

中文摘要 本計畫協助屏東縣政府環境保護局執行室內空氣品質管理相關業務、推廣室內空氣品質自主管理及輔導第一批及第二批公告列管場所符合法規規範,計畫主要目標有:(1)推動室內空氣品質維護管理行動、(2)規劃辦理公私場所室空氣品質檢測作業(巡查檢測、標準方法檢測及連續監測)、(3)維護更新室內空氣品質改善輔導網站、(4)辦理室內空氣品質改善工作、(5)辦理跨局處聯繫協商會議。 本計畫主要執行內容有:(1)公私場所現場訪查250家、(2)辦理室內空氣品質法規宣導說明會4場次、(3)與環保局合作辦理大型宣導活動1場次、(4)印製宣導手冊400冊及宣導品500份、(5)輔導建置維護管理制度22家次、(6)辦理優良場所評鑑10家次、(7)執行室內空氣品質標準稽查檢測26家次、(8)維護更新計畫專屬網站、(9)辦理公私場所輔導改善作業5家次、(10)辦理優良場所現場觀摩活動1場次、(11)辦理跨局處聯繫協商會議1場次、(12)發佈相關新聞稿2則。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4690 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/08 專案結束日期 2018/04/07 專案主持人 李俊彥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 錢湘媛 執行單位 環佑實業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (已合併)106屏東縣室內空氣品質計畫(定稿本)請燒光碟.pdf 25MB 期末報告定稿本

The project of indoor air quality inspection,patrol and management

英文摘要 The project which is proposed by the Enviromental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County has been conducted the management about indoor air quality(IAQ),promoted the awareness of IAQ spontaneous management and assisted the public sites firstly and secondly announced by Taiwan EPA(Environmental Protection Administration) to comply with regulations. There are five main objects of this project as follows:(1)TO promote the public sites achieves IAQ management (2)Planning IAQ monitoring including patrolling by using direct reading instrument-based measurements,inspecting and measuring of standard methods and continuous automatically monitoring (3)Maintaining the IAQ website (4)Assisting public sites to execute IAQ improvement works (5)Holding a cross-office horizontal negotiation meeting. The tasks which were carried out of this annual are follows:(1)patrolling 250 public sites by using direct reading instrument-based measurements (2) Holding 4 meetings about IAQ decrees publicizing (3) Holding propaganda activities cooperated with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County (4)Printing 400 guidance books about IAQ management and purchasing 500 souvenirs (5)Assisting 22 public sites to set up the proposal for Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) Maintenance (6) Holding IAQ evaluations for 10 experienced public sites (7)Inspecting and measuring 26 public sites by standard methods (8) Maintaining the IAQ website (9) Assisting 5 highly polluted public sites by inviting experts to make an on-the-spot investigation (10) To learn from each other's work, holding a meeting at 1 public site which is outstanding in IAQ management (11) Holding a cross-office horizontal negotiation meeting (12)2 pieces of press release.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality, announcing public sites