

中文摘要 成果摘要說明: 本計畫自 106 年 3 月 23 日起執行至 106 年 12 月 20 日止,計畫工項依預 定工作進度執行,未有落後之情事。 一、 稽查管制及採樣工作 針對本市水污染列管事業及自來水水源水質保護區進行下列管制 作業: 1. 本工作團隊已完成轄內列管事業(具管制編號或環保署指定新增事 業清查對象) 稽查作業共計 144 家次;期間僅一家社區業者(綠葉 山莊)因污水設施故障而導致缺失情形,後續已要求事業單位完成 改善。 2. 針對轄內營建工地已完成 21 家次稽查採樣作業,部分工地經手動 採樣沉砂池水質,發現其檢測 pH 值超過管制標準(≧9)情形,推測 應係受到工區內灌漿作業之影響,即要求業者應加強沉砂池清理, 以維持沉沙池應有的功能性。 3. 清查轄區廢(污)水暗管排放部分,已查獲 3 支暗管,並經 7 日公告 後完成封管作業。 4. 已完成第一~四季西定河、南榮河、旭川河、田寮河等北港系河川 水污染指標水質監測作業,其中 52 點次採樣中,屬於未(稍)受污染 僅有 9 點次,屬於輕度污染有 8 點次,屬於中度污染有 19 點次, 屬於嚴重污染有 15 點次;經研判民眾生活污水排入河川,且河川 流量小及流速低,而造成污染濃度較為偏高。 二、 污染源建檔及調查 1. 已於 11 月份提送六堵、大武崙工業區放流水對基隆河流域水污染 物質貢獻量,並依據污水廠操作參數提出處理設備功能污染減量對 策與可行性評估。 2. 已於 11 月提送列管事業進行衛星定位、繪製污染源與各河段測站 (含北港系河川)及排水位置關係圖,並進行點源污染量評估。 3. 已於 11 月份提送依環保署頒布之「推動水污染源總量管制規定」, 提出建議優先實施總量管制之目標水體。 4. 完成評估各河段於水質目標條件下之容許污染排放總量。 5. 稽(巡)查取水口上下游集污區內化工廠貯存重燃油設施事業,並加 強宣導及輔導建立緊急應變設施,完成 11 家次貯油設施事業認定 查核宣導及輔導作業。 三、 運作經營水環境守望襄助巡守隊 1. 已辦理 2 場次巡守隊環境教育講習會議,並針對「水環境通報系統」 操作方式、河川水域污染事件通報程序、以及簡易水質檢測等項目 進行說明。 2. 計畫期間共受理 30 件次巡守隊通報案件,皆已完成現場清理工作。 四、 持續推動許可制度: 1. 已辦理 2 場次水污染防治宣導說明會,針對與會列管事業單位代表 進行水污法相關法規宣導,提醒業者按時進行定期申報。 2. 已提供 3 至 12 月份應辦理許可展延、及許可證有效期限屆滿尚未 申請展延名單,並於規定辦理期限前,以電話主動通知業者按期辦 理展延。 3. 依期程提送 3 月至 12 月份工作月報表以及第一~四季季報表。 五、 水污染防治系統資料庫控管: 1. 已於 3 至 12 月份,針對水污染防治系統資料庫,分別進行合理性、 正確性、或異常現象篩選作業,未發現有異常情形。 2. 針對「水污染源資料系統」、「環保署訓練所專責人員設置動態網 頁」、「行政院環境保護署管制編號統一管理系統」及其他水污染防 治業務必須之電腦資料庫持續進行維護與更新作業。 六、 11 月 23 日辦理河川污染防治專業訓練一場次,邀請專業設備廠商, 針對污染緊急應變小組成員,進行河川污染防治專業訓練,訓練內容 包含設備除污原理、應用限制與保養要點。 七、 已於 12 月 20 日辦理河川污染緊急應變演練作業一場次,演練內容主 要以河川油污染清除處理。 八、 計畫期間已清除 8.48 公噸之河面垃圾,使用人力共計有 71 人,而相 關垃圾及資源回收物則分送天外天焚化廠、或資源回收場處理,改善 西定河及大武崙溪水環境品質。 九、 每日審視列管事業之水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施系統穩定操 作,掌握大武崙工業區污水處理廠及協和發電廠排放水水質,未發現 有異常情形。 十、 飲用水水源水質保護: 1. 已執行第一至四季轄內 4 座淨水場內原水水質採樣,以及 7 處取水口 保護區之稽查作業;除第二季因配合局內交辦之豪雨成災後水質檢驗 工 作 , 導 致 大 腸 桿菌 檢 群 之 檢 測 明 顯上 升 至 15,000 、 18,000 CFU/100mL 外,其他檢測結果皆未超出標準值。 2. 定期會同轄區自來水公司第一區處,針對新山、西勢 2 座水庫進行微 囊藻巡查,皆未發現有藻華現象。 十一、 飲用水安全管理: 1. 已完成 394 件自來水供水系統採樣工作,檢測結果皆符合飲用水水質 標準規範。 2. 完成第一至四季自來水事業淨水場之清水出水端及原水水質檢測,檢 測結果分別符合飲用水水質標準及飲用水水源水質標準。 3. 已完成 36 件水井、山泉水及其他簡易自來水水質稽查採樣工作,相 關水源並不適合直接生飲。 4. 已執行公私場所供公眾飲用之連續供水固定設備稽查共 184 件,符合 飲用水水質標準。 5. 已辦理第一至四季轄內淨水場淨水處理藥劑查核工作,其中六堵淨水 場與安樂淨水場採購藥劑包含聚氯化鋁、氫氧化鈉與次氯酸鈉三種, 暖暖淨水場與新山淨水場採購藥劑包含聚氯化鋁、氫氧化鈉等兩 種,;而此四座淨水場在各項重金屬檢測項目上,無超標項目,符合 自來水事業處理藥劑檢驗標準。 6. 已辦理第一至四季轄內包裝或盛裝之飲用水業者之查核工作,現本市 僅剩餘 1 處(國昌綜合工廠有限公司)飲用水業者,經歷次查驗皆未發 現有違反相關規範之情事。 7. 配合辦理 106 年度飲用水管理重點稽查管制計畫各項稽查業務。 十二、 社區污水稽查管制及輔導工作: 已完成 38 件次社區污水下水道設施許可查核、水質採樣工作;除 部分社區大腸桿菌偏高外,其餘 pH 、溫度、BOD5、COD 及 SS 等測 項符合標準。 十三、 工廠評鑑 針對轄區 5 家事業單位於 9 月 25 日及 26 日進行工廠評鑑,並於 8 月 30 日完成初評報告,另於 10 月 23 日及 24 日進行複評作業,10 月 27 日提送複評報告。 十四、 已辦理 21 場轄內校園親水環境宣導活動,合計參加學童人數達 786 人,以向下紮根、向上發展模式,提升學童對水環境保護觀念。 十五、 已完成 22 家次水污費申報疑義事業單位查核工作;而經查相關申報 資料皆無疏漏、或有誤之處,亦符合原始申報資料內容。 十六、 辦理海洋污染演練及專業訓練 1. 106 年 10 月 3 日圓滿完成海洋污染緊急應變正式演練 1 場次,結合 民間力量以動態操演方式提昇各單位在油污染應變時橫向及縱向聯 繫之能力,冀望於河川、海洋油發生污染時對海洋環境的衝擊損害降 至最低程度。 2. 106 年 10 月 26 日及 27 日至嘉義縣布袋港進行外縣市觀摩學習,藉 由外縣市演練,以提升本市相關海污人員經驗。 3. 進行海洋污染緊急應變演練設備器材、耗材配件養護工作包括:清點 暖暖貨櫃屋及仁愛區貨櫃屋器材,並請設備商檢查清點、更換發電機 電瓶及刷式汲油器電瓶、進行高溫高壓清洗機除鏽及油門維修工作, 目前相關設備均能運轉正常。。 4. 針對基隆市環保局相關污染緊急應變器材,完成 3 場次清潔、維護保 養、盤點等整備工作,均已恢復原有性能,可有效強化整體海洋油污 染應變作業能量,符合環保署考核要求。另針對暖暖區貨櫃屋緊急應 變設備器材置放貨櫃屋周邊進行環境除草及清潔維護工作 2 次。 十七、 辦理本市海洋污染稽查管制作業: 1. 已執行 50 艘商船、50 艘漁船之船舶稽查管制作業;查核之相關文 件檢核均符合規定,未發現污染違規情事。 2. 已執行港口稽查管制作業 152 件次;查核過程中如有發現環境髒亂 情形,均立即通知八斗子漁港管理站、或正濱漁港管理站進行清除。 3. 執行污染源稽查管制作業;列管基隆市轄區內公私場所名單分別為 台灣中油股份有限公司基隆港(基隆供油服務中心)及台電公司協和 發電廠,分別於 6 月及 11 月進行許可名單查核作業。 十八、 計畫期間針對本市各公私立單位進行設備清單普查及建立聯絡人清 冊,更新海洋油污染及化學品污染設備地圖(內容包含品項、規格、 數量、設備現況、聯絡方式等資訊),並依據環保署風險地圖製作, 完成 106 年基隆市海洋油污染應變風險地圖更新及本市商港及漁港 海洋污染應變能量評估。 十九、 推動宣導營造綠色港口環境 1. 本計畫於稽查船舶與港區環境清潔時,積極宣導加油作業應依規定 圍設攔油索、告知船長(包含外籍漁民或漁工)漁船之廢棄物應確實 攜回岸上進行收受處理,船上廢棄物不要棄入外海及港池。此外, 為落實港區內廢棄物清除、減量、分類及回收再利用,增進海洋環 境保護觀念,特邀請港口管理機關、船東及港區漁民(漁工),於 106 年 9 月 25 日辦理海洋環境相關法規宣導會 1 場次。 2. 105 年 11 月 10 日辦理本市民眾參與海洋防治工作,體驗港市生活 戶外宣導活動 1 場次。 二十、 已辦理第一至四季港區水質檢測採樣工作,檢測結果未發現有異常 情行。 二十一、 推動民間主動參與海洋污染防治工作 1. 持續維持本市 4 隊海洋環境巡守隊正常運作,並於 11 月 8 日辦理 1 場次教育宣導會。 2. 針對本市里辦公室、里民、大專院校、海洋環境巡守隊、基隆區漁 會、漁港管理站、基隆港務分公司、台灣中油公司及基隆市各海污 應變器材管理單位,完成海洋環境相關教育宣導會 4 場次,累計出 席人數達 2,139 人次。 二十二、 海底(漂)垃圾清除暨海洋環境教育宣導: 1. 近岸海底(漂)垃圾狀況初步調查:針對各風景區與沿岸調查海底 垃圾分布熱區並進行垃圾清除評估已完成 5 次,動員潛水人員 164 人次,清除海底垃圾約 855.6 公斤。 2. 完成後並製作相關 5 分鐘精華版及 20 分鐘完整版成果短片 20 份。 二十三、 相關行政配合工作 河川污染防治宣導文宣資料 100 份已提送並作為宣導活動所用。
中文關鍵字 水污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8337.68 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/23 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 宋盈璋
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 江柏毅 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果摘要.pdf 0MB 期末報告成果摘要

106 year Keelung water pollution prevention and control plan

英文摘要 Summary of results: The project has been implemented since March 23, 2006 and ended on December 20, 2006. The project is forecasted Set the progress of work, there is no backward situation. First, inspection control and sampling For the city water pollution control projects and tap water source water quality protection zone for the following control operation: 1. The work team has completed the jurisdiction of the cause of management (with the control number or EPA designated new things Industry inventory object) inspection operations a total of 144 times; only one community during the period (green leaves Villa) due to sewage facilities failure caused by the lack of follow-up has been required institutions to complete improve. 2. For the jurisdiction of the construction site has completed 21 sub-sampling inspection operations, part of the site by hand Sampling grit chamber water quality and found that the detection of pH value exceeds the regulatory standards (≧ 9) case, speculated Should be affected by grouting operations within the work area, which requires the industry should strengthen the grit chamber clean-up, In order to maintain the desalination basin should have the functionality. 3 inventory area waste (sewage) aqueduct discharge part, has been seized 3 dark tube, and by the 7th announcement After the completion of sealing operations. 4. Has completed the first ~ four seasons Xidin River, Namrong River, Asahikawa River, Tianliao River and other North River Department of the river Water pollution indicators Water quality monitoring operations, of which 52 points in the sample, are not (slightly) contaminated Only 9 o'clock, there are 8 times the mild pollution, moderate pollution is 19 times, Belonging to a serious pollution of 15 points times; after the investigation of domestic sewage into the river, and the river Small flow rate and low flow rate, resulting in higher concentrations of pollution. Second, pollution sources file and investigation 1. Six clogs were delivered in November and water from the Dawulun Industrial Zone was discharged into the water in Keelung River Basin Material contribution, and based on the operating parameters of sewage treatment plants to deal with functional pollution reduction Policy and Feasibility Assessment. 2. In November sent to the cause of management satellite positioning, mapping pollution sources and the river station (Including the North Harbor River) and drainage location diagram, and point source pollution assessment. 3. In November, the "Regulations Governing the Promotion of Total Water Pollution Sources" promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department Proposed to give priority to the implementation of total control of the target water body. 4. To complete the assessment of the river water quality objectives under the conditions of allowable pollution emissions. 5. Ji (patrol) access to upstream and downstream sewage outfall sewage chemical plant storage facilities, and add Strongly advise and counseling the establishment of emergency response facilities, completed 11 secondary storage facilities business certification Check the propaganda and counseling operations. Third, the operation of the water environment watch help patrol team 1. Two environmental patrol team environmental education seminars have been held and the "Water Environment Notification System" Mode of operation, river water pollution incident notification procedures, as well as simple water quality testing and other projects Be explained. 