

中文摘要 本計畫主軸以配合我國化學物質源頭登錄制度執行、細節規劃與精進,並達到化學品全面管理為目標。登錄制度精進部分,配合持續的各界意見蒐集互動與回應,協調改善登錄辦法修法方向與議題,並建議登錄辦法及相關規範之修法內容,完成公聽會3場次協辦與121條國內外意見彙整與建議回應。 就登錄制度運作推行與相關政策建置,本計畫透過3場次大型業界座談會與各管道,積極與利害關係人協調,據以展開既有化學物質指定標準登錄的機制建立;並利用科學評估邏輯,建議既有化學物質標準登錄指定名單並協助預告作業;此外,利用「貨品通關事前聲明確認」的平台維運、制度宣傳、以及稽查規劃,推廣並輔助登錄辦法法規符合;就主管機關的登錄業務移交專業能量建立,也提供3場次共7個科目的專業培訓課程與教材。 化學品全面管理的國際交流與發展部分,本計畫舉辦為期2天、匯集5個國家專家演講的國際研討會及圓桌會議,參與人數達201人;透過蒐集並比對國際化學品管理作法與我國之相關關鍵議題,提出專業分析建議,以接軌國際管理趨勢,作為主辦單位擬定政策方向與行動之參據。
中文關鍵字 登錄制度、登錄辦法修訂、既有化學物質登錄、化學貨品通關事前聲明確認、國際化學品管理研討會


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-EM01-02-A001 經費年度 106 計畫經費 13400 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/02 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 李政憲
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 許仲豪 執行單位 財團法人安全衛生技術中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告_1061222_公開版.pdf 2MB

2017 Chemical Registration Advancing Program

英文摘要 The program aims to improve the chemical registration framework and to achieve the goal of sound chemical management. Regarding the revision of the registration regulation, the program has been cooperating with stakeholders to coordinate the process of amending registration regulation in order to improve the related policies. In order to achieve the objective, the program has assisted in organizing 3 public hearings on Amendments of Regulation of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration. In the public comment period, 121 questions and opinions have been collected and analyzed by the program. Three policy symposiums, which invited representatives from industry and relevant agencies, were organized to discuss the establishment and implementation of standard registration of existing chemical substances. The draft list of designated chemical substances subject to standard registration was proposed by the program based on science-based approach and public communication; in addition, the program also assisted the pre-announcement procedure, including drafting the WTO TBT notification documents. To strengthen the compliance of registration regulation, the program held 3 public seminars and continued to maintain the platform of Pre-Confirmation of Chemical Commodity (CCIP). In addition, the CCIP inspection plan has been provided to the authority to promote regulation compliance among industry. The program also provided 3 workshops with 7 professional subjects to the authority to facilitate registration business transfer and capacity building. In terms of the development of sound chemical management framework, a 2-day international chemical management conference and a round table meeting have been organized. The experts from EU, the US, Vietnam, South Korea, and Taiwan were invited to share their experiences. The program also collected and analyzed international trend and policies of chemical management, and compared different regulatory frameworks with the system in Taiwan and proposed suggestions as the foundation for future policy planning and evaluation.
英文關鍵字 registration, registration regulation revision, existing chemical substances registration, chemical commodity importation pre-confirmation, international chemical management conference