, with a total of 528 people. After many times, people and students have a certain degree of understanding of the impact of the dust on the river, and clearly understand the cause of the dust is the strong influence of the northeast monsoon. After the meeting, a questionnaire survey was conducted to show that the public’s satisfaction with the EPA’s control reached more than 80%, indicating that the public must agree with the regulation of the river’s dust, and the other is to effectively suppress the dust. The public understands through the promotion and is effective. And long-term suppression of dust prevention methods, it is recommended to plant green cover on the barebed of the riverbed, followed by water cover for the riverbed. According to the statistical analysis of the satisfaction questionnaire from 2014 years to2017years, the average annual rate is 79%. After years of hard work, the people have gradually recognized the achievements of the Environmental Protection Agency on the control of river dust. (十)Regional Contact Conference In the first session, the division of powers and responsibilities was mainly carried out. Liwuxi, Hualienxi and Xiuguuxixi are located within the jurisdiction of the county. Therefore, there is no problem in horizontal linkage. It is mainly for the handover between the northern district and Yilan County. Peace Creek has a clear division of powers and responsibilities. The main early warnings of Hualien County are rivers and rivers, Liwuxi, Hualianxi and Xiuguluoxi. Regarding peace and river control and dust control, the division of powers and responsibilities should be controlled by the relevant units of the First River Bureau and the Yilan Environmental Protection Bureau. In the second session, the river management unit of the county's jurisdiction, the Water Resources Section and the Ninth River Bureau, were invited to revise the PM10 classification of the air quality AQI issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, and the county's dust warning level was revised. The original warning value was 100 μg/ m3 was repaired at 126 μg/m3 and was in line with the EPA's warning criteria. (十一)Early warning protection drill In order to improve the response mechanism of river dust disasters, one dust simulation will be conducted before the flood season every year to simulate the dusting situation in the rivers. Through the live drills of all levels of response units, the notification process and the division of powers and responsibilities of familiar incidents will be strengthened to achieve a dusty day. The effectiveness of the contingency, the day attending the exercise unit for the county's dust-related bureaus at all levels, and the neighboring industrial areas and village leaders to join the exercise drills, strengthen the strain, and this year, in addition to invited Ji'an township heads, parliamentarians, media to attend the ceremony In addition, the EPD's officers and contractors were invited to participate, a total of 164. (十二)Demonstration observation meeting In order to showcase the prevention and control system of the river in the past years, the village has conducted a demonstration meeting of bare ground demonstrations in the village of Hualienxi River Basin in the county, so that the public can better understand the efforts of the government departments on the prevention and control of the river dust. The Environmental Protection Agency handles a number of publicity sessions to educate people on self-protection, long-term air monitoring, early warning of dust reports, and river management units to apply various methods in areas such as water curtain sand control, sand trapping, and green. Covering (wolftail, five-section awning and cutting pasture), etc.; a total of 60 questionnaires were distributed, 52 volumes were recovered, and the recovery rate was 87%. The public believed that the dust-proof production was 75% of satisfaction with satisfaction. Satisfaction 21%, average 4%, annual overall satisfaction (very satisfied and satisfied) reached 96%, showing that the public understands the government's efforts to maintain environmental air quality over the years and achieves annual satisfaction with the performance indicators set this year (very satisfied and Satisfied) 80% or more. (十三)Webpage maintenance update At present, the 12-step "Hua Lian County River Dust Warning Notification Platform" and the EPD "Hechuan Dust Prevention Promotion Information Network Platform" webpage have been updated and maintained. The updated project is a monthly event information and real-time monitoring of the project monitoring station. Data back-end maintenance and uploading project execution results. (十四)Road cleaning In the period of rising dust in the river (from September to March), the street washing operation can be carried out to reduce the harm of dust to the health of the public during the dusty season, so that the public can better recognize the relevant actions of the competent authorities. The main road washing operations are carried out 2 to 3 times a week in Shoufeng Township and Yuli District. The total length of annual street washing is more than 6,000 kilometers. The new city implemented 1,866km, Shoufeng 1,944km and Yuli 1,743km, as well as assisting the peace area to clean 111km and 0206 earthquake 459km, a total of 6,123 kilometers. According to the EPA's announcement, the PM10 coefficient of the street washing reduction is 0.0026 metric tons/km, and the total annual PM10 reduction is 16 metric tons. (十五)Purchase satellite imagery before the flood season and take the aerial shot after the flood season According to the purchase of satellite imagery in July of the year, as the base map for the calculation of the river in this year, through the digitization of the exposed land, the Hualian River and the Xiuguguxi River barely changed before and after the flood season. The Hualian River water cover was reduced by 10.1 hectares from 12.2 hectares. The cover is 113.1 hectares, the green cover is increased by 25 hectares from 16 hectares, the current green cover is 9 hectares, the exposed land is increased by 10.1 hectares from 245.5 hectares, currently 256.1 hectares. The dredging operation has been completed after the flood season, so the area is 0 hectares. The water cover of Gulu River is reduced by 14.6 hectares from 33.2 hectares. The current water cover is 18.6 hectares, the green cover is slightly increased by 0.4 hectares from 5.1 hectares, the current green cover is 5.5 hectares, and the bare land is increased by 14.2 hectares from 83.8 hectares, currently 98 hectares. (十六)Innovation as a The CCTV will be set up with the 2017-year forecasting system to assess the prevalence rate of dust in the next 3 days depending on the climatic conditions. Since the automatic monitoring station is limited by space transmission, CCTV changes are mastered by the continuous record of CCTV ( In the case of dust, the scene of dust in the river basin is not only dependent on monitoring equipment, but also provides planners through screen transmission to judge the start-up measures and improve the efficiency of starting the early-warning mechanism. The river basin is monitored, and the images of the important areas around the area are concentrated by the camera, and the transmission is controlled by the planners to enable the personnel to grasp the situation of the dust scene and the necessary processing strain at the first time through the instant picture of the camera. Measures to achieve immediate and early warning control purposes. Up to now, from the date of completion of the erection, the image determination is a total of 3 times for the river bed dust notification. (十七)Project completion ratio in the current period: 100% (十八)The current control ratio of the project: 100%
英文關鍵字 Hualien River, Liwu River, Xiugulu River, river dust, bare ground, wind flying sand, granular, TSP, PM10, automatic monitoring, emergency response