2. A total of 30 cases were interviewed during the project patrol team informed the case, have completed the site clean-up work. Fourth, continue to promote the permit system: 1. Has conducted two sessions of water pollution prevention and treatment of propaganda briefing session, for the management of representatives of institutions To carry out water pollution law-related regulations, to remind the industry on a regular basis to declare. 2. It is provided that from March to December, the extension of the permit should be completed and the period of validity of the permit has expired Apply for a list of delays and take the initiative to inform the industry on the phone before the deadline for handling the matter Reason extension. 3. According to the schedule to send March to December monthly work report and first quarter report. Fifth, water pollution prevention and control system database control: 1. From March to December, for the water pollution prevention and control system database, respectively, the rationality, Correctness, or anomaly screening operation, no abnormal situation was found. 2. In response to the "Water Pollution Source Information System", "EPD Training Offices set up a dynamic network Page "," Environmental Management Department of the Executive Yuan Control Numbering System "and other water pollution prevention The computer database required for business continuity is maintained and updated. VI, November 23 for river pollution prevention training a professional, professional equipment manufacturers invited, In response to members of the Pollution Emergency Response Team, training in river pollution prevention and control, training content Contains equipment decontamination principles, application restrictions and maintenance points. Seven, on December 20 for river pollution emergency response exercises a scene, the main content of the exercise To river oil pollution treatment. Eight, 8.48 tons of river rubbish have been removed during the project, with a total of 71 manpower Off garbage and recyclables are sent to the sky outside the incineration plant, or recycling of resources to deal with and improve Water quality of Xidi River and Dawulun Stream. Nine, a daily review of the cause of the water quality management of automatic monitoring and recording video surveillance system stability For mastering the discharge water quality of WWTPs and Xiehe Power Plant in Dawulun Industrial Area, There are unusual circumstances. Ten, drinking water source water quality protection: 1. The raw water quality of the four water purification sites in the first to fourth quarters has been sampled and seven water intakes In the second quarter, due to the cooperation of the Hong Kong Bureau of Water Resources, Work, resulting in detection of E. coli significantly increased to 15,000, 18,000 CFU / 100mL, the other test results are not beyond the standard value. 2. On a regular basis with the jurisdiction of the District Water District Office, for the new mountain, west potential of two reservoirs micro Cyst algae inspections, all found no algal blooms. XI, drinking water safety management: 1. The sampling of 394 tap water supply systems has been completed and the test results are in accordance with the drinking water quality Standard specification. 2. To complete the first four seasons of water works clean water outlet and raw water quality testing, seized Test results were in line with drinking water quality standards and drinking water source water quality standards. 3. Has completed 36 wells, spring water and other simple tap water quality inspection sampling, phase Guan water is not suitable for direct health drinks. 4. A total of 184 inspections of continuous water supply fixed equipment for public drinking have been carried out in line with the requirements Drinking water quality standards. 5. Has handled the first four seasons within the jurisdiction of the water purification water purification agent check, of which six blocked water Field and well-being of the procurement of pharmaceutical agents include polyaluminum chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite three, Warm water purification plant site and Johor Bahru (JB) Purification Plant purchasing polyaluminum chloride, sodium hydroxide and other two Species; and the four water purification sites in the various heavy metal testing projects, no over-standard items, in line with Tap water treatment Pharmacy testing standards. 6. Has conducted the first to four quarters of the jurisdiction of the packaging or costumes of the drinking water industry, the check is now the city Only one remaining place (Kok Cheong General Factory Co., Ltd.) drinking water supplier did not experience any inspections Existing violations of relevant norms of the situation. 7. Cooperate with the 106 annual inspection of drinking water management key audit of the inspection business. Twelve, community sewage inspection control and counseling: Has completed 38 community sewage sewer facilities permit check, water quality sampling; Some communities of Escherichia coli high, the rest pH, temperature, BOD5, COD and SS and other tests Item meets the standard. Thirteen, factory evaluation For the jurisdiction of the five business units in the September 25 and 26 factory evaluation, and at 8 The initial assessment report will be completed on the 30th and the re-assessment operation will be conducted on October 23 and 24, October On the 27th to submit a duplicate review report. Fourteen, has conducted 21 Jurisdictions Campus hydrophilic environment advocacy activities, the total number of students participating in up to 786 people to take root in the downward development model to enhance the concept of protection of water environment for school children. Fifteen, has completed 22 sub-water pollution fee reporting institutions to check the suspicion; Information is non-negligible, or in error, also in line with the original declaration of information content. Sixteen, for ocean pollution drills and professional training 1. On October 3, 106, successfully completed a formal exercise of marine pollution emergency response 1 session, combined Civilian forces to improve the performance of dynamic dynamic units of each unit in the oil pollution contingency horizontal and vertical joint Department of the ability to look forward to in the rivers, marine oil pollution damage to the marine environment when the damage To the minimum. 2. On October 26 and October 27, 106, we went to Bujang County in Jiayi County to study and learn from other counties Practice by outside counties to enhance the experience of the relevant sea-water personnel in this Municipality. 3. To carry out marine pollution emergency equipment exercise equipment, supplies parts maintenance work include: inventory Warming Container Terminal and Renai District Container Terminal Equipment, and equipment manufacturers check inventory, replace the generator Battery and brush-type hood battery, high-temperature and high pressure cleaning machine rust and throttle repair work, Currently related equipment can operate normally. . 4. For Keelung EPA-related emergency equipment for pollution emergency, to complete 3 sessions of cleaning, maintenance Maintenance, inventory and other curb work, have restored their original performance, which can effectively enhance the overall marine oil Strain working energy, in line with the EPA assessment requirements. Another for the warm area container house should be emergency Equipment replacement equipment placed around the container house environment weeding and cleaning and maintenance work 2 times. Seventeen, for the city's marine pollution inspection control operations: 1. Has implemented the 50 merchant ships, 50 fishing vessels ship inspection control operations; check the relevant text Pieces of the inspection are in line with the provisions of the pollution did not find any violations. 