

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合貴局之要求,於106年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業至106年底止,營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計85處(年度新增50處),道路認養目前累計85處(年度新增50處)洗掃長度達47,649公里,營建工程巡查共完成4,078處次,空污費徵收及稽催(徵收/稽催件數)共徵收2,410件,稽催件數達476件,其餘各項工作執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 統計106年工地污染管制巡查共完成4,078次,其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市1,169件及吉安鄉862件最多,其次依序為新城鄉(377件)及秀林鄉(278件)。平均每月巡查件數為340件。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程2,152件與建築(RC)工程1,038件,為主要巡查重點。 就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查259處次,以建築(房屋)工程-鋼筋混凝土結構佔最多,其次為其他工程及道路(隧道)工程-道路。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市及秀林鄉為主要稽查重點區。 為執行營建工地噪音管制,目前本計畫人員106年度共計執行72次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,量測結果均符合噪音管制標準,Leq量測範圍在55.0~74.5dB(A)之間,Lmax量測範圍在67.1~86.4dB(A)之間。Lmax值較高之工程大多集中在開挖及佈樁作業。 (二)一、二級工程管制率及法規符合度 106年共計列管工地3,640處,屬於一級工程有992處,佔總數之27%;二級工程有1,680處佔總數46%;三級工程968處佔總數之27%,工程巡查共計巡查2,531處,其中第一級工程共現勘巡查808處,納管率為81%,第二級工程巡查1,680處,納管率為72%,整體花蓮縣營建工程納管率為70%。 在法規符合度上,一級工程法規符合度由106年1月81%提升至12月92%,二級工程法規符合度由106年1月84%提升至12月的90%,總法規符合度為91%。 (三)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 統計106年本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收5,620萬0,770元,其中以疏濬工程2,021萬5,066元最多,佔總徵收金額36%,次之道路工程類別繳費1,397萬1,072元,佔總金額25%。本縣整體徵收金額105年為5,803萬520元,106年徵收金額為5,620萬770元,相較去年減少182萬9,750元,分析其主要原因,係因政府限制農舍建照申請,故106年建築類工程較105年有明顯的減少,除此之外,在106年道路工程部分,雖然申報件數增加22件,但徵收金額卻減少942萬9,837元,其原因係因道路工程申報件數雖然增收,但其施工工期相較縮短,由此可以得知106年道路工程施工規模明顯的縮小。 營建工程會因工程種類異動、工期縮短、施工面積減少、合約經費減少、或是停工異動而申請退補費,106年縣境內因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數最多,合計共有343件,共退費99萬8,138元;其次為因工期縮短申請退費有120件,共退費18萬4,779元。 (四)營建工程空污費稽催作業 統計106年由營建工程資料庫系統統計營建空污費申報未依期限繳納者共計有19處工地,分別為其他類工程14件、建築工程(RC)4件、管線工程1件,營建工程空污費繳費金額為新台幣8萬4,701元、滯納金及利息為新台幣3,634元,總金額為新台幣8萬8,335元,經人員進行催繳作業後已完成到繳,催繳率達成100%。 (五) 協助告發處分作業 自106年1月至12月,營建工程因未於開工前申繳空氣污染防制費致裁處共計2處,裁罰金額共計新臺幣為10萬1,500元,因揚塵污染致裁處共計1處,裁罰金額共計新臺幣為10萬,因現場缺失點數為10點以上未符合管理辦法致裁處共計1處,裁罰金額共計新臺幣為10萬。106年營建工程致裁罰共計4處,4處工地經輔導皆已完成改善。與前二年比較,營建工地積極巡查及進行勸導改善,裁處案件減少。計畫將針對本縣營建工地持續勤加巡查並持續輔導督促落實防制措施,以提升本縣營建工地法規符合度,近年主要告發原因為未於開工前申繳及未符合管理辦法。 (六)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 計畫期間已執行52場次之機動車輛攔檢(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢(查)522輛次,檢測作業相關記錄皆彙整由承辦單位執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象。 除依工作項目執行攔檢(查)作業外,並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢之行政程序及現場檢測作業,計畫期間已執行通知到檢作業並檢測完成共計88輛汽機車,其中36輛為路邊攔查檢及校園稽巡查部分,噪音車陳情網站18輛,警察單位移入部分為3輛,外縣市移入則有28輛,餘3輛次為民眾來電檢舉。 本年度應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達50點次以上,本計畫年度已完成52點次。 (七)事業廢棄物流向管制 統計106年針對縣轄內營建廢棄物清除及處理機構51家共稽巡查226件次,本縣轄內GPS列管車輛勾稽及稽查每月10家共查核187件146家皆符合操作規定,行政院環境保護署事業廢棄物清運機具即時監控系統勾稽每週一次,共計51次3,588件687家。廢棄物列管工廠(場)事業及營建工地共稽巡查1,343件。統計106年度廢棄物清理計畫書審查(紙本)共76件,營建工程完工解列共102件(1件為不需提送廢清書解列)。營建工程部分請空污費櫃檯每週提送當週新申報營建工地名單,共提送52次2,412件,新增列管83件。 統計106年本縣轄內非法棄置場址共稽巡查64件34處,移請檢警單位14件(其中1件法院已判決), 移請相關單位件3件,已完成清除12件,例行巡查1件,依罰裁處1件、限期清除1件、預計辦理會勘1件、經查非屬非法棄置行為1件。 (八)創新作法-無人載具空拍調查技術運用 針對縣內施工面積超過5,000平方公尺的10處大型污染工程進行空拍做業,(7處疏濬工程、1處建築工程、1處護岸工程及蘇花改工程)工地空拍作業。進行空拍作業期間查獲秀林鄉愚掘段218~237.244~245地號及秀林鄉愚掘段0343-0000地號有未申請之大面積堆置,經查為蘇花改中仁隧道開挖之土方堆置,未於開工前申報空氣污染防制費及設置相關污染防制措施。開立裁處2件共罰鍰新台幣200,000元,經加強輔導後,本案已於106年8月15日完成空污費申報。其中愚掘段0343-0000地號現況已恢復完成改善 。愚掘段218~237.244~245地號堆置區已完成申報,各項防制措施皆符合管理辦法規定。後續又查獲瑞穗鄉瑞穗段2477地號有物料堆置情形,經查為瑞穗春天國際觀光酒店於場外之堆置區。後續已完成申空污費申報,各項防制措施皆符合管理辦法規定。106年共完成10處工地空拍,配合GIS圖資系統進行彙整數據整合分析,排放量推估及面積計算,比對巡查作業填寫工地表單各項數據皆符合工地現況。 (八)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 九、計畫本期完成比率:100%,進度管控率:100%。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射、營建廢棄物流向管制


專案計畫編號 106-2-05 經費年度 106 計畫經費 11750 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃筱潔 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度-花蓮營建期末報告定稿本.pdf 41MB

106 Hualien County construction inspection cum noise control, general noise delineation program

