

中文摘要 本年度計畫期間於106年度1月1日至12月31日止,針對新竹縣營建工程 空污費進行申報收費、營建工程管理辦法稽巡查管制、圍籬綠美化、裸露地覆蓋、 一般裸露地綠覆、道路認養洗掃、廢土不落地等輔導,本年度針對營建工程施工 機具做調查,以瞭解本縣轄區內施工機具使用情形及分布、另輔導營建工程提前 申請臨時用電,降低發電機使用頻率以減少噪音及柴油異味之污染。年度相關成 果說明如下所示: 一、營建空污費徵收及催繳查核 計畫執行統計期間於106年1月1日~11月15日止(以下簡稱計畫期間), 接獲營建空污費申報案件共計1,811件,申報金額為30,999,228元,扣除退 費金額總計實收金額為36,077,815元;針對巡查已完工之工地進行電話催補 繳結算,總計清查1,094 處完工案件,已有1,021 處到環保局完成結算,並 已完成補繳4,571,731元。 主動通知方式包含有電話通知、傳真通知、函文通知等方式,目前已有 350件之業者於接獲通知後確認工程確實已完工,至環保局完成結算,並已 完成補繳5,094,373 元,其餘工程尚在施作中或其他因素停工等,後續亦將 持續加強主動通知以提醒業者完成結算作業。 二、營建工程稽(巡)查管制作業 計劃期間需完成5,500處次的工地巡查管制工作,目前106年1月1日 至11月15日,已完成4,913處次工地巡查作業,統計結果如表3.1-4所示。 計畫的工地巡查管制作業進度已達成該計畫期間所預定之目標。其中第一級 工地查核總數為1,174 件次,第二級查核工地數為2,209 件次,第三級查核 工地數為1,530件次,其中,雖然第三級工程未受營建工程污染防制設施管 理辦法約束,工地巡查人員以管理辦法之防制措施,要求營建工程設置有效 之防制設施或以替代方式實行,以達到污染防制之目的。 管制前本縣營建工地TSP污染負荷平均為0.87公噸/月-公頃;管制後為 0.36公噸/月-公頃,整體污染削減率為58.16%;在管制覆蓋程度之排放量管 制率方面,由1月累計至11月逸散粉塵排放量達2,965.2公噸,掌握的巡查 排放量則為2,710.6公噸,整體累計之巡查排放量管制比率為91.4 %,而在 當年度納管工地管制覆蓋率方面,由1 月累計至11 月納管工地數為3,693 件,其中3,215件已派員完成多次巡查輔導管理辦法,整體累計之已巡查納 管比率為87.1%。 三、辦理宣導說明會議 計畫執行期間已分別於106年3月29日、5月15日、9月20日,各辦 理一場營建工程宣導說明會,宣導對象主要為各類工程業者及承包商,三場 次共計有168人與會,其內容係針對常見污染之防範方法與相關法令介紹, 期使營建工地對環境所造成污染降至最低,以提高生活品質。 四、各項輔導政策推廣成效 執行自106年1月1日至11月15日止,邀請本縣轄境內施工中之營建 工地執行道路認養維護作業,共有75處工地配合此項作業,認養道路77條, 總計認養長度達124.1 公里,累計洗街長度為10,221.7 公里、掃街長度為 5,911.3公里,總計洗掃街長度已達16,133.09公里,削減量總計為TSP:222.64 公噸、PM10:41.95公噸、PM2.5:9.68公噸。。 另針對非營建工地裸露地改善部分,共計掌握新竹縣全縣13處,總掌 握面積為6.8公頃,目前改善面積達6.52公頃,其TSP削減量2.3公噸、PM10 削減量1.15公噸;工地圍籬綠美化部分,共計完成輔導98處施工中工地完 成圍籬綠美化工程,面積共計21,505 平方公尺,且仍有多處工地正積極進 行規劃中,其中執行綠化有25處,綠化面積達7,290平方公尺;執行廣告美 化有79處,美化面積達14,315平方公尺;另共計輔導43處工地配合執行廢 土不落地政策,減少污染排放。 計畫執行期間移動式遠端監控系統監控營建工地共計有3處(次),期監 測天數共計有227 天;利用無人空拍機巡查營建工地共計有44 處,其中發 現違反管理辦法規定共計有9處,較常發現的污染違規項目為車行路徑髒污 佔整體比率11.4%,共計5件、堆置區未完全覆蓋佔9.1%,共計4件;強化 式防塵布共33處營建工地裝設,總面積達3,839平方公尺,預計可削減PM10: 877.6kg。
中文關鍵字 營建工程