2. The harbor inspection control operation has been carried out 152 times; any environmental disturbance found during the inspection process Situation, immediately notify the Baduzha fishing port management station, or Zhengbin fishing port management station for removal. 3. The implementation of pollution source inspection and control operations; in charge of Keelung area under the jurisdiction of public and private places were Taiwan's PetroChina Co., Ltd. Keelung Port (Keelung Oil Supply Service Center) and Taiwan Power Company Concord Power plants, check the permit list in June and November respectively. Eighteen, during the plan for the city of various public and private units to conduct inventory surveys and establish contacts clear Book, update marine oil pollution and chemical pollution equipment map (content items, specifications, Quantity, equipment status, contact information and other information), and in accordance with the EPA risk map production, Completed 106 Keelung city marine oil pollution risk map update and the city commercial port and fishing port Marine Pollution Strain Energy Assessment. Nineteenth, to promote advocacy to create a green port environment 1. The project actively checks and polices the refueling operations when inspecting the cleanliness of ships and port areas in accordance with the regulations Surrounded by barriers to inform captains (including foreign fishers or fishermen) of the waste of fishing vessels should be true Take it back to the shore for collection and disposal. Do not abandon ship's waste into the sea and the harbor. In addition, To promote the removal, reduction, classification and recycling of waste in the port area and enhance the marine environment Border protection concepts, special invitation to the port authorities, owners and harbor fishermen (fisheries), at 106 On September 25, 2010, a meeting of the Marine Environment-related Law and Regulation Conference was held. 2. November 10, 105 for the city's public participation in marine prevention and control work, experience the city life Outdoor activities 1 event. Twenty, has handled the first four seasons water quality testing sampling, the test results found no abnormalities Love line. Twenty-one, to promote private participation in marine pollution prevention and control work 1. Continuing to maintain the normal operation of the four marine environment patrol teams in this Municipality and handling 1 Event Education Conference. 2. For the city offices, residents, tertiary institutions, the Marine Environmental Patrol Team, Keelung area fishing Will, fishing port management station, Keelung Port Branch, Taiwan's oil companies and Keelung sea pollution Strain and Equipment Management Unit, to complete the Marine Environment Education Association 4 sessions, the cumulative out The number of seats reached 2,139. Twenty-one, seabed (drift) garbage removal and marine environmental education advocacy: 1. Nearshore (drift) garbage preliminary investigation: for the various scenic spots and coastal survey sea Garbage distribution hotspots and garbage removal assessment has been completed 5 times to mobilize divers 164 The number of people, about 855.6 kilograms of clear seabed trash. 2. After the completion of production and related 5 minutes of the essence version and 20 minutes full version of the achievement video 20 copies. Twenty-three, the relevant administrative work 100 copies of propaganda and propaganda materials for river pollution prevention have been sent and used as propaganda activities
英文關鍵字 Water pollution