英文摘要 |
The implementation of the seven major items in this year's platform establishment has realized the following major achievements:
1. Preparation of mid- and long-term development planning strategy
In this year, three hosts were provided for testing as the basis for proposing the subsequent hardware specifications. Mid-term and long-term development plans are proposed in the final report.
2. Development of system data import of relevant units of the Administration
The Project has completed the collection of 13 sets of system data, through batch and interface import, and has obtained 35 datasheets and 470 fields in total.
3. Development of supervision management platform (master system)
The functional development of supervision management platform was completed in accordance with the system planning documents discussed as per the requirements, and the system functional tests were also completed. The data of each business unit have been integrated into the enterprise’s general account and the system can be used to quickly examine the relevant license information, application information, investigation and handling information of the enterprise. Due to the size and complexity of the information, the establishment of the model and the standardization of articulation operation can be facilitated with the help of information technology.
4. Analysis of pollution hotspot mechanism for enterprises with high pollution potential and establishment of corresponding system functions
The Project has preliminarily proposed hotspot factors and completed the establishment of system functions, and the supervisors can quickly locate the list of pollution hotspots.
5. Development of supervision operation platform (subsystem)
The functional development of mobile supervision management platform was completed in accordance with the system planning documents discussed as per the requirements, the system functional tests was also completed. Through the operation of mobile supervision management platform, the electronic-based operations will be introduced into deep inspection operations, and the system can compile the necessary background information of the company in advance. The guiding electronic form filling mechanism can provide electronic inspection-friendly operations, reduce the time for establishing inspection forms, provide inspectors access to geographic information, knowledge and technology, and improve the inspection process with intelligent tools.
6. Provision of handheld tablet devices and Internet services
A total of 40 sets of ASUS ZenPad 3S 10 (Z500KL) with accessories (touch pen, tablet screen protector (matte), tablet leather case, leather bag, buckle ring and car charger) were purchased during this year. In addition, we have cooperated with Chunghwa Telecom in 4G network without call function.
7. Implementation of education and training, guiding the users to get familiar with platform functions
The education and training focused on the instructions of master system and subsystem. In this year, we conducted 3 education. The sessions provided each participant with one tablet for practical operations and the reinforced explanation of system functions and distributed the tablets prior to the official launch of the system to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy.
To sum up, this year’s work items include platform development, and the continuous improvement of the platform will provide more diversified services to make the platform closer to the users' operation needs and increase the user's willingness to use the platform