

中文摘要 為減輕臺南市境內民俗活動中紙錢、拜香等燃燒行為所造成之環境負擔,本計畫期間配合推廣紙錢集中載運作業,106年統計至12月31日,申請次數與數量分別為1,315處次及1,515.32公噸;另在以功代金方面,持續搭配8家社福機關團體進行現場擺攤及便利商店代收等方式加強推廣,至106年12月31日已有5,373筆以功代金紀錄,響應善款達2,965,474元。至於在稻草露天燃燒管制與宣導方面,本計畫於露天燃燒好發地區共辦理23場勿露天燃燒宣導說明會,共計有871位農民出席,宣導會同時亦增加稻草社區DIY,強化呼籲稻草再利用宣導,同期間也透過里長拜訪、跑馬燈等方式加強宣導效果,並配合農糧署舉辦臺南地區16場次勿露天燃燒宣導說明會。共推5家碾米廠將「勿露天燃燒」條款納入契作合約,新增1家仕安有機碾米廠,總契作面積1,475.4公頃,共301位契作農民配合。一期開始依收割情形進行巡查,整體巡查面積為11,583公頃,約佔稻作面積80.02%,二期巡查面積9,235.26公頃,為稻作面積93.65%。而106年一期稻作露天燃燒共發現30處,燃燒面積為6.8公頃,二期稻草露燃巡查發現182件,露燃面積45.15公頃。裸露地清查列管方面,本計畫針對以往列管但尚未改善之裸露地為優先輔導目標,新增6處河川裸露地18.17公頃及30處一般裸露地30.58公頃,裸露面積合計48.756公頃。106年裸露地完成改善面積共45.18公頃,其中包含一般裸露地20.56公頃、河床裸露地24.62公頃,主要皆以稻草覆蓋改善裸露地。
中文關鍵字 臺南市民俗活動及稻草露天燃燒空氣污染管制計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-L001-30-307 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3855 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/13 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 王應堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉凱 執行單位 堃捷工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 民俗全文.pdf 12MB

The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants

英文摘要 The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants produced from burning joss paper and incense during Ghost Festival and temples major festival in Tainan. The major way we conducted the policies named “Reduction of Joss Paper” and “Concentrated Burning of Joss Paper”; moreover, from April 13, several councils, personal visits, training classes and ceremonies have been held to educate the public for this project. In oreder to promote the importance of air polloution control with latest government regulation. The project held 1 division meeting, 2 explanation session, 2 clean ceremonies, 1 pray for blessings ceremony, 23 “Non-Open-Burning” explanatory session, published 6 news and 10 lists of marquees and radio broadcasting. Meanwhile, the project also conducted 275 times temple visiting during June to August in 2017, the amount of concentrated-burning joss paper was 1,515.32 tons, gathered form 1,315 departments. On the other hand, we promoted “Donating-replace-joss paper” project, cooperating with 8 charitable organizations. There were 5,373 people taking part in this project by donating money, contributing approximately NT$ 2,965,474 during 2017. Then, the TSP mitigation amount of “ Concentrated Burning of Joss Paper ” came to 5,338 kg; in “Donating-replace-joss paper” , we have mitigated 97,861kg CO2 and 230kg TSP. Rice is the major agriculture product of Tainan city, but the traditional open-burning straw caused air pollution after harvest season. For this reason, the project made “Non-Open-Burning Article” agreement with 301 contracted farmers among 5 rice manufacturing associations, total rice paddy reached 1,475.4 hectares. However, there were still 212 sites occurred straw open-buring that burned 51.98 hectares mainly during 3pm-5pm. The project’s members assisted to extinguish a fire on 57.33 hectares, the control rate was 65%. Moreover, the project conducted the barren land investigation and consulting improvement, total of 45.18 hectare, including 20.56 hectare of normal barren land and 24.62 hectare of river barrren lands.
英文關鍵字 The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants