

中文摘要 104年12月桃園市「發展低碳綠色城市自治條例」三讀通過,見證現行減碳的迫切性與綠色城市建構之趨勢。為讓桃園市能逐步落實低碳生活,由下而上支持低碳綠色城市的建構,今年度環保局持續推動本計畫,主要期望透過輔導在地鄰里與社區並維運桃園市參與低碳永續家園運作及成效管考,以達預期目標。故於今年度本計畫以2項推動主軸作為執行重點,分別為低碳環保鄰里計畫的執行推動,及維運低碳永續家園之體系與規劃運作相關低碳措施。 今年度本計畫成功輔導27個鄰里申請低碳鄰里改造補助,共有20個鄰里通過遴選,正式進入補助名單內,並且本計畫透過4場次獎補助會議及工作坊等(輔導規劃、設計、施作、監造),使20個鄰里順利進入施作改造作業,以及一處龜山區大湖里的亮點建置,期望里集會所未來能成為當地之低碳推廣中心,並透過辦理成果展與記者會,將本年度推動成果宣達出去;今年度的低碳永續家園運作及成效管考之部分,已完成辦理2場次技術諮詢小組會議,總參與人數達52人次,同時於今年協助本市市層級銀級評等認證之現勘作業,也於今年度順利從「銅級認證」晉級至「銀級認證」,並於今年度輔導區層級八德區及楊梅區晉級至銅級認證,里層級則輔導16處里銅與61處入圍數,皆已達合約之規定;並辦理8場次人員培訓課程,平均每場次人數達50人次以上,同時辦理1場次觀摩活動,至新竹縣優良社區參訪學習,參與人數達56人次參加,並依據環保署考核規定提報季成果報表,透過多面向之推動,期望使本市於鄰里間低碳永續家園之推動能更加廣泛,使本市成為低碳之都。
中文關鍵字 低碳社區、空間營造、低碳永續家園


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1040.4 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/25 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 程湘容
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張美謠 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 09.報告內文-ok.pdf 18MB 期末報告

Operational system and evaluation of management effectiveness project of Year 2017 in Taoyuan City for decreasing air pollution to build up low carbon community and sustainable low carbon hometown

英文摘要 In Dec, 2015, "Development of Low Carbon and Green City Self-management Act", which reflected the recent trend of the carbon decreasing urgency and building up green city, was approved by third reading in Taoyuan City. In order to put the low carbon lifestyle in implementations step by step and to support the establishment of green city thoroughly, environmental protection bureau is promoting the project consistently to facilitate the involvement of local communities and Taoyuan citizens on sustainable low carbon hometown operations and management. Therefore, the goal of the project can be achieved. There were two key elements of the project this year, one was to promote the low carbon and environmental protection neighborhood, and the other was to maintain and implement the sustainable low carbon hometown plan related measurements. With this annual project, 27 boroughs have raised the requests for the subsidies for low carbon borough transformations and 20 of them have got approvals with subsidies. After conducting 4 waves of sponsored meetings and workshops (coaching for planning, designing, implementing and building), 20 subsidized boroughs completed the transformation processes with the total subsidy of NT$9,946,296, including a remarkable building at Dahu borough, Guashan District. That building would become a gathering center at the borough and is expected to be the local low carbonpromotional center. All these achievements were shared and spread out through exhibitions and press conferences. Regarding the evaluation of the project, 2 technical meetings with consulting committee were conducted with 52 attendees. Meanwhile, the on site inspection at municipal silver level was upgraded to the "silver certificate" from "bronze certificate" while Bader District and Yangmei District upgraded to bronze certificate at coaching district level. At borough level, 16 boroughs won bronze certificates and 61selected as candidates. All these records met the requirements in the contract. Also, 8 staff training courses with average attendees more than 50 personsand 1 visiting tour with 56 attendees to the excellent communities in Hsinchu County forexperience exchanges were conducted as well. All the activities completed with the achievement reports recorded in accordance with the requirements of Environmental Protection Administration. We wish our city to become a low carbon city with sustainable low carbon hometown project supported in every borough through comprehensive promotions in many different dimensions.
英文關鍵字 and 1 visiting tour with 56 attendees to the excellent communities in Hsinchu County forexperience exchanges were conducted as well. All the activities completed with the achievement reports recorded in accordance with the requirements of Environmental Protection Administration. We wish our city to become a low carbon city with sustainable low carbon hometown project supported in every borough through comprehensive promotions in many different dimensions.