

中文摘要 本計畫為配合政府新南向政策研擬臺灣環保產業海外輸出發展策略,於本計畫年度(106-107年)成立輸出專責小組,研析產業現況、海外商情資訊、目標市場投資概況、當地環保產業概況,提供有意願海外輸出業者相關問題諮詢與各項參考資訊。並邀請具輸出潛力廠商籌組環保產業海外輸出策略聯盟,召開3次策略聯盟會議,盤點土水產業、資源回收與廢棄物清理產業具輸出潛力技術能量,運用工程會及外交部資源協助市場開拓、舉辦東南亞官員14天研習會、辦理成功示範案例論壇、參與亞銀與歐銀年會,以及組團訪問越南、馬來西亞、泰國及印尼,蒐集當地環境需求現況、投資環境、市場概況等資訊,進一步與目標國分享法規、技術、管理策略等相關經驗,促進我國與東南亞國家之國際環保交流,尋求國際合作機會,並協助我國環保業者長期深耕當地建立夥伴關係,以持續推動臺灣環保業者海外輸出東南亞國家,促成我國環保產業立足新南向市場。
中文關鍵字 環保產業、新南向政策、海外輸出


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-GA13-03-A014 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1895 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/07 專案結束日期 2018/08/06 專案主持人 王詩清
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 洪豪駿 執行單位 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心


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期末報告 EPA106GA1303A014.pdf 18MB

The Project on Overseas Development and Exportation of Environmental Protection Engineering Industry

英文摘要 The aim of this project is to cater for the government’s new southbound policy to develop overseas development and exportation of Taiwan’s environmental protection industry. This project (between 2017 and 2018) formed a task force on the overseas development of environmental protection industry to provide advice and information regarding overseas exportation for whom are willing to export their environmental services and products, information such as industry marketing analysis, overseas business opportunity information, overseas environmental protection regulations. In order to assist and promote Taiwan’s environmental protection industry to Southeast Asia countries, the team has invited potential environmental companies to form a strategic alliance, held three alliance meeting, investigated the current status of soil and groundwater remediation industry, recycling industry and waste treatment industry, utilized the resources of the Public Construction Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assist the development of Southeast Asia countries environmental protection market, held 14-days forum for Southeast Asia countries officials, and one forum on successful case demonstration. Furthermore, the team participated in the annual meeting of Asian Development Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2017. Besides that, four visits to Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia were conducted to collect information regarding demand in environmental protection, investment environment and market overview. The team helps Taiwan EPA seek international cooperation opportunities, establish long-term cooperation and exchange information regarding environmental protection regulation, technologies, management strategies and experience with Southeast Asia countries.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Industry, New Southbound Policy, Overseas Export