

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)資料庫之擴建、維護更新;(2)許可管制相關 作業;(3)排放量申報審查及查核作業;(4)稽查檢測作業;(5)逸散性粒狀物管制 作業;(6)戴奧辛管制;(7)異味陳情案件管制;(8)執行空品不良應變作業;(9) 辦理宣導說明會;(10)其他工作項目;(11)固定源許可制度整體績效及污染管制 成效說明。 本計畫執行期程為106 年3 月8 日起至107 年3 月7 日止,各章節工作成 果統計分析,各項工作結果說明如下。 一、 資料庫之擴建、維護更新 本年度須執行資料庫更新及維護的公私場所共725 家(另擴充30 家),本計 畫專案小組共完成731 家現場清查作業現場查核(另擴充69 家)。 完成731 家(另擴充69 家)清查資料庫更新後,全市固定污染源排放量如下: 粒狀物為2269.1 公噸/年,硫氧化物為2297.7 公噸/年,氮氧化物為3708 公噸/ 年,揮發性有機物為4120.1 公噸/年。 二、 許可作業 現階段共核發438 張許可證,包括設置40 張、變更18 張、操作64 張、異 動一款113 張、異動二款18 張、展延121 張、換補發59 張、生煤許可5 張,文 書平均審查日數為16.12 日/件,並協助111 件專責人員異動申請案件處理及鍵 檔,另針對重點案件共有15 件辦理專家學者審查。 在許可證查核部份,已完成750 張許可證查核作業(包括684 張環保局、66 張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計82 張,不符率為10.93%。 三、 排放量申報審查及查核作業 目前本計畫針對臺南市需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有378 家進行排放 量申報管制作業(其中第一批103 家,第二批275 家),106 年第1 季~106 年第4 季之應申報件數為1492 件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,審查結果申報 正確者1355 家佔90.82%,限期補正資料者107 佔9.18%。 計畫期間共進行257 家申報排放量查核,其中查核結果申報正確者248 家 佔96.5%,限期補正資料者9 家佔3.5%。限期補正者,其主要原因為製程原燃 物料申報狀況與現場不符共計8 家佔88.89%。 四、 稽查檢測作業 排放管道(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)抽測9 根次,其中有3 根次濃 度超標,均已提報環保局告發。另外抽測3 根次戴奧辛及3 根次重金屬,檢測 結果均符合標準。另外考量秋冬為空品不良季節,故周界粒狀物均集中於9 月~ 隔年1 月期間進行,共完成6 點次採樣,結果皆為符合標準。在燃料油含硫份 部分共完成15 件樣品抽驗,皆符合法規之要求。 五、 逸散性粒狀物管制 本項目係針對「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」 規範行業別進行現場查核及輔導作業,共查核225 家次,其中195 家次符合, 30 家次不符,各廠主要缺失以「堆置作業」、「車行路徑」及「車輛清洗」為最 多,平均符合率為85.73%,專案小組並進行不符改善後續追蹤,至期末截止已 有26 家次完成改善,符合率已提升至97.22%。 六、 戴奧辛管制作業 台南市適用戴奧辛行業管制規範列管名單共52 家(71 根數),其中30 家(39 根數)為本年度須執行定檢之對象,均已完成定檢及報告書審查,專案小組並完 成戴奧辛法規符合度查核26 家(32 根數)。 七、 異味陳情案件管制作業 計畫執行期間共完成異味巡查367 件次,其中針對轄內重大陳情專案列 管業者於試車期間,執行每週定期巡查。亦配合環保局執行太乙工業區、和 順工業區、柳營科技工業區、佳里工業區異味專案作業。在異味稽查檢測部 分,共完成10 點次(均為管道),其中1 點次未符合排放標準,均已提報環保 局告發。 在屢遭異味陳情業者管制部分,管制對象係以前一年度(105 年)陳情次數 前15 大為主,專案小組統計105 年前15 大工廠之異味陳情數為526 件,而 上述工廠在106 年陳情數統計為451 件,陳情總數已下降,若分析各家管制 結果,前15 大中有10 家已有明顯下降。另外在異味輔導部分,針對異味陳 情件數較高工廠,邀請專家學者進行現場輔導,本年度所執行異味輔導之工 廠為「台南市政府工務局安南瀝青拌合工廠」、「台南市政府工務局國民瀝 青拌合工廠」、「豐年豐和企業股份有限公司上崙廠」、「東柏有限公司新 營廠」、「優勝美染整股份有限公司」。 八、 執行空品不良應變作業 依據法規「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」,專案小組已辦理說明會, 針對符合法規管制的對象82 家,要求提報空品防制計畫書,並已完成審查及 核定,後續已建立空品不良後續應變流程,隨時掌握自動監測站數據,當空 品不良各測站(新營、臺南、安南、善化測站)達預警AQI>100 時,專案小組 發送簡訊通知並到現場巡查工廠是否執行防制計畫書之應變措施,自106 年9 月空品不良季節起至107 年2 月底現場巡查家數共887 家次、簡訊通報工廠 自主管理共3745 家次;各測站達惡化AQI>200 時,專案小組電話通報及發 送Email(回報單)並到現場巡查。 九、 辦理宣導說明會 計畫期程內完成5 場相關說明會,分別為「改造或汰換旅宿業、醫療、 社會福利機構及學校燃油鍋爐補助辦法」宣導說明會、「空氣品質嚴重惡化 緊急防制辦法」宣導說明會、「臺南市細懸浮微粒管制論壇暨空品惡化應變 說明會」、「空氣污染常見違反法規樣態說明」宣導說明會、「固定污染源 空氣污染物排放減量」宣導說明會。 十、 其他工作項目 (一)配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞完成5 則。 (二) 配合環檢警聯合稽查,共執行4 次;配合砂石車覆網下拉攔檢作業9 次。 (三)配合許可管制作業中排放管道8D/2D 認定以及是否需申請操作許可證 條件之認定。 (四)配合環保署及本市SIP 計畫,製作各類管制報表及資料整合工作,並於 規定時間內提交本計畫各類工作進度及成果報表。 十一、 固定源許可制度整體績效及污染管制成效說明 固定源許可制度及污染整體管制成效,包括許可污染物排放量下修、生 煤許可使用量回收以及污染量削減、推動工業鍋爐改用乾淨燃料等。 在許可排放量回收部分,共完成17 張操作許可證容許排放量削減之 作業,其原因主要為改用低污染性燃料、加裝防制設備、減少燃料使用量 (生煤)等,排放污染物總計減少(粒狀污染物29 公噸、硫氧化物185 公噸、 氮氧化物93 公噸及揮發性有機物218 公噸)。在生煤管制部分,目前領 有易致空氣污染物質許可證共計17 張,削減生煤使用量已削減7 張,截 至今年度已削減回收用量154,732 公噸,使得臺南市轄內生煤核定使用量 目前已降低至376,957 公噸,執行定檢以及防制設備效率驗證總計8 張、 許可證有效期限限縮以及許可證於核發時不增量始得發證總計10 張。 另外在工業鍋爐改善部分,計畫執行期間由工廠自主改善或環保局稽查 檢測、輔導並行之改善成果,總計共有11 家/21 座工業鍋爐燃料由燃油改換 為天然氣。
中文關鍵字 資料庫、固定污染源、逸散性粒狀物、許可制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 12755 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/08 專案結束日期 2018/03/07 專案主持人 黃玉玫
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃烱棋 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年台南固定期末報告定稿本.pdf 13MB 106年台南固定期末報告定稿本


英文摘要 The main work items of Stationary air pollution source control project are as follows: (1) Database establishment, maintenance and updates. (2) Stationary Sources Permits application documents examining and issuing, including permit inspection. (3) Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches. (4) Using standard air pollutant testing method to inspect plumes of stationary sources. (5)Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emissions. (6) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement. (7) Reinforcing control of dioxin. (8) Reinforcing control of the premises odor complaints regarding stationary sources from citizens. (9) Inspection of factories when air quality deterioration. (10) Other work items. This project, started from 4th March 2017 till 3rd March 2018, was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. We completed all work items before deadline. In order to make sure that the quality and quantity both met the requirements of the contract, we attended the monthly meeting of the Bureau, and followed internal QAQC plan. Schedule and quality of every work items also had been reviewed by the State Implement Plan, in order to ensure all requirements were met. Summaries of work items are as follows: 1. Database establishment, maintenance and updates The goal of this work item is to maintain and update the emission inventory of 725 plants and to add new emission inventory of 30 plants in database. We maintained and updated the emission inventory of 731 plants and added new emission inventory of 69 plants in database. By the end of the project, annual emission quantities of different pollutants from stationary sources in Tainan City are as follows: 2,269.1 tons of particles, 2,297.7tons of SOx, 3,708tons of NOx and 4,120.1tons of VOCs. 2. Stationary Sources Permits application documents examining and issuing, including permit inspection. 438 permits were issued, including 40 installation permits, 18 modified permits, 64 operation permits, 113change permits, 121 renewed permits, 59 re-issued permits and 5 coal-fired permits. The average review duration of the application documents was 16.12 days. 111 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved. For 15 significant cases of permit application, experts review was introduced to validate the content of the documents. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed for 750 operation permits. Among them, 82 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 10.93%. Furthermore, the plants were asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 111 plants proposed their modification or changes. 3. Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches. 378 premises are required to report emission inventory seasonally by regulation in Tainan City. (103 of them are announced in first batch, and 275 of them are 2nd batch.) The reporting rate, for a total of 1492 reports, is 100% from 1th quarter, 2016 till 4st quarter, 2017 We also checked all reports and found that 1355 of them (90.82%) were correct, 107 of them (9.18%) were asked to improve within a limited time. On-site inspection for the reports was conducted on 257 premises; 96.5% of them proved correct (248 premises), 3.5% of premises, which was asked to improve within a limited time, showed discrepancy. 4. Using standard air pollutant testing method to inspect plumes of stationary sources. We performed 3 plumes for dioxin testing. We also took 15 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur content in the sample met the standard. 5. Control of Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. This work item is to inspect the premises which have been specified by Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions of Stationary Source and to help them improving the discrepancy. 225 patrols were paid and 195 of them met the regulation, the compliance rate of the regulation was 96.66%. 6. Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement 5 meetings were held for related policies or law announcement. 7. Reinforcing control of dioxin. There are 52 plants (71 plumes) in the dioxin control list. On-site regulation inspection was performed on 30 plants (39 plumes). 26 plumes were completed the testing. 8. Reinforcing control of the premises odor complaints regarding stationary sources from citizens Periodical check for the frequent odor complains factories list of stationary sources. 367 patrols were performed, including 4 industrial parks in Tainan City. 10 stack odor inspections were performed, 1 of them was not compliance with the standard. 9.Inspection of factories when air quality deterioration According to the Emergency Management for the Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration regulation, we held a meeting to announce the new regulation. 82 factories that meet the requirements of regulation were asked to propose their prevention plans when air quality deterioration occurs. We reviewed all plans and established an action procedure when air quality index exceeds 100. We sent text message to inform the target factories, asking them to enforce the necessary steps in order to reduce their pollution. 10. Other work items (1)5 articles regarding environmental protection were posted in newspapers. (2)To cooperate with polices and attorneys for comprehensive inspection for 4 times and checking the gravel trucks for cover net pulling compliance policy for 9 times. (3)To help determining if plumes meet the 8D/2D requirements when applying permits as well as if they should apply for permits. (4)To submit and summarize the work results as the Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan) and the State Implement Plan required.
英文關鍵字 database, staionary resource, air pollution, permitting system, fugitive partic ulate matter, Odor petition