英文摘要 According to the contractual norms work items and contents, in accordance with the requirements of your bureau, we completed the stipulated work items and submitted work results reports in the first half of this month. We first submitted the results of the previous month's performance reports to the end of each month. By the end of 106, A total of 85 consents for execution of site self-management were signed (50 new additions were made), a total of 85 (up to 50 new additions) of road care were washed, a total length of 47,649 kilometers was washed, a total of 4,078 inspection visits were carried out for construction and construction works, A total of 2,410 pieces of levies and rewards (collected / rewarded items) were collected, 476 pieces were implicated, and the rest of the work was listed as follows in order: (A) inspection of regulatory operations Statistics show that there were 4,078 inspections on construction site pollution control in 106 cities, of which 1,169 were for Hualien City and 862 for Ji'an Township, with the highest pollution load in each of the townships and cities, followed by Nei-Shiang (377) and Xiulin ( 278). The average number of monthly inspections was 340. In terms of project category, there were 2,152 other works and 1,038 construction (RC) works, which were the major inspections. In terms of the number of inspections, a total of 259 inspections have been conducted so far that the construction (housing) project - with the largest share of reinforced concrete structures, followed by other works and roads (tunnels) - roads. In terms of the number of inspections of townships and townships, Hualien City and Xulinlin Township are the key inspection areas. In order to implement construction site noise control, at present, the project staff implemented a total of 72 construction site noise audits for a total of 106 years. Noise measurements were carried out on major construction equipment at the site, including strange hands, cranes, crushers, ready-mix trucks, etc. The equipment prone to noise source was measured according to the law, Leq and Lmax, the measurement results are in line with noise control standards, Leq measurement range between 55.0 ~ 74.5dB (A), Lmax measurement range 67.1 ~ 86.4dB (A )between. Projects with higher Lmax values ​​are mostly concentrated in excavation and pile work. (B) one, two project control rate and regulatory compliance In 1996, a total of 3,640 construction sites were covered, representing 992 of the first-level projects, accounting for 27% of the total; 1,680 of the second-level projects accounting for 46% of the total; 968 of the third-level projects accounting for 27% of the total; 2,531 Of which 808 were surveyed by the first-level engineering survey, with an acceptance rate of 81%, 1,680 inspections at the second-stage project and a 72% acceptance rate. The overall construction management rate in Hualien County was 70%. In terms of compliance with laws and regulations, the compliance level of first-level engineering laws and regulations was raised from 81% in January 106 to 92% in December, and the compliance level of second-level engineering laws increased from 84% in January 106 to 90% in December. The compliance level of the general laws and regulations 91%. (C) construction project air pollution control fee collection business Statistics The air pollution prevention and control fees for the construction of this county totaled 56,200,000 yuan and 0,770 yuan in 2006, of which dwelling was up to 20,215,060 yuan, accounting for 36% of the total levy, and the toll of the sub-road engineering category was 13,971,072 yuan, accounting for the total amount 25%. The total amount of tax levied in this county was 58,030,200 yuan in 105 years, and the amount collected in 106 years was 5,620,757 yuan, a decrease