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8433 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 賴柏錡
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王敏 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


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期末報告 106年新竹縣營建工程稽查管制計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 57MB 106年新竹縣營建工程稽查管制計畫期末報告定稿

2017 Hsinchu County Construction Site Auditing Project/Final Report

英文摘要 This report summarizes the project from the period of January 1st, 2017 to December 31st in the areas of payment applications of air pollution for the construction project in Hsinchu County, the auditing and controls in the management of the construction projects, greenery and aesthetics of fences, covering exposed land, general green paving of exposed land, road adoption and cleaning, and advisement to ensure land waste from falling on the ground. The year’s inspections on construction equipment gave an understanding in the usage and allocation of heavy machinery in the jurisdiction of the county; additionally, advisement was given to construction projects for advanced application of temporary electricity use to reduce the frequency of generator use and in turn reduce pollution from noise and smell of diesel fuel. The results of this year are as detailed below: 1、Col lection and Audi t ing of Air Pol lution Fees for Construct ion Projects The project was executed in the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th (referred to below as the project period) and received a total of 1,811 cases applying for construction air pollution fees, totaling NTD $30,999,228 in applications; after deducting refunds, the total actual amount collected was NTD $36,077,815. The total number of completed construction sites that received telephone reminder for fee collection included the inspection of 1,094 completed projects and 1,021 of these companies have settled their balances at the Environmental Protection Agency for a total of NTD $4,571,731. Notification methods include telephone, fax, and official letters with 350 contractors confirming project completion after being notified; they have settled their balance with the EPA and paid a total of NTD $5,094,373. The remaining projects are still underway or have stopped due to other issues; further follow-up of these projects will see continued notice to contractors to complete the settling of their balance. 2、Construction Project Audi ting (Inspect ion) Operations A total of 5,500 inspections of construction sites needed to be completed in the project period and a total of 4,913 inspections were completed between the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th with results as shown in table 3.1-4. The progress of inspections of construction sites has achieved planned targets. OfThis report summarizes the project from the period of January 1st, 2017 to December 31st in the areas of payment applications of air pollution for the construction project in Hsinchu County, the auditing and controls in the management of the construction projects, greenery and aesthetics of fences, covering exposed land, general green paving of exposed land, road adoption and cleaning, and advisement to ensure land waste from falling on the ground. The year’s inspections on construction equipment gave an understanding in the usage and allocation of heavy machinery in the jurisdiction of the county; additionally, advisement was given to construction projects for advanced application of temporary electricity use to reduce the frequency of generator use and in turn reduce pollution from noise and smell of diesel fuel. The results of this year are as detailed below: 1、Col lection and Audi t ing of Air Pol lution Fees for Construct ion Projects The project was executed in the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th (referred to below as the project period) and received a total of 1,811 cases applying for construction air pollution fees, totaling NTD $30,999,228 in applications; after deducting refunds, the total actual amount collected was NTD $36,077,815. The total number of completed construction sites that received telephone reminder for fee collection included the inspection of 1,094 completed projects and 1,021 of these companies have settled their balances at the Environmental Protection Agency for a total of NTD $4,571,731. Notification methods include telephone, fax, and official letters with 350 contractors confirming project completion after being notified; they have settled their balance with the EPA and paid a total of NTD $5,094,373. The remaining projects are still underway or have stopped due to other issues; further follow-up of these projects will see continued notice to contractors to complete the settling of their balance. 