of 1.82,927,000 yuan over the previous year. The main reason for this was that the government restricted the construction of farmhouses and applied for 106 years of construction In addition, in the road engineering section of 106, although the number of declarations increased by 22, the amount of collection decreased by 9,429,837 yuan, the reason is due to the number of road works to declare although However, the construction period is shortened, which shows that the construction scale of road projects has been significantly reduced in 106 years. Construction projects will be subject to changes due to project types, shorter construction period, reduced construction area, reduced contract costs, or stop working for an application fee back, 106 counties due to reduced contract funds apply for refund the most, a total of 343 , A total of 998,138 yuan for the refund; followed by a shorter period of time to apply for a refund 120, a total refund of 180,777 yuan. (D) construction project air pollution fees Ji reminder homework Statistics According to the database of construction and construction database in 1996, a total of 19 construction sites were declared for construction-funded sewage charges, including 14 other types of projects, 4 construction projects (RC), 1 pipeline project, and construction and construction projects The fee was NT $ 84,701 and the late fee and interest was NT $ 3,634. The total amount was NT $ 80,335. After the payment was completed, the fee was completed and the call rate reached 100%. (E) to help inform the disposal operations From January to December of this year, a total of two incidents have been imposed on construction and construction works for the air pollution prevention and control fee before commencement of construction. The total amount of the penalties is NT $ 101,500. A total of one office for littering reasons , A total penalty of NT $ 100,000, because the number of missing points on the scene for more than 10 points did not meet the regulatory approach to a total of 1, the amount of penalties totaling NT 10 million. In 2006, a total of 4 penalties were imposed on construction and construction work, and all four sites had been improved through counseling. Compared with the previous two years, the construction site actively inspected and advised to improve and reduce the number of cases of sanctions. The project will continue to diligently inspect and continue to supervise and supervise the implementation of prevention and control measures in order to enhance the compliance with laws and regulations of the construction site of the county. In recent years, the main reason for the announcement is that the application was not made before the commencement of construction and did not comply with the management measures. (6) Noise control of motor vehicles and investigation of non-ionizing radiation sources A total of 52 vehicles intercepted (searched) during the program period were checked and intercepted by the police on the basis of the noise level of vehicles. A total of 522 vehicles were intercepted (check-up) and the relevant records of testing operations were collected and executed by the undertaking unit. Procedures, unqualified vehicles will be notified as a notification object. In addition to conducting interception (search) operations according to the work items, it regularly relies on noise vehicle registration websites and police serenity project materials to collect suspicious noise vehicles for the purpose of screening and assisting in handling administrative procedures and on-site inspection operations During the painting period, a total of 88 steam locomotives have been notified and seized. A total of 36 steam locomotives were checked and checked by roadsides, 18 noise car sites, 3 police units were moved in, and other counties and cities moved in Then there are 28 vehicles, more than 3 times for the public to report calls. This year, the county should perform non-ionizing radiation measurement operations for more than 50 times, and the program has completed 52 points in the year. (7) Control over the flow of business waste Statistics 106 years for the county built within the jurisdiction of waste removal and disposal agencies 51 inspections of a total of 562 times, the jurisdiction of the county under the jurisdiction of GPS vehicle inspections and inspections of 10 a total of 187 146 were consistent with operational requirements, the administration Environmental Protection Department Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Waste Removal and Transport Equipment Immediate Monitoring System Check once a week for a total of 51 times 3,588 items 687 items. A total of 1,343 pieces of waste pipe factory (field) business and construction sites were inspected. A total of 76 waste examination papers were reviewed (paper) for a total of 106, construction completed and dissolved a total of 102 (1 without the need to send unscrupulous). Part of the construction project please empty the air pollution counters to submit a weekly list of newly declared construction sites for the week, bringing a total of 2,412 52 times, 83 new executives. Statistics 106 County illegal dumping sites in a total of 64 64 inspections, relocation of the prosecutor 14 units (including a court ruling), moved to the relevant units 3 pieces, 12 pieces have been cleared, for example A line inspection, according to a penalty at 1, a deadline to clear one is expected to handle a survey, the investigation is an illegal dumping 1. (VIII) Innovative Practices - Application of Aerial Vehicle Investigation Technology to Unmanned Vehicles For aerial workings of 10 large-scale pollution projects with a construction area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters in the county, aerial work at construction sites (7 dredging projects, 1 construction works, 1 bank protection works and Suhua alteration works) was carried out. During the aerial photographing operation, seized 218 ~ 237.244 ~ 245 Jiuding section of Xiuhulin Township and No. 0343-0000 landlot of Xiulin Hsienxianguotu area with large area of ​​undeclared heaps. Excavation of earthwork pile, did not start before the declaration of air pollution control costs and set the relevant pollution control measures. Two cases were set aside for a total penalty of TWD 200,000. After the intensive counseling, the case was completed on August 15, Among them, the status of 0343-0000 land No. has been restored and completed and improved. Dug excavation section 218 ~ 237.244 ~ 245 ground heap area has been declared, the control measures are in line with the provisions of the management approach. Follow-up and found Mizuho Mizuho section No. 2477 heap material accumulation situation, the Mizuho Spring International Tourist Hotel was found outside the stacking area. Subsequent applications have been completed declaration of sewage charges, the control measures are in line with the provisions of the management approach. In 106 years, a total of 10 site aerial photographs were completed, and the GIS data collection system was used to carry out the integration analysis of the collected data, emission estimation and area calculation. All the data in the site form were complied with the current site conditions. (Eight) other Manpower and Material Support: All are handled according to the instructions in the bureau. Temporary handling matters: all according to the instructions of the Council to assist in handling. Nine, the completion rate of the project this period: 100%, schedule control rate: 100%.
英文關鍵字 Construction, Air Pollution, Pollution Prevention, Noise Control, Non-ionizing Radiation, Construction of Waste Logistics Control