2、Construction Project Audi ting (Inspect ion) Operations A total of 5,500 inspections of construction sites needed to be completed in the project period and a total of 4,913 inspections were completed between the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th with results as shown in table 3.1-4. The progress of inspections of construction sites has achieved planned targets. OfThis report summarizes the project from the period of January 1st, 2017 to December 31st in the areas of payment applications of air pollution for the construction project in Hsinchu County, the auditing and controls in the management of the construction projects, greenery and aesthetics of fences, covering exposed land, general green paving of exposed land, road adoption and cleaning, and advisement to ensure land waste from falling on the ground. The year’s inspections on construction equipment gave an understanding in the usage and allocation of heavy machinery in the jurisdiction of the county; additionally, advisement was given to construction projects for advanced application of temporary electricity use to reduce the frequency of generator use and in turn reduce pollution from noise and smell of diesel fuel. The results of this year are as detailed below: 1、Col lection and Audi t ing of Air Pol lution Fees for Construct ion Projects The project was executed in the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th (referred to below as the project period) and received a total of 1,811 cases applying for construction air pollution fees, totaling NTD $30,999,228 in applications; after deducting refunds, the total actual amount collected was NTD $36,077,815. The total number of completed construction sites that received telephone reminder for fee collection included the inspection of 1,094 completed projects and 1,021 of these companies have settled their balances at the Environmental Protection Agency for a total of NTD $4,571,731. Notification methods include telephone, fax, and official letters with 350 contractors confirming project completion after being notified; they have settled their balance with the EPA and paid a total of NTD $5,094,373. The remaining projects are still underway or have stopped due to other issues; further follow-up of these projects will see continued notice to contractors to complete the settling of their balance. 2、Construction Project Audi ting (Inspect ion) Operations A total of 5,500 inspections of construction sites needed to be completed in the project period and a total of 4,913 inspections were completed between the period of January 1st, 2017 to November 15th with results as shown in table 3.1-4. The progress of inspections of construction sites has achieved planned targets. Ofthese, the total number of level 1 construction sites totaled 1,174, level 2 inspections totaled 2,209, while level 3 inspections totaled 1,530. Although level 3 construction sites are not restricted by pollution prevention mechanisms of construction sites, inspection staff reference the preventative measures of the regulations to request companies to use effective preventative measures or substitute solutions to achieve the goal of pollution prevention. Prior to inspections, the county’s construction sites had an average TSP pollution load of 0.87 tons/month – hectare; post inspections, this figure was 0.36 tons/month – hectare for an overall reduction of 58.16%. Regulations on the coverage of emissions totaled 2,965.2 tons of dust emissions between the months of January and November. Inspections of emissions totaled 2,710.6 tons, totaling control of 91.4% of all emissions. In terms of construction site coverage, a total of 3,693 construction sites were totaled between January and November with 3,215 sites receiving multiple inspections for regulation; the accumulated overall inspection rate was 87.1%. 3、Host ing of Advisement Meet ings During the project period, construction advisement meetings were held on March 29th, May 15th, and September 20th of 2017. Advisement targets included various construction operators and contractors with a total of 168 participants across the 3 meetings. The content of the meetings included prevention of common pollution sources and the introduction of their related regulations in the hopes of reducing pollution in construction sites to a minimum and increase the quality of life. 4、Performance of Various Pol icy Promot ions Project execution lasted between January 1st, 2017 to November 15th in which the construction sites within the jurisdiction of the county were invited to adopt roads and conduct maintenance operations. A total of 75 construction sites participated in this operation, adopting 77 roads that spanned 124.1 km. An accumulated distance of 10,221.7 km in roads were washed and 5,911.3 km in roads were swept for a total distance of 16,133.09 km of roads cleaned. Reductions totals were TSP: 222.64 tons, PM10: 41.95 tons, PM2.5: 9.68 tons. Additionally, the focus on improvements to exposed lands of non-construction sites saw 13 locations across Hsinchu County for a total area of 6.8 hectares; currently, improved areas total 6.52 hectares with a TSP reduction of 2.3 tons and PM10 reduction of 1.15 tons. Counseling was given to 98 constructionsites to complete the process of aesthetic greenery for their fencing, completing 21,505 square meters. Many other sites are currently aggressively planning completion of this aspect, with 25 sites executing greenery for a total area of 7,290 square meters; 79 sites are completing aesthetic advertisements for a total area of 14,315 square meters. Additionally, 43 sites are under advisement and complying to execute policy to prevent land waste from falling on the ground and reduce pollution emissions. During the project period, 3 construction sites were fitted with mobile remote monitoring systems for 227 days of surveillance in total; 44 construction sites were photographed with drones and 9 sites were found in violation of regulations. Common pollution violations include dirty vehicle paths, totaling 5 violations or 11.4% of all violations, 4 violations of inadequately covered stacking areas were found, totaling 9.1%. A total of 33 construction sites installed enhanced dust clothsfor a total area of 3,839 square meters for an estimated total reduction of PM10:877.6 kg.
英文關鍵